
Hey out there!
I've been active over the last 1 1/2 months with cardio (walk/run) and Jillian Michaels' extreme shed and shred (which is a HIIT) as well as a couple games of baseball throughout the week. I've also been tracking my diet, trying to stay within my limits, however I have not had any results.
My weight continues to fluctuate between 215 and 210 (I'm 5'9). MFP indicates that I should only be eating 1200 calories/day (I've set this for sedentary) and was eating back my exercise calories. Then I heard about TDEE and IIFYM and have changed my goals in MFP to match this.
I recently bought a fitbit flex to better monitor my calorie expenditure (recently as in a couple days ago). I've since stopped eating back my exercise calories and try to stay about 500 calories under my daily expenditure.
I guess I'm finding a lot of information out there and I really just want to know what works!!!
I'd appreciate any advice!
