Help me lose as much weight as possible in a year?



  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Read from various web sources or from a health book about "target heart rate". This will help you exercise at an intensity appropriate for your existing fitness level.

    It is likely you don't like exercise because you have been trying to work out too hard for your current level of fitness.

    Once you dial your intensity back to an appropriate level for fat-loss at your current fitness level, you will find exercise is not that distasteful, and after a month or two of regular exercise you will feel deprived without it.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    It's hard but the key is dedication. You have to want it so bad you will do anything for it. Remain focus and you'll get there. I was like that too. I would lose 12 lbs and stop and gain it all back but if you want it bad you'll get it. Just stick to your diet and exercising.
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    Food is the key, basically eat less and you'll lose weight.

    I exercise the.same as before but eat less drink less alcohol and have steadily lost weight.
  • BethReads
    I started at 260 and I'm down almost 25 lbs since June. The only workouts I did for the first two months was walking. I started withe one mile and now I can do three and a half. Walking just started getting a little boring and it's hot, so I tried Just Dance for the Wii and I love it. I burn a ton of calories in an hour of that.

    The biggest change is in the amount of food I'm cool with. I've been serving myself what I would eat before and putting back half and it's amazing how not hungry I am.
  • texasgrl9787
    I have using a supplement program called Advocare. It has seemed to help me and many other as well in their weightless. I did a 24 day challenge and I lost about 8 pounds and 10 inches. My starting weight was 169 at that moment. My partner also just recently did the challenge and she has since lost a total of about 19 pounds and is still continuing to lose weight. She continues on the product as well. This not a diet program. You aren't not eating. You still eat meals and with that you take your supplement vitamins. This has given me the best results. If you are interest in more info I would be more than happy to share with you.
  • mustangEvie
    mustangEvie Posts: 39 Member
    I think you can do it. I have a similar goal and have lost about 16.5 pounds just by changing my eating habits and logging everything. With they jump start I'm willing to try exercise now. Feel free to add me.