What am I doing wrong

So I have completed my first month of insanity. I try to run 4 to 5 times a week 3 to 4 miles I walk if it's to hot. I stick to 1200 calories pretty well give or take 100. What am I doing wrong I go from 140 to 144 any given day. Help Please.


  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    Were you doing any kind of workout prior to Insanity? If not, its probably a bit of water. We chics flucuate with water alot.

    Time or month, new workouts that your body is not used to, too much sodium the day before....and on and on.

    It took 5 weeks for my body to give us some scale weight when I did p90x classic starting in April 2014...then boom! 2 pounds came off ...then a few days later another pound came off...then more and then it stabilized to 1 lb per week thereafter.

    I completed that 3 months of the program...took a rest week...and started a new round. I lowered my calories 100 only, since I lost 15 pounds on the first round. This time it took 3 weeks for the scale to catch up and move.

    Make sure your food is in check, use a digital scale to weigh your food...try to keep your calories consistent, so you can see what's working.

    Only weigh yourself first thing in the morning (in the nude and after hitting the restroom). You can also check your scale for accuracy (just in case) with a dumb bell or something.

    Is 1200 the recommended calories for Insanity for your stats? http://www.teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/nutrition-tools/caloric-needs

  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    ^^^What she said
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    when you first start an exercise program, or when you substantially increase your exercise amount from what you were doing before, your muscles are being worked way harder than they are used to. to compensate for this, they retain water to help repair themselves. i've just started upping my running intensity and i've gained about 1.5 lbs overnight and i know that this is just water retention -- either from my muscles or from just normal fluctuations. either way, unless you've been eating a MASSIVE amount of calories, this is just water weight. it can take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks or more for the water weight to go away. frustrating, i know, but you've gotta keep telling yourself that it's not fat gain.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    1200 calories is not enough for a program like Insanity, especially if you are also running.
  • jspanman
    jspanman Posts: 686 Member
    Other than water retention, you could be increasing muscle mass? Have you ever checked your %body fat?
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    1200 calories is not enough for a program like Insanity, especially if you are also running.

    Indeed, most people should not be eating 1,200 regardless of the exercise regimen. Where did you get that number? You need to actually figure out your real TDEE - not just pick 1,200 calories because that's the "magic diet number" (which is not accurate, 99% of the time).
  • Are you eating back any of your exercise cals. If not I suggest you try that. You work out a lot, you need to fuel your body.
  • It is not about the calories, how are you eating and snacking and the times, are you taking in enough water and getting enough rest. I know with my body I can't have any bad carbs like bread and pasta or I have to eat good carbs, whole grains and foods rich in fiber and protein. Are you eating enough protein?
  • I did that test thing and it said I need 1353 calories so that's what I'm up to. Of course some days I have a bit more.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    Are you calculating in the running that you are doing too?
    For example....

    Choose your goal:
    Loose "Some weight"

    Rate your activity BEFORE Beachbody Program:
    Moderatively active (because you run 3-5 days)

    How many times will you be exercising per day? ?
    More than once a day

    My primary program is or will be:

    My secondary program is or will be:
    Running - 60 minutes

    I think the above answers are going to put you in the 2000 per day calorie range to lose weight, because of ALL the exercising you're doing. You could shoot for 1700, and still lose weight.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Other than water retention, you could be increasing muscle mass? Have you ever checked your %body fat?
    No. you do not gain muscle mass in a deficit.

    In all likelihood your eating more than you think. Do you weigh all solid foods and measure all liquids? Are the entries you are using in the database accurate? If you opened your diary people could give more specific help. Have a look at the link that will help your logging. Good luck

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    So I have completed my first month of insanity. I try to run 4 to 5 times a week 3 to 4 miles I walk if it's to [sic] hot. I stick to 1200 calories pretty well give or take 100. What am I doing wrong I go from 140 to 144 any given day. Help Please.
    First, is your goal weight healthy & reasonable?
    Look at a BMI chart, make sure you're in the green range for your height.
    [url] http://www.shapeup.org/bmi/bmi6.pdf [/url]
    For example, 140 is a healthy weight if you're between 5'4" and 6'0".
    You might be trying to go too low in weight.

    Once you know your healthy goal weight, multiply it by 10 to get goal calories to eat to lose weight.
    Unless you're very short, or under a doctor's care for weight loss, don't go under 1200 calories.
    Eating 1200 would bring you to 120 lb, which is in the healthy weight range for someone 4'8" to 5'7".

    Don't eat back exercise calories. (This is what my doctor told me to do, & you can see how well it's working.)
    1 - people (and MFP) overestimate calories burned
    2 - people underestimate calories eaten.
    Think of it as a bonus toward losing weight.
    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."

    And I agree with what others have said about water weight (linked to muscle repair) and gaining muscle mass.
    Take measurements.
    If you're losing fat & gaining muscle you'll be losing inches because fat is fluffy & muscle is sleek.