Awkward problem

So, I checked in with my personal trainer a couple days ago and asked her to measure both of my calves when we were updating my measurements, because I noticed one of my capri pant legs was looser than the other. I've lost an inch in every other measurement, and she told me my left calf is 3/4 of an inch larger than the right. And the right feels more muscular, so I'm assuming that's where the disparity came in.

How did this happen?! I've been doing weight training and PiYo, but I thought I was being pretty consistent on both sides. Does anyone have any advice on how I can fix this? Do I need to do a bunch of left-side exercises for the next three weeks? I don't want to have uneven calves, it's weird, lol.


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    By doing your current programs the problem will almost completely fix itself. Everyone favors a certain side so that is entirely nomral but by working each side equally you will allow the left leg to catch up a bit as your progress. Keep up the great work
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Everyone is asymmetrical. You probably also have one bigger arm, one larger foot, etc.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Everyone is asymmetrical. You probably also have one bigger arm, one larger foot, etc.

    Yeah, this one is just pretty noticeable being 3/4 of an inch bigger than the right one.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Yeah, this one is just pretty noticeable being 3/4 of an inch bigger than the right one.

    I doubt anyone notices besides you. If both calves have the same strength, i wouldn't worry about it.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Everyone is asymmetrical. You probably also have one bigger arm, one larger foot, etc.

    Yeah, this one is just pretty noticeable being 3/4 of an inch bigger than the right one.
    That's circumference, not diameter. That's a small difference. It's only a .2 inch difference in diameter (thickness), which is completely imperceptible.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Have you ever had a significant injury to either foot, knee, leg? I know that will cause imbalances as well -- my husband has that very issue. But, after consistently working out with heavy weights, the weaker one began to catch up.

    Or do you use one more than the other? I had a friend that always jumped on his left in basketball -- his left calf was noticeably larger than the right whenever he was consistently playing. Not noticeable to the average person on the street I think, but if he'd ask you about it and you'd study it, you'd notice it.
  • riverain
    riverain Posts: 55 Member
    My left leg and side are slightly weaker than the right, because I had an injury a few years ago and have recurrent piriformis syndrome (which is quite literally a pain in the @ss), so I favor my right side. When I was doing physical therapy, my PT had me do extra exercises on the weaker side (usually just one extra set, nothing extreme). So, if you are concerned with one calf being slightly smaller, you could just do an extra set of reps on that side each time you work out. My measurements are slightly different in each leg, it only annoys me when I'm kayaking and can't do things that well on the left. However, it really is a small difference that only you will notice, so don't worry about feeling self conscious. :)
  • brewinggirl_butskinnier
    I'm guessing it's not nearly as noticeable to others as it is to you.
    My butt muscles are shaped differently on each side. One side curves in slightly and one side curves out slightly. I was getting a massage and the therapist mentioned it...I was like yeah it's always been that way, and it has. I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he was like oh I never noticed that, let me see...yeah I guess it is!
    To me I thought it was obvious but apparently not.

    I'm almost positive it's not ever going to go away, it's always that way regardless of everything else. It could be the muscles attach in a different area causing them to be worked differently when I'm exercising.
  • Jetta_C
    Jetta_C Posts: 58
    I am extremely right-dominant throughout my whole body, so I sympathize. I ended up doing extra reps for everything on my left to bring it up to par. It can be super-subtle too: like I can be doing a push-up and think "I am doing this absolutely evenly" but look down and see my right hand is 3/4 inch in front of my left, thereby taking a greater share of the load. Doing that once doesn't add up to much but, over time, big imbalances can develop.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I measure a whole host of body parts once a month and there are often differences between left and right. Eventually they match, then they might differ a little again. It just happens. Try not to worry about it!
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Thanks everyone! That's all good to hear. I have had knee problems for years, but the odd thing is it's the right knee, and that's where I've loaded up more muscle from what I can feel. It's strange. But I'll keep tabs on it and hope it changes! It's enough that my loose-leg capris fit snugly on the left and loose on the right, lol. More awkward for me than anyone else though, it's true.