How much weight did you lose before family/friends noticed?



  • atkinsshake
    atkinsshake Posts: 21 Member
    I think its the same reason people dont say "wow, I see your putting on the lbs.". Some people find it impolite to mention someones weight. Especially amongst females. It just seems so personal. I personally would beam from ear to ear to hear that someone, anyone actually, lol, noticed my weight loss!
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    I've lost 10 lbs so far and I can definitely see the difference, but when wearing my clothing ( they're looser now and my underwear kept slipping off so I'm back to my smaller sized undies! Yea to the little victories!) it's hard to tell. I'm not relying on others to make me feel good, but I am curious how long it will take for others to notice. I've also been working out heavy (weights) so my scale is not really reliable now since I work out 6x a week. :)
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Neither men nor women acquaintances, for different reasons, will mention your weight loss until it is inescapable to make mention of it. Your closer friends probably will mention it sooner. (Assuming USA. Men aren't secure enough to talk about another man's *kitten* without thinking it brings their own sexuality into question and women are trained to avoid the subject of weight.)

    I went from 298 to 271 and started to move away from the XXXL into the XXL clothes. That's when I got first mentions. It was strange because, by then, even I was seeing it and I look at this face and body every day in the mirror.

    Can't wait to go to the XL clothes.
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    I weighed 185 lbs, and when I had lost about 20, people started to notice. So then I weighed 165 lbs. They, interestingly enough, noticed again when I weighed around 143-145 lbs. Now, I'm back at 150 and trying to get back to 145 because it's some sort of tipping point for me where I look much better :)
  • deborahgillion55
    deborahgillion55 Posts: 21 Member
    congratulation on your weight loss
  • AllisonMorrris3
    AllisonMorrris3 Posts: 5 Member
    It took 30 lbs for my coworkers to notice I lost a "little" weight. It took 60 before they could tell significant loss. I'm now down 90 and they all say" I don't even remember you being that big." I'm starting to think my coworkers aren't very observant. haha

    My hubby could tell after the first 20 lbs though. :)