Shot up 3 lbs over night?

Hi all - first time poster. First I'll give you some (brief) backstory.

28 year old male, 5'8''. Started exercising and eating better (must admit I still drink which has made it tough) 3 months ago and went from 188 lbs to 182. I've noticed a change in my body composition as well, while the number isn't as low as I feel I could have gotten in 3 months I find that I have more muscle and generally feel healthier.

An issue I had very recently was that I was hovering around 182 on Mon, Tues, and Wed then all of a sudden Thursday morning and today my weight shot up to 186-187. I've never had a problem with my scale and as much as I want to think it's the scale's fault, I doubt that's the case. Worked out on Tuesday and Wednesday prior to my weight jumping up Thursday morning and didn't binge drink or eat the night before.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I understand no one gains 3 lbs overnight, I'd have had to have eaten 10000+ calories. What is baffling me is that it was the morning following a day of the gym and no real "cheat meal" - just had a burger without a bun and some fries with water.


  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I weigh 2-3 lbs more every night over my morning weight.

    Water weight, hormones, digestion all play a role in scale weight. To gain 3lbs you would have had to consume 10,500 calories over maintenance in a day.
  • Zonny
    Zonny Posts: 9 Member
    My weight varies up to five pounds between morning and night. Don't sweat it! The number on the scale isn't the important part anyhow.

    I've been back on MFP for about six weeks, have lost eight pounds, but I feel like I've lost more as my pants fit differently.
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    this happens to me all the time... both directions. what i do is weigh myself every morning same time and same bladder situation, then average out 7 mornings of weight to get my weekly average weight. Then i compare this to the previous week's average weight.

    As long as the difference between the 2 matches your goal, keep it going.

    this helps eliminate water weight fluctuations. However it doesn't eliminate crappy scale or low batteries in said scale. so keep that in mind.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Didn't read the OP.

    You are 3lbs heavier because of poop and/or water weight. Stop freaking out.

    Seriously, I can lose a full pound by just pooping.
  • Thanks for the replies. Friendly reminder this came after the gym, after normal meals, and has persisted for two days.

    At what point should I think "crap, guess that burger was 12000 calories" ? :)
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    Welcome to the exiting world of "muscle-suck-up-water-after-training-just-to-make-you-feel-really-really-****y"

    As you suggested yourself, you can't gain 3lbs over night in fat, but water can. And it does.
    Happened to me last Sunday. Sunday heavy lifting training, Monday morning 3.2 lbs more.
    Great for a Monday.
    Was gone after three days.

    No worries :drinker:
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    I weigh 2-3 lbs more every night over my morning weight.

    Water weight, hormones, digestion all play a role in scale weight. To gain 3lbs you would have had to consume 10,500 calories over maintenance in a day.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Daily weight fluctuations can be 1- 5 Lbs day to day...better get used to it or you're going to drive yourself bat **** crazy when you get to maintenance. Nobody weighs exactly XXX Lbs. Those fluctuations show up when you're losing too.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Daily weight fluctuations can be 1- 5 Lbs day to day...better get used to it or you're going to drive yourself bat **** crazy when you get to maintenance. Nobody weighs exactly XXX Lbs. Those fluctuations show up when you're losing too.

    This. Just keep track of the overall weekly trends.
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    a gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. It's not unthinkable to retain 1/3 of a gallon of water, especially after exercise. When I was pregnant, I gained 23 pounds of water in five days. My ankles were swollen, but... 23 pounds? the body can hide water weight easily. It's possible for sure, and will even out. Don't stress about it, and maybe consider weighing weekly if you have a tendency to stress about it.