The 2 days I usually Blow it

PattiPositive Posts: 71
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Saturday and Sundays are my usual cheat days. I'm going to work on Not Blowing all the work I did this week. It'll be tough. Different schedule, Kids home, I take a exercise break. It throws me off.

Any tips for success?


  • For me, it would be important to stick to my weekly routine as much as possible. This would mean more planning maybe. So I would plan more of my meals, and even my 'cheat' foods, and I would do my exercise anyways. At least exercise on one of the days. Surely your family (kids) would support you in your efforts?
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    the only thing that works for me is tracking, tracking, tracking... i make sure i track everything i eat, even if i go over. and, if i'm going out to eat, i try to pick a place who posts nutrional info online so i can plan out what i'm going to eat before i get there. other than that, i try to keep myself busy so i don't just sit at home snacking all day.
  • Just wanted to throw in my two cents! The way I see it, even God took a day I always allow myself to rest on Sundays. I don't exercise, and I give myself a treat - but I don't go crazy! I'll either eat something savory that I've been thinking about all week, or I'll eat a little dessert. If you're anything like me, if you get something in your head and you deprive yourself of it, then you'll just keep obessing about it and one day eat a whole fried chicken and a pack of Oreo's. LOL. This also allows me to be stong during the week, because it gives me something to look forward too! I hope this helps! Know you are not alone, and good luck!
  • I don't pick cheat days, but only because if I designate a day as a "cheat", my subconscious mind insists that I can do whatever the heck I want. And then I go crazy and eat like a mad person. :noway:
  • plan meals ahead, set calories in your goal section for non exercise just for those two days. it will give you an idea how much less you need to eat because you are not active. Get out with those kids and play! its good for them and for you, it counts as exercise too. Kodos to you for knowing your weakness though and being honest with yourself. the weekend is hard for all of us.
  • I usually cheat a bit on the weekends but I will sometimes work out double to make up for it.
  • I don't pick cheat days, but only because if I designate a day as a "cheat", my subconscious mind insists that I can do whatever the heck I want. And then I go crazy and eat like a mad person. :noway:

    I have had this problem too.

    I am actually trying to avoid cheat days all together and focus more on human sized portions of cheat foods (like 1 donut per week). The hardest part is getting back into the groove once the cheat day is over. And if the cheat day coincides with a weekend, forget it, I'm face down in a jumbo bag of animal crackers!

    I really want to have a more balanced approach to enjoying treats. I want to include the satisfaction of enjoying food, without feeling guilty for eating the things I know are less healthy. Arrgh! Such is life!
  • Saturday and Sundays are my usual cheat days. I'm going to work on Not Blowing all the work I did this week. It'll be tough. Different schedule, Kids home, I take a exercise break. It throws me off.

    Any tips for success?

    I have found that sticking with exercise on the weekends helps. The intensity of the exercise doesn't need to be all out either. If anything, just being active and doing things as a family always help me to steer clear of grazing in front of the TV (my major downfall).

    I need to get back on the moderation wagon, and this is what has worked for me in the past. It really helps me to shift the psychological focus of eating treats from feeling like this is "my last supper on Earth so I had better make the most of it" to "It's okay to eat this and move on, there will be more to come later". Here's how it works.:

    I would find 1-2 food items that you love, love, love and save them for a special time on the weekend. Buy only 1 serving of the item (or more if you will be sharing it with friends/family) and then sit down and enjoy it slowly. Savor the scent, the texture, and the overall experience of this treat. Savor the feeling of accomplishment for your hard work during the week; you've earned this. And then when you are done, get up and do something fun! Shift you're focus from eating to being active (either physically or mentally). That way you're more likely to not go over board.

    If you overdo it, don't beat yourself or feel sorry for yourself. Get right back in the swing of things and continue your quest to greater health.
  • Change your routine! Think about all the hard work you put in throughout the week, do you want to undo that with a couple days of bad eating? Personally, I only plan on cheating when I feel it is nearly impossible to avoid - birthday parties, family gettogethers, dining out, etc... - I couldn't (and won't) allow myself to do it every weekend.

    Remember that any food is OK in moderation. Eat one serving, and STILL try to stay within you calorie goal for the day. If you go over a little bit, that's OK, just stay on track as much as you can. Remember that just because you have a calorie-filled lunch, does not mean you have to eat an equally unhealthy dinner. Try to get in a little exercise - take a walk (even if it's at the mall, it still counts!), do some crunches for 5 mins while you watch TV, do lunges as you get around the house, take the kiddos for a bike ride...

    Log in to MFP and read your profile page EVERY DAY so you can remember why you wanted to get healthier in the first place. Read a few success stories while you are here to keep you motivated.

    I am eating healthier, and because of that, so is the rest of my family. I'm the only one that is overweight, but I can't have the junk food around without gobbling it all up, so my family is eating well with me. I removed the problem when I removed the junk.
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