What does everyone do?

Summerscoming Posts: 35
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
As I am new to the community I thought it would be nice to get to know you all, and see what walks of life you all come from.As its always nice to know the person behind the screen!

I'll start.
I'm a 20 yr old biomedical science student in london, going on to do graduate entry dentistry. I chose biomedical sciences as i couldn't decide between medicine and dentistry so thought it would be a good middle ground! lol I'm very indecisive! Turns out biomed is rather dull! lol

I love dancing, music and cooking, and ofcourse studying (:-/ snooooozzzzee lol) and i also have a partner of nearly 5 years.

Looking forward to getting to know you all.




  • Hi,

    I am 29 yrs old, and been married for 6 yrs. I am a mom to 3 boys. My step son is 10, and my boys are 5 and 2. They keep me busy.

    I am a part time Nanny for a great family. I went to school for teaching, but never found work. I actually think I get paid better doing what I am doing now, and I love my job. I love getting up in the morning and going to work. So that's a bonus, not many people can say that.

    I'm from pittsburgh, pa, I have lived here all my life. I want to move south someday, but not until my boys are older, my whole family is from around here and they are my/our support system.
  • Welcome to MFP!!

    I'm a studying Metaphysician. I recently started my own business and I'm really enjoying working from home now.

    I love music, dancing and recently decided to try out painting. We'll see how that goes. :happy:
  • Nice to meet you both!

    Its great that you love you job, I was reading some statistics ( that apply to the uk) and something like 70% of people dont like their job and wished they had trained in something else lol! I hope I like my job eventually :-/. i'm so indecisive it's all trial and error with me! haha

    ooo painting. Sounds fun!!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I am 29 years old, mom of 2 (girl 5yo & boy 3 yo), married to the most amazing husband ever! I am originally from Baltimore, MD but currently live in central VA. I am a 911 dispatcher and my husband is a police officer (imagine that). I love photography, scrapbooking, and the beach!
  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there! I'm 32 and a Stay at Home Mom of 2. Dylan is 3.5 and Emily just turned 2 in December. I live way out in the country in Ontario Canada.
    I was a Adminstrative assistant for 5 years then a Greenhouse worker when I discovered that sitting at a desk was not for me! I love flowers so working at the Greenhouse was fun. My current job ;) is really all I've ever wanted to do so I'm right where I want to be :)

    I don't post much but have been on the site for a while now and had good luck with it.
  • cynhamm
    cynhamm Posts: 5 Member
    I am a wife and a mom of 2 boys; 7 and 9. I am a middle school special ed. teacher in Pennsylvania. I love teaching kids but hate all the extra stuff that comes with the job. I just joined to. I have lost 36 pounds all ready and have another 90 to go. Good luck on your journey.
  • Nice to meet you all!

    Just out of interest as I am new here, is MFP, occupied by mostly americans/canadians then? just wondered as you're all from across the sea!


  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123
    Hi...Single Mom of 2. I write proposals for the company I work for so I am on my rear end all day looking at a computer!!! One of my best friends and colleague got me using MFP when I got my Droid.

    I have a wonderfully supportive man in my life. He is the one who got me started losing weight, Last year he joined WW and I couldnt afford to so I just rode his coat tails...ate the same foods, exercised with him, etc. And the summer was so hot that I dropped A LOT of weight. We walked 6 miles per day every day until it got too cold out to walk. So I decided that I want to keep the weight off. I like the way I look and feel.

    So now I am trying to get into a good routine of exercise and eating better. LOL.
  • Nice to meet you too.

    It is very fortunate. Prior to studying Metaphysics I worked in corporate security for the oldest retail company in Canada in logistics. I studied Loss Prevention, post secondary and worked in the industry for more than 10 years. I was laid off in 2009 and orginally planned on applying to our Police Services. I trained for the test and one day decided it wasn't for me at which time I made the incredible leap to metaphysics. Quite the change however, so very worth it. :)

    It's great to have the freedom of choice.
  • Hi,

    im Alexis , im 27 and a mum to 3 children, kyah 9 , zain 5 and suraiya 3, Iv been married for a year and half to there dad.
    We live in west sussex , uk , but got married in florida, which was amazing, i fell in love with that part of the states and would love to move, but we just wouldnt have the guts, i could never leave my family as we are very close.

    i currently work part time in a home for adults with learning difficulties, which i love,
    Iv been thinking about studying recently, but just dont know how i would fit it in,

    I also love to dance, i do a couple of dance classes a week at the moment , i hit the gym as well but dont enjoy that as much.

    Great idea for a post, its nice to find out a little about each other

  • mountainwoman98
    mountainwoman98 Posts: 182 Member
    I am a 47 y/o mom of 6. I was a full time mom for 12 years till my youngest started school and I had to go to work or go insane :laugh: I have the good fortune to be married to a fantastic guy. I am a home care provider to a 60 y/o stroke patient that I care for 8 1/2 hours a day 5 days a week. I love to ride my motorcycle,read,cook and work out.
  • Nice to meet you!

    I also work part time in a home for people with alzheimers, which is hard but rewarding. Thought about part time courses? there are plenty out there :)

    Married in florida, thats nice! atleast you got some good weather! always taking a chance in england .

    wow 6 children!!! busy mum!
    it'll be nice for you to get back to work! nice to meet you!
  • It is great to meet you all.

    I am a 47 married woman who works for a High School here in Ohio and I am the school registrar. I've worked there 27 years so sit on my rear most of the day. I have two young girls 10 and 8.

    I have slowly put on weight over the past 10 years and at my all time high. I had foot surgery last year so was off any exercise for a while. Then I started doing Zumba in July of 2010, but was not tracking my food intake so I was unsuccessful at any weight loss. In October of 2010 I was dx with Colon cancer and had a colon resection in November and have been battling an intestine infection since then. I have started back to my Zumba classes and then I get the infection back and everything comes to a screaching halt. I own horses which is my passion and I so want to get back to riding and having energy to do the things I love.

  • Nice to meet you!

    Sorry to hear about your hard year! you sound very determined though! Things can only get better!! :)
  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member

    I'm 23 years old, probably the only single gal in this thread. lol I'm studying Dentistry in Louisville, Kentucky, it's my second semester. I noticed you are going to do dentistry in London! That's awesome! Before moving to America some 11 years ago, we used to live in Ireland so we frequented London often.

    Hobbies: music, travel, writing, reading, electronics ...I'm your every day nerd. Hah!

    Welcome to MFP!
  • Oh cool! nice to meet you!

    How long is your courseout of interest? same as England, 5 years? as im going in as a graduate its reduced to 3 for me. How are you finding it?
  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    Ours normal course is 4 years. Some universities offer 3 year accelerated courses and they keep threatening us to make it five years but thus far, US dental schools are all four years. That's pretty amazing that you get to complete it in 3!

    I love it so far. First two years are predominantly science-heavy and a lot of book work. I completed dental hygiene beforehand, however, so I have a good idea of how it is in a dental office and how to deal with patients. It's very tough, I won't lie, but I'm told repeatedly that it will be rewarding. lol

    What about you? How are you finding it?
  • I'm still doing my biomedical science degree at the moment which is soooo dull but its a good course to do if you're wanting to do medicine/dentistry as the course get reduced by about 1/2 years because you already have a grounding in medical knowledge...so you go straight into the clinical stuff rather than having to do the book work again.

    I have exams in like 4 weeks so i'm studying at the moment.
    So to do dentistry in american do you have to have another degree first? ie you had dental hygiene
  • llbonn
    llbonn Posts: 12 Member
    I am a 41 y/o mother of 3 boys. 22, 20 & 12. 1 college graduate, 1 pretty close and 1 that swears the dog ate his homework yesterday although we don't even have a dog! My 20 year old son joined the local gym with me and he is my accountability-buddy. When I am not motivated he makes sure that I go. While being supportive he has gained great results as well and I am really proud of his ability to motivate me and also benefit himself. They are amazing kids and my biggest and best achievement.

    I adore my husband and he is my best friend and super supportive as well. He has totally changed his eating habits to be supportive and has been great sport learning about wheat berries, TVP and of other things that I'm sure he really could care less.

    I gained weight when my husband and I both lost our high paying corporate jobs a couple of years ago and the financial stress was just so overwhelming I crawled in my bed, turned out the lights and wanted to just vanish. We have not been able to replace those types of jobs in our market and have had to make many changes and sacrifice’s like all families have. Most importantly we're still together and still love each other. Once I started to let go of the anger, the past and the financial trappings we were held in things started to get better.

    I am now an Unemployment Auditor in the state with the highest unemployment in the whole nation at 14.5%. The job can be so depressing because there are no jobs for people but I try to bring a positive, calming influence and make certain that I can get them other available resources. I'm glad that I have been where they are because I otherwise couldn't be as empathetic as I am.

    Life has been really hard the last 3-4 years but one of things that has given me some control back is taking care of the physical and emotional me.
  • Sorry to hear of your tough time llbonn! glad you came out the other side with a positive attitude and outlook! things always get better in the end!

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