Help with Energy? Feeling like a zombie?

jdave016 Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all,

I'm new to MFP and have been on it for just about a week now and in a lot of ways I'm already starting to feel better. I have about 25 pounds to lose and am looking to just get back in shape.

The one big problem I've been having is that I'm feeling like I'm a bit of a zombie and kinda in a fog mentally. I'm working on spacing my meals out so my blood sugar doesn't crash; but does anyone have any tips on getting more energy and feeling sharp? I used to drink a ton of caffeine and have given that up completely. Will I stop feeling like this (Difficulty concentrating, feeling a bit tired)? I find I feel like I'm just dragging and don't want to run for sugar or soda but I need to think clearly obviously.

Is this normal? I know I've just started, did anyone else feel like this on their first week? Help? Thanks.


  • bcgirlinns
    bcgirlinns Posts: 4 Member
    I think your body is just getting used to being off the caffeine. Eat lots of fruit/veggies - the water in them should help.
  • apple2k
    apple2k Posts: 9 Member
    Vit.B complex is the best for energy and drink some V8 it does straighten you out!:tongue:
  • ryeden
    ryeden Posts: 1
    First the first week i was so dizzy and zombielike that i went to a doctor. Your body is detoxing from caffeine. Give it a week or so and it will clear. For energy i drink 1 cup of coffee a day but didnt start that till after i detoxed. 1 cup of coffee a day will jump start your metabolism and actually help you lose weight.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to my world! I have felt like that for the last 3 years or so. No really, like the above poster said it's probaly your body in a state of shcok from the dietary changes. It's like when you go off caffereine and get headache withdrawls. Just make sure to eat plenty of protein, nuts, cheese, dairy and lean meats, fish and chicken. Drink water or cystal light to hydrate your yourself and make sure to get a good nites sleep, something I'm guilty of not doing. In a few days you should feel better and be more used to the dietary changes. You have to realize that your body is not used to getting healthier foods and less caffeine and the like. It's going to take some time to adjust. It's been 8 weeks for me, going into my 9th week and I am finally feeling a lot better and have a bit more life in me. Keep up the good work and it will pay off.
  • topazz
    topazz Posts: 7
    if you eat brains, youre sure to feel more zombie- like. :laugh: for real! meat makes your system slow down and you get tired faster, try eating more raw fruits and vegetables. when i first went raw i got this huge burst of energy, im guessing its because of all the extra enzymes. good luck
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome to my world! I have felt like that for the last 3 years or so. No really, like the above poster said it's probaly your body in a state of shcok from the dietary changes. It's like when you go off caffereine and get headache withdrawls. Just make sure to eat plenty of protein, nuts, cheese, dairy and lean meats, fish and chicken. Drink water or cystal light to hydrate your yourself and make sure to get a good nites sleep, something I'm guilty of not doing. In a few days you should feel better and be more used to the dietary changes. You have to realize that your body is not used to getting healthier foods and less caffeine and the like. It's going to take some time to adjust. It's been 8 weeks for me, going into my 9th week and I am finally feeling a lot better and have a bit more life in me. Keep up the good work and it will pay off.

    thats exactly how I got my start, lots of water, lean meats, almonds, salads with light dressing or just red wine vinegar and lots of sleep.

    I had to do what George Costanza did, the direct opposite of what I did in the I never drank water, ate salads or lean meat nor sleep for more then 6 hours. what you have done in the past got you in this shape so just do the opposite.

    Good luck on your journey
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If it continues for more than a month have the doc check your vitamin levels....B, D and iron. I take a B complex and multi every day, and a D3 every other day and an iron and potassium twice a week. All are relatively low dose, just covering the bases. I have noticed that I no longer feel that need of a nap in the afternoons, and have more energy in general. I still drink my 3 cups of regular coffee a day, and maybe another 3-4 of decaf per day in the cold weather. Just can't do ice water when its 20 outside.:drinker:
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