Weighed the cat and now I'm double depressed.

So I weighed my cat last week. Tiger was 25 lbs last year and 17 lbs in January and 14 in June at the vet's and now he's down to 11. (He has early stage kidney failure and is on medication and stuff.)

Anyway, to weigh him, I weighed him and me and then just me. And after subtracting I weigh 195. Back in April I was told by my doctor to lose at least 20ish lbs at least (from 190).

I cut back on sweets (going from a chocolate bar or something every day at least, possibly 2 or 3) to 1 or 2 a week, cut back portion size, cut out second helpings (most of the time). Lots more water (was already doing so) and only rare cola. (Not diet cause aspartame gives me wild mood swings.)
Exercise wise, I bike 30-60 minutes 4 times a week, walk briskly on local errands, sneak in some push-ups and weight lifting at work (night shift in a gas station convenience store so lifting cases of water or pop in the aisles).
I dropped to 185 after a week, but then went back up to 195 and that's where I'm hovering.

I want to drop to 170ish and tone up a bit.

Anyone got any exercises or suggestions for workout tricks in a convenience store? It gets slow at night between customers.


  • JordanMK_
    JordanMK_ Posts: 54 Member
    Hey, good luck in what you're trying to achieve!
  • TheLastNelda
    TheLastNelda Posts: 6 Member
    I remember a friend who was a fitness buff told me that you can do push ups by just leaning against counter top edges. So you'd be doing them at an angle but it can still be beneficial. I'm sure you could also do some squats while you're waiting behind the counter if no one is in the store??

    Sounds like you're making some great changes though and creating healthy habits and that is definitely important! Keep up the awesome work ! Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat so if you're building muscle it might be why you feel like you aren't losing weight on the scale.

    Anyways, hope I was helpful :}
  • talonspiritcat
    talonspiritcat Posts: 17 Member
    I do have good muscular legs...now if I could shift some of that muscle to replace my stomach. :)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I dropped to 185 after a week, but then went back up to 195 and that's where I'm hovering.
    I want to drop to 170ish and tone up a bit.
    Anyone got any exercises or suggestions for workout tricks in a convenience store? It gets slow at night between customers.
    1 - Read the sexypants thread for the basics of losing weight.
    2 - Understand that most weight loss comes from controlling calories in, not doing exercise.
    3 - If you want to get to 170, eat 1700 cal per day. (Total, not net. Ignore net.)
    4 - Google "body weight workout", or look on YouTube to find appropriate exercises.
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry to hear your kitty is sick :(

    I would focus more on your calorie intake making sure you are as accurate as possible. Good luck!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    You could do kettle-bell swings in the downtime between customers.

    Add: ask your vet to teach you to give subcutaneous fluids to your kitty. Mine went about 4 or 5 years after kidney diagnosis, with subcutaneous fluid supplementation.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Sorry to hear about your kitty. My 17-yr.-old kitty lived with that for a few years on daily meds. We were able to manage his condition pretty well until the very end.

    As for the exercise, here is a site about secret exercises you can do at your desk. However, I don't think these will burn a heckuva lot of calories... It might help though!

  • The others have given good workout tips, so what I want to say is try to fidget more when at the store. Those extra calories from tapping the fingers really add up :).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Consistency with intake is more important with weight loss than exercising is.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • talonspiritcat
    talonspiritcat Posts: 17 Member
    You could do kettle-bell swings in the downtime between customers.

    Add: ask your vet to teach you to give subcutaneous fluids to your kitty. Mine went about 4 or 5 years after kidney diagnosis, with subcutaneous fluid supplementation.

    We're doing that every other day at home, but he's still losing weight.

    The others have given good workout tips, so what I want to say is try to fidget more when at the store. Those extra calories from tapping the fingers really add up :).

    I do keep myself moving around the store. If I'm not serving customers at the counter, I try to wander. Fidgeting is not a problem for me.