Trying to lose weight (and deal w/ an IBD)

Seventeen years ago while still in college, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. After years of being treated on a prednisone I still have not been able to successfully shed the pounds associated with that medication.

I am very grateful I am an atypical Crohn's Disease suffer as I had never experience the significant weight loss or pain so many people do.

However, I seem to only tolerate best a low fiber and somewhat bland diet. Opposite of a diet of whole grains, raw vegetables, and other dieting staples.

Any advice from MFPals in the same boat on how you have been successful losing weight?

New friends welcome :)


  • Hey there! I know what it is like to fight the side effects of taking medications. Recently I have been reading a book called "The Makers Diet" I highly recommend this book for you. The man who wrote the book suffered from severe Crohn's Disease and has been healed from it. The outlook is to shape our diet and hygiene back to the way God has outlined for our body's. Also it is very informative on how different medications and foods will effect our bodies. Also most medications and cleaning supplies and ways we clean our bodies in today's society is killing not just the bad micro organisms but the good too, thus causing our bodies to be even sicker. I have found the book on ebay for really cheap. If I can help you out with anything or give you some information from within the book I would be glad to help! Since reading the book and following just a few things thus so far, I feel great! Energized, skin is soft, and I am losing weight and coming off of some of the meds I have been on.
  • c_mwilson
    c_mwilson Posts: 2 Member
    That books does sound interesting to me. Thank you for the recommendation and reply!