gotta try!

Morning all. I decided to give this a try. A friend invited me to be a "fat" friend. I'm taking the hint. I'm still navigating thru but alyhelpfultips would be appreciated


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    helpful tips: lets see
    -Eat Clean
    -Exercise.... Weight train/resistance and Cardio
    -Cut your carbs
    -Eat more organic fruits and veggies
    -Don't fry or cook your fruits and veggies eat them raw
    -Drink lots of water
  • jbaden01
    From my personal experience, I started and 282, 41 yrs old and have a 3 yr old daughter that I just have to stick around for. I worked graveshift, would watch her all day and in 3 yrs the weight really piled on. After 3 wks I just weighed in at 267. I started Jan 1, and have lost 15lbs and I haven't even started a serious workout. I have walked for 45 min at a brisk pace for maybe 6 days out of these three weeks. Before, I got ALOT of my calories from fluids. This plan was very tough for me for the first three to four days until I could get my sugar levels calmed down. I couldn't walk by the candy in the store without my saliva glands just pouring. It was absolutely horrible! Now the only fluid that goes into my system is black coffee and water, water, water! No juice, no soda, energy drinks, beer or milk. (I do measure a half cup of 1% on my cereal). Instead of juice, I get my fruit vitamins from one serving of fruit in the morning and one between lunch and dinner. I eat 3 meals/day and three snacks. Anything like soups and veggies that is canned is fine for 1 serving a day. But canned you risk huge sodium levels. No mayo, oil, butter on anything. I have a fried egg every morning cooked in PAM. For now until I get the hang of things, EVERYTHING repeat EVERYTHING is measured. Don't get me wrong, I just had 2 slices of pizza the other day, Subway sandwich yesterday and some of my wife's roasted pork and mashed potatos. The difference for me is the portions and I truly believe why I failed so many times before is due to never keeping my sugar levels in check. I have not felt hungry this whole three weeks, my energy levels have been through the roof and I really feel that I have just made some minor but very important changes. I feel I have finally found the right plan. Although looking back at my sheets, all it comes down to is what we have known all along. Well balanced portions of healthy meals including all of the food groups. Keep an eye on your complete spreadsheet and that will give you an idea if you are getting too much of one group. I am no expert by any means and am still learning this as I go. I wish you the best and thanks for letting me share.
  • sharvel
    Thanks you guy for all the helpful tips.