Well I screwed up.

I have been doing so well. When lunch was over I had 600 calories for dinner. I thought I was good.

But my sons soccer team decided to go to a Resturant. :/.

I had 4 cheese sticks, half of a small sized country fried steak with cream gravy, a small bowl of mashed potatoes with cream gravy, a biscuit, and a small bowl of baked beans, and I had two glasses of sprite.

I have no way to know what I are calorie wise, but I just know I ruined my week. Today was my rest dy exercise wise, but I was still planning to stick to the 1400 diet.

I need to learn how to do this when out with large groups of people. :/


  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    I have been doing so well. When lunch was over I had 600 calories for dinner. I thought I was good.

    But my sons soccer team decided to go to a Resturant. :/.

    I had 4 cheese sticks, half of a small sized country fried steak with cream gravy, a small bowl of mashed potatoes with cream gravy, a biscuit, and a small bowl of baked beans, and I had two glasses of sprite.

    I have no way to know what I are calorie wise, but I just know I ruined my week. Today was my rest dy exercise wise, but I was still planning to stick to the 1400 diet.

    I need to learn how to do this when out with large groups of people. :/
    No. U did not ruin your week. The beauty of it all is get back up and start doing it better. It's a lifestyle not a diet. I've done this as well two. Wasn't planning on eating at a function but they had brought Rasin cane chicken. But I didn't beat myself up because... I only ate 2 tenders, one dinner roll, and NO drink. Which was awesome for me. Because normally I would eat a 6 PC and at least 2 dinner rolls. Celebrate small victories.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    It's fine. If you over-eat all the time, yes you will gain weight. Once ina while, no big deal. It's actually a good idea to eat at maintenance or near that regularly when losing weight.
  • melissamarie2196
    melissamarie2196 Posts: 42 Member
    Well what I do sometimes is see if they have any healthy choices, a lot of places do now..I also just order a salad sometimes with grilled chicken.. Or order a meal with grilled chicken and ask for extra veggies on the side..Its ok tommorows a new day :)
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    It's fine. If you over-eat all the time, yes you will gain weight. Once ina while, no big deal. It's actually a good idea to eat at maintenance or near that regularly when losing weight.

    Yep, one day doesn't ruin everything however in the future think about skipping the cheese sticks if you're having a full meal. All in all you didn't do irreparable damage.
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    It happens.

    When my friend and I go out we split our apps, then we have each have our own entree and split dessert (well sometimes its too good to split :tongue: )

    I also only drink water and avoid pop

    they key is in moderation and knowing how to portion food (i.e have one cheese stick, avoid the pop or have half a glass if you really want coke..etc..)

    but its okay to let go and enjoy once in a while.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Well, at least you ate something delicious!

    But seriously, it's one time. Just get back to what you were doing and you'll be fine. One meal isn't going to erase your success so far.

    If you know you don't have self control in certain circumstances, perhaps come up with a plan for those occasions? Eat healthy before you go or look at the restaurants menu online before time and check out the nutrition info.

    Good luck. And, chin up!
  • Snailman44
    People are way to hard on themselves. One bad meal is nothing. In fact i use a cheat meal once a week to keep my sanity. Your human you will make mistakes just move and and get right back on that horse.
  • dantonn9
    dantonn9 Posts: 13
    Change your mentality. Look at it as a learning opportunity. You now what makes you feel bad, so next time, you can make better choices. Menu plan with some local restaurants. Have a list of things you can eat from restaurants you go to. Tomorrow, go back to your lifestyle.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    Your being too hard on yourself, you haven't screwed up, sometimes eating some extra calories gives your metabolism a boost and you lose more the following week. I think you still have to be able to enjoy food when your out now and again, it's just a day..i've had bad weeks and still got back on track so it shouldn't deter your weight loss.
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    That's still probably less than what you would have had before you started your journey! When I'm eating out I usually just get whatever I want (within reason) and make up the difference later. It hasn't stalled me one bit! Going out to restaurants with friends and family is an important ritual to me and I don't see the point in being miserable over it. Keep it up :)
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Thanks for the kind words. MFP put in big red letters I was over by 1300. Just sucks
    I burned 500 of them but I'm still in the red. :-(

    And you're right, before I would have ate the entire thing or bought it home. I actually gave the leftovers to someone else.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I agree with much of the above. First of all .. one day, or likely several will not make a bit of difference.

    I have had much much much worse days .. and guess what happened. ? Absolutely nothing .. our bodies are not like light switches, we can eat over our "totally freaking imaginary calorie limits" ... and guess what. You go over .. do you explode or do lights go off somewhere. No .. typically nothing happens.

    People do so need to relax and lighten up on the calorie limit thing .. unless you consistently go over and over by a lot each time, there is a very very large chance that "absolutely nothing will happen". Even in the worst case scenarios .. you may get into maintenance for a few days if you overeat for a while.

    So .. you did not screw up, you just did what humans do .. they learn from their "screw ups" (not what I would call it, just using your words) ... get back on the horse / wagon whatever you want and start at it again.

    I am in maintenance now .. but I did have binges that would make you and me blush. But guess what I am past my goal and met what I wanted to accomplish here .. and you will be there too in time. Just let the journey take it's path .. and make it a learning experience. All we can do is learn so that we are not back here at MFP in 6 months saying .. "I don't know what happened ?"

    Have fun ... :flowerforyou:
  • Theotherkels
    Did you enjoy the time with your son? If so...it's all good. You'll continue working towards a healthier you tomorrow right? That's what matters :) I used to let stuff like this derail me, over and over and over again, and then I taught myself to look at it differently and that's helped a lot when it comes to the whole mentality of working towards a healthier me.

    I saw a great quote earlier in one of the groups I'm a part of - they said "everything in moderation, including moderation" which is a great way to look at it. If we go balls to the wall day in and day out, we're more likely to burn out....so make sure to treat yourself now and then, and then go back to what you're doing :)
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    No one knew they were going out, the team won all of their games in tournament so it was a reward and surprise for them. Had I known we were going there I would have menu planned and redid my calories so I had more than 600 left.

    I honestly didn't know I ate 4 cheese sticks until after I ate them. My son wanted them and I guess I munched on them.

    I am proud of myself for only eating half of the chicke fried steak. It wasn't large to begin with, so that was major props to me. Wish I wouldn't have used the gravy or the butter but...

    The mashed potatoes and baked beans were served in very small dishes.

    And I didn't finish the sprite second refill.

    So looking back at it, I hope I just over estimated calories and really didn't do too awful bad. I did work out tonight when I had planned not to.
  • steveyinasia
    steveyinasia Posts: 121 Member
    As mentioned many times above, MFP is a lifestyle change and not a diet, diets don't work as they are temporary things. Having a day or two occasionally helps keep you on track, unlike diets that have strict rules, following MFP does not. I travel more than 200 days per year which means a good portion of my meals are at restaurants, I just learned how to select the best choices.

    Keep up the good work and don't stress too much about the occasional day.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    At least you enjoyed your time with your family and celebrated. I ate all my calories by lunchtime at a professional retreat/event. They had a "cobb salad" sandwich with turkey and bacon, homemade potato salad, and during afternoon break -- Klondike bar, so by 3:00 PM I was basically done calorie-wise. This evening, I had dinner with my family and ended up eating only vegetables while they ate barbecued chicken. Tonight, I'm actually going to bed hungry, not a good feeling.