50lbs more to loose...seems far away!

yukon1 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Have been on here for two weeks- about a week after I started watching what I eat and exercising- 6 lbs total so far but wow getting the next 50 off seems so far away when that little counter says in 5 weeks you should way this. Ant tips? Do you ever reward yourself along the way with a treat?

Does the addition of calories really get offset by the exercise or am I better just to eat my allotment and not add any for the exercise- some people have said to exercise and not add any calories others have said better to add calories and keep fueling.


  • you should aim to eat at least half of your exercise calories :]
    and it seems far away, but remember that it's worth it!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I may treat myself to a small piece of chocolate but nothing more than 100 calories and that's only if I'm still under my calorie goal for that day.

    As to your other question, check this link out..it might answer your question.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hey - I have now lost about 55lbs since July. I can tell you that this works and is not difficult once you get some basic concepts. 3lbs/week since you started is great. Don't let 50lbs intimidate you...that's how it wins!!! Defintiely break it down into smaller goals. I don't tend to reward myself...I think hitting my goals by set dates is reward enough, but if that's what's going to get yourself excited, then I'm all for it. You can see in my signature that I set myself goals with dates that mean something to me - so at the beginning of January, I decided I wanted to lose 2lbs/week each week before Valentines and put that number in. Same for my birthday. If you do decide on treats, make it something pampering, not food related.

    Here's my opinion on the exercise calories. I eat back half typically (or try to). If I'm still hungry, I'll have more to the max, sometimes a little more. If I feel like getting to that halfway point is going to make me burst, I'll try something lighter. I don't typically eat all of them, but not eating them most of the time can lead to stagnation in your loss. Learning to deal with plateaus is going to be your biggest hurdle....when you're doing everything right, but you're not losing the way you should. Those are enough to get you off the wagon, but there are lots of ideas out there on how to do it.

    Good luck on your loss!!!!! I hope you make your goal!
  • i am about where you are! Actually i need to lose 57 more and it seems far far FAR away! LOL I do allow treats and even cheat dinners but want to limit out to eat dinner to once a month and even less. i am not exercising yet we are moving and after the move i will but my job is physical and I walk alot day to day but till i hit the gym am not tracking so I am unsure about eating extra for that i have heard eat halk what you burned...not sure though. I struggle with eating so i am really foucing on that. this is my 3rd week. But just second week on this site tracking.GOOD LUCK!
  • FionaRussell12
    FionaRussell12 Posts: 1 Member
    hi Yukon,
    I think its best not to think of the amount of weight you need to lose but rather focus on each 7lb and gradually you will achieve your goal. Just think of how you will feel when you are 14lbs lighter! I think the advice to add the calories is the correct way to go and you will lose weight in the correct way as if you under eat the body then thinks your going into starvation mode and slows down weight loss. I save about 50 calories a day then at weekend enjoy using them while keeping with in my calories for week. Keep going and remember we are all here to help each other. You can do it!
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Ok, you will get loads of different answers here. I think the best answer is to figure out what is right for you and your body. Everyone is different and it works different for each person. I try to eat the calories but with good food. If I'm under and full, even better. Yes I cheat too. I had a cookie yesterday from Subway and it was awesome. Do I do that often? No. My 'treats' or rewards are usually buying something for myself. I will get a book I've been wanting or a new piece of clothing that now fits. Also, something that I'm doing so I don't get discouraged is to measure myself. I'm even tracking that on here which helps to see the downward trend. I'm exercising some also. Not as much as others I see but it is working for me. My goal is another 50 lbs off also but I'm seeing it as a long term goal. I'm not stressing about the numbers on the scale. This is more a life change then a diet for me. I know that if I don't change the way I think about food I will go right back to eating wrong and gain back the weight. Good luck to you and doing this is the first step in the right direction.

  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    When I started 8 weeks ago, I was told to set mini goals as I have another 125 pounds to lose and yes it does seem like it's far far away but hey, you have to start somewhere and we didn't get this way overnight! Just think of it like this, you can start now and eat healthier and exercise or you can continue down the path of destruction and in 4 months, you could look back and either be a bit thinner or have gained even more weight...you decide. I have made so many diet schedules before joining MFP and 4 months later I'd look in the book thinking I could have lost X amount of weight by now if I had only stuck with it! That doesn't feel very good when that happens, I hate myself for that. I feel so much better, yes I have a long journey ahead but I'm all in and thiis is my time to start living and not just exsisting.
    AS for rewards, I do like to reward myself as I lose weight, new makeup, shoes, pajamas, hair products, whatever it takes to continue with success and determination. My dad agreed to pay me $125 for every 40 pounds I lose which is a great incentive for me. I'm looking to buy the body bug in the future. So yes, be kind to yourself along the way, your worth the effort. I also have a splurge meal on Saturdays, like Baja Fresh or Chineese or Pizza, it helps me to stay on track so I don't feel deprived. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other, you can do it...Baby steps! Good kuck!
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