Bloating wont go away I'm freaking out.

I had a cheat spree for I'm going to say a good 4 days... I have been neglecting water as well for those days. I've been doing so well since march 2014... I lost 16 pounds since then, and have been really doing good.

However, those cheat days were filled with all types of fast food and sweets.... I can't even remember. I lost control and it's really all emotional eating.

Anyhow, since yesterday my stomach, waist and hips has been swollen and bloated. Also, I've been having a lot of gas and moving bowels (disgusting) today... I just want to know if anyone ever had this and how did they recover. I am on my 4th bottle of water.... plus I had low sodium today, I didn't abuse it and I watched what I ate. The scale hasn't changed at all... it still says 147 -149... It's just that when I feel around my waist, my hips, my pelvic area, sides and stomach... it's all tight, swollen and bulging.

How to recover fast?


  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    if your bodies not used to that much food anymore or those types of foods it will be swollen and bloated for about a week. just start eating heatlhy and keep drinking lots of water, it will get back to normal, i've been there you will just feel fat for a few days even though your not.
  • JonahUsin12
    if your bodies not used to that much food anymore or those types of foods it will be swollen and bloated for about a week. just start eating heatlhy and keep drinking lots of water, it will get back to normal, i've been there you will just feel fat for a few days even though your not.

    Ok. Thank you for the support... I really appreciate it
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Just... eat normally again, drink water, and drop freaking out over it. I've been retaining water for the last few days because I was eating pretty high-sodium for a while and dehydrated. Bit it all clears up over time.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Take a tablespoon or 2 of apple cider vinegar and drink water.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Calm down! You're fine. You probably just loaded your body with enough sodium to create a small ocean (I've had a few salty binges before too) and it's gonna take time and a lot of water to get you back to normal.

    I know for me at least, even just my normal TOM causes a week of "I feel fat" bloating. And that's without a lot of extra food + too little water. It always goes back to normal, and so will you. Drink drink drink, eat well and continue on as normal.

    If you ate a lot of greasy stuff it might get ugly for a day or two in the bathroom too. Hang in there. You'll make it out alive and shrink back down.