Hi, i'm new here.

Hi everyone. I just joined My Fitness Pal after reading lots of positive reviews about the site. I used to belong to the Richard Simmons Clubhouse, but found that it just didn't help me much in losing weight. Plus, there wasn't many people on the Clubhouse site and it costs money to join. After 4 months of being on the other site, it wasn't worth it to renew the subscription. So, I asked people on Facebook what site they liked for helping them lose weight, and several people told me about My Fitness Pal.

Currently, I weight 285 pounds and my goal is to get down to 200 pounds. After I get to 200 pounds, I will set another goal. I just want to be thinner than I am right now.

Its hard for me to lose weight, due to my medical issues. I have a rare defect called spastic paraparesis, which causes your upper motor neurons to progressively degenerate, causing muscle and nerve damage from your waist down. I have had several surgeries to keep certain organs functioning normal, and I can't walk more than a couple steps due to severe muscle and nerve damage in my legs. I use a ultra lightweight manual wheelchair. I also have a very low level spinal cord injury due a complication of surgery back in 2008. I also have gastroparesis, which makes it hard to lose weight, because of being on a low-residue diet all the time (one without meats, fiber, raw veggies, etc.). My nutritionist also recommended I try out My Fitness Pal to keep track of what I ate and how often I exercised daily.

Just thought I'd introduce myself and I'd love to hear from everyone else. Have a great day!



  • Tanlil2014
    Hi Jessie

    Good luck on your weight loss journey! I'm here hoping tracking everything I eat will hold me accountable for what i'm consuming (and help me make better decisions too).

    I've added you - I'm looking for like minded people to band together so we can all help eachother do this :)