A Seasoned Newbie

Hey guys! My name is Emily, I'm 5'3.5 and weigh roughly 160 pounds (I'll need to get my scales down from the loft to be sure). So, I've tried and tried to lose weight. I've been on this site for a long time but have never managed to stick to my weight loss journey but this time I'm hoping it will be different. My aim is to lose somewhere between 35-50 pounds, depending on how I feel with my weight loss. I hope that by engulfing myself in this community that it might encourage me to stick to my weight loss plan for a happier and healthier me:) tomorrow is a new day and a new week, a fresh start for a new me and I can't wait!


  • sushistorm86
    Darn right, sister. It's possible to gain that new you, you just gotta grasp that feeling of I can do this. It sounds hard but I know you can do it. I really want you to. <3