Tight or inflamed knee/s while on c25k?

Is it a normal part of the transition to get tight feeling knees while on the c25k? Not painful, just uncomfortable.
I can bend one leg totally back and touch my heel to my bum today, after running, just minimal tightness, but the other one just won't bend back all the way, something's stopping it from bending, behind my kneecap.


  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    If it's one-sided, you've either stressed it too much there or there's something else going on. You don't describe very much; does it happen when you run and/or afterwards, does it look inflamed (red, swollen), does it feel inflamed (sensitive, hot), has it happened before (doesn't sound like it), has it started recently or been like this all the time (how far into C25K are you?), and more.
  • mrsdjordan
    Thanks for replying :)
    I felt fine running, I did week 4 day 1 today and although it pushed me, it was manageable and enjoyable. I noticed both my knees felt a bit tight on the warm down and now 3 hrs later, my left is the only one bothering me. Can only describe it as tight and full behind the kneecap. I've looked a bit closer and if I bend my knee I can see a small swelling popping out from the left side of my left kneecap. I've had lots of muscle soreness, initially, but nothing to stop me and no injuries so far.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    It's hard to say without seeing it, but week 4 does include relatively much more running than before. Pay attention to how they feel tomorrow, maybe take another rest day, and go easy as a newbie, it's a whole lot of stress on the system compared to walking.

    It's easy to get carried away, but the programme is designed to be run only three days a week for a reason and with very little gradual increases of running intervals.

    If it doesn't get better soon even after resting, please go see your doctor. At this point you're still running so short a distance that unless you've pounded the knees completely, a day's rest should do the trick, but there's always the chance something might be going on in an individual joint (infection or such), so do keep an eye on it.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm also doing c25k and I have exactly the same feeling behind my right knee as you described. I think I need to rest it for a couple of days, which is hard to do when I really want to keep going :(

    I also think it might be time to get fitted for new runners (trainers/tennis shoes depending on where you live).
  • mrsdjordan
    Thanks aglaea, I will definitely go to the gp if it persists. So annoying my knees are the only thing holding me back right now!

    Laura sorry you have the same thing. It will frustrate me too if I can't run, but I'm thinking it's as aglaea suggests and because I've done too much too soon. It's so addictive tho, never thought I'd enjoy it so much!

    I will deffo get new shoes too, but can't afford them at the mo!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Yes, good shoes are key.

    It's not just the knees, though, but the whole bone structure, ligaments, etc. It's only with time that everything gets remodelled and strengthened, so there really is a reason for trusting the programme.