Totally Binged Today, badly



  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Skinnylove, thankyou so much for the tips. It is a relief to not feel so alone in this although o mbviously i would not wish it on anyone else. I used to love colouring and cross stitch so i shall try those again. Having snacks at home is not an option thkugh as i end up eating it all. Maybe one day that will change and i will be able to have just one item and not the whole bkx or packet.
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    I have done this a few times...had years of issues with food restriction and hating my body.

    I'm just starting to figure out that it may also stem from past abuse and the way I think about myself resulting from that.

    SkinnyLove is right and I've experienced this myself through trial and error - even stopping partway through a binge is better than nothing.

    Even if you took one less bite than you took last time, it's a victory...

    And if you don't, like others have said, don't beat yourself up either.

    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have BIG issues with sugar and i allow a chocolate fudge protien bar (140 cal) everyday into my diet. When i get the urge to binge i have that. It has f- all sugar but does the trick. When on my cycle I make room for an extra bar. This has worked wonders, I swear by it, and trust me, you wont be able to binge eat protien bars cause they are too expensive and they satisfy instantly. apples are great fillers too. I beleive if you have a sugar craving and dont feel like fruit, you are not really hungry, its all in your mind :)

    I will check my local health food store for these tomorrow. Thanks.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Lots of good advice on here already, but I just wanted to encourage you. From what you've said, you are under a lot of emotional stress and dealing with some big shifts in your life - BF disappearing on you, Asperger's assessment, etc. Therapy can also be really hard, even though it's worth the effort, it's still effort.

    So, I'd say don't panic - you are not doomed to do this forever. Do talk to your therapist and your doctor; they should be able to support your medical and emotional needs without judging you. And know that you are not alone in this - even though this is a virtual community, it's still a community and lots of us struggle with eating compulsion and the self hatred that goes along with it. Log what you can and do better starting now. You can do it, but you have to be patient with yourself. Forgive yourself for the binge.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I am seeing a psychologist for various things, eating issues included, and Asperger's Assessment but I am not seeing her now for over a week, and have not seen her for over a week. I was doing okay when I saw her last. Things seem to have badly deteriorated since my bf stopped contact with me without a word.

    I am so sorry. Mine did the same thing in January and it was very rough for a while, today was a quite bad eating day for me because of thoughts/emotions.

    If there's anything you like doing that occupies your hands and mind, it can help sllowww dowwwn the eating ... I end up playing way too many computer games when I can't sleep at night but I figure that that is better than stuffing myself with food to drown it ... the games force my thoughts into a different pattern. I also spend a lot of sleepless time posting on message boards because again it forces my thoughts out of the "rut".
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am seeing a psychologist for various things, eating issues included, and Asperger's Assessment but I am not seeing her now for over a week, and have not seen her for over a week. I was doing okay when I saw her last. Things seem to have badly deteriorated since my bf stopped contact with me without a word.

    I am so sorry. Mine did the same thing in January and it was very rough for a while, today was a quite bad eating day for me because of thoughts/emotions.

    If there's anything you like doing that occupies your hands and mind, it can help sllowww dowwwn the eating ... I end up playing way too many computer games when I can't sleep at night but I figure that that is better than stuffing myself with food to drown it ... the games force my thoughts into a different pattern. I also spend a lot of sleepless time posting on message boards because again it forces my thoughts out of the "rut".

    I have found that the binge eating is worse when I have taken my sleeping pill, I am on temazepam. I tend to sit up on my laptop until the sleepiness kicks in, and suddenly it is as if this monster takes over and I lose all ability to rein it in. I keep telling myself, to go to bed as soon as I take it, but not sure that will help. I did notice it was easier when I cut the dosage. I did sometimes binge or certainly stuff down a lot of sugary, unhealthy things in the daytime, but not to a degree I felt really uncomfortable.

    I admit, I need to find a hobby again, I think my bf filled so much of my evening and thoughts, probably the Aspergers in me, and I am struggling to get into an interest again. I used to totally absorb myself in Second Life, but after years there, I tend to now just login and leave her sitting there, lol. I have embroidery here, and card making kits, I just need to drag myself off my laptop and get doing them. I also have a camera again finally, my ex popped over and lent me a really nice camera, as that used to be a major outlet for me, so that should help me once I start shooting again.

    I have had many evenings I did fine. I have had years when apart from some over exercising, I was healthy and fine and not obsessed with my weight anymore. In fact, I was happy at 140Ibs for sometime and didn't even know I was that weight, but meeting my bf , who is very skinny, seemed to trigger me off, especially as he would come round for dinner and cook himself up things like a whole cauliflower with a bit of cheese, or a load of marrow, and say it was loads... all water. He dropped 14 Ibs and was down to the same weight as me and being a former anorexic with all the stupid thoughts that go with that, I decided I had to be a stone lighter than him, and started getting obsessed again.

    Now I am finding myself unable to get back to that comfortable, don't care about the scales place I was at.
    But I am sure I will get there. I eat very healthy food when I don't binge, and I know about balanced meals and nutrition a fair amount, I just really need to work out some sort of a way to deal with my tendency to want sweet things so much. I don't want to be extreme and cut chocolate and such things out of my diet altogether, but beginning to think that might be my only way ?

    Thanks all again for your kind replies, I was a bit nervous posting about this.
    You are great people.
  • kitkat2218
    I'm super health-conscious and I have a strict schedule of healthy eating/exercise. (I'm in remission for anorexia but I wouldn't say I'm cured.)

    Anyway, this weekend was a total out-of-the-ordinary binge. The thing is, I don't feel ridiculously gross. I plan to detox starting Monday (not by starving myself, but just trying to get all the $h!t I ate out of my body.)

    I've never purged, but by golly, there are times when I really want to. I just can never bring myself to do that.

    Chalk it up to losing self-control. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, but it would definitely, definitely be in your (and my) best interest to see an eating-disorder specialist about this.

    I hope this helps.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I doubt it will help. This discussion is from April and the OP has left MFP.
  • melodiarentsen
    melodiarentsen Posts: 20 Member
    Just keep hanging in there until you can get to the doctor and be very honest about the problem. I don't know about even thinking of it as a loss of self-control IF that is going to cause you to really feel bad about yourself. I don't think you should blame yourself. I think you need to get tools in place to help you control this, and I am assuming that those things are not in place for you. I guess I am saying do the best you can and get help for yourself as soon as possible.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    I'm super health-conscious and I have a strict schedule of healthy eating/exercise. (I'm in remission for anorexia but I wouldn't say I'm cured.)

    Anyway, this weekend was a total out-of-the-ordinary binge. The thing is, I don't feel ridiculously gross. I plan to detox starting Monday (not by starving myself, but just trying to get all the $h!t I ate out of my body.)

    I've never purged, but by golly, there are times when I really want to. I just can never bring myself to do that.

    Chalk it up to losing self-control. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, but it would definitely, definitely be in your (and my) best interest to see an eating-disorder specialist about this.

    I hope this helps.

    Yeah, we all do pooping.

    And you're responding to a thread that's over 2 years old.
  • melodiarentsen
    melodiarentsen Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah, the original post was April 2012. Long time ago. Geez!