Support Through My Journey.

Today is 08/24/14. I am a 17 Yr Old, I weigh 240.8 Pounds and I'm Ready to get rid of this weight! The place I want to lose the most is my legs and stomach! My weakness is that I LOVE to eat food!! Please if you have any tips or anything please please help me! I am going into my senior year of high school and I signed up for Volleyball which I will be doing tomorrow. Please just help and support me as much as you can!!!!


  • KCfam6
    KCfam6 Posts: 10 Member
    You CAN do this. Do you know what is most amazing? You are young and you already realize that it's not healthy and you have the desire to make the're half way there. Stay committed, eat what you're suppose to eat, and keep track of everything. You'll make it!