Slow runners unite!

I've put this message on the fitness board but think it might fit here better. I love running/ jogging but I am S-L-O-W!! My 5k time is 35-40 mins and my 10k time is 70mins. I enjoy taking part in races, despite being near the back every time. If anyone else relates to this send me a friend message and we can encourage each other.


  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    Me! I'm pretty darn slow, too. My 5K PR is 36 minutes, my 10K is just under 70 minutes. I ran a 10 miler yesterday (my first double digit run!) that took me 135 minutes. I'm working on endurance first before trying to improve on speed, because honestly, I'm not a contender so speed doesn't bother me that much--just want to finish!

    Sending a FR!
  • Hi,

    Yet to reach 5k without stopping but would really love to be able to run properly. I'm also very slow but focusing on increasing my stamina and breathing capabilities and hopefully the speed will naturally follow!
  • jonrjakes1897
    jonrjakes1897 Posts: 6 Member
    Speed isn't is that important, just the fact your running is good enough.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm very slow. I claim shortness. Even though shorter people are faster. Doesn't matter how slow I run anyway. I still get my free and legal endorphin high.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I'm about an 8.5 minute mile, and I feel dreadfully slow. I always attribute it to my short, muscular legs (I'm 5'1''), but really, I don't know why I can't step up my game. I feel your pain.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    I'm totally a slow runner...shoot, some days, I'm not even entirely sure what I'm doing out there actually qualifies to some people as "running". But I still love getting out there and doing it. You are not alone by far!
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Checking in!!!
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I wish I had being short as an excuse but I am 5ft7 so fairly tall for a lady. I think I started running slowly about 15 years ago (which was good because I was unfit ) but I have just never got any quicker ! I guess hill sprints or integral training might speed me up if I could get myself motivated. Until then it's plod on!
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'm a zen runner...I cannot run fast, but I can run far...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I run 5 miles in one hour... that's not very fast either.
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member

    Yet to reach 5k without stopping but would really love to be able to run properly. I'm also very slow but focusing on increasing my stamina and breathing capabilities and hopefully the speed will naturally follow!

    this is exactly where I am at, and need to learn what to do, but don't know what to do to get better...
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    I'm not only a slow runner, I'm also a runner who struggles with every step. I would love to be able to run for long distances without feeling pain. Maybe my running form is not the best.
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    I'm about an 8.5 minute mile, and I feel dreadfully slow. I always attribute it to my short, muscular legs (I'm 5'1''), but really, I don't know why I can't step up my game. I feel your pain.

    Well there you go. The OP is running at a 12-13 minute mile, and you're leaving her in the dust with an 8.5 minute mile. Yet you still think you're "slow".

    Which sums up the whole issue, really. Everyone is slow compared to someone. And they're fast compared to someone else.

    Unless you're Usain Bolt, there will always be somebody faster than you. (And he's only fast at sprinting... plenty of runners would beat him in a distance race.)

    It's all relative. Really, the only person that's worth comparing yourself to is your past self.

    And, of course, even the last-place runner is faster than all the people who sat on their couches that day. :-)

    DFL > DNF > DNS
  • Boccellin
    Boccellin Posts: 137 Member
    I too am a slowpoke! I love to run, and I can go four or five miles and thoroughly enjoy myself. Five miles an hour is a good day for me, most days I'm slower. On a really, really good day, I can do a ten minute mile, but it's never as much fun when I'm forcing myself to go faster. I'm working on building up to a marathon. As long as I can do it in under six hours, I will be happy.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I'm very slow, going 5mph usually! I can go at 6mph for a bit, but then I wanna die and have to finish up at 4.5 (and this is on the treadmill. Outside I'm even slower!)

    Hoping to get up to 6mph properly just for the convenience of doing 2 miles in 20 minutes, but other than that, not really fussed about speed!
  • alyssareyans
    alyssareyans Posts: 88 Member
    I'm totally a slow runner...shoot, some days, I'm not even entirely sure what I'm doing out there actually qualifies to some people as "running". But I still love getting out there and doing it. You are not alone by far!

    ^^this! I'm the same way. One day I found a meme that said "I run. Slower than a turtle through peanut butter but I RUN!" Ever since then this has become my mantra.