The Right Combination (for me)...

This is actually my adapted profile, but I thought I would post here to introduce myself and get some more friends.

What I say below is the combination that works for me. In no way do I want to insinuate that it will work for everybody. Everyone has their own combination that helps them. I'd like to know what is your winning combination.

I joined MFP back in January 2012 to help me lose weight by tracking what I was eating and burning. I was 230 lbs, out-of-shape, and taking several medications for medical conditions. At that time I felt very uncomfortable with my body. It's silly, but I didn't even want to go to the gym b/c of how I looked. I had tried dieting on my own, diet pills, lemonade diet, south beach diet. None of it worked for me. It left me hungry all the time. Sure, I lost weight, but along with that I lost muscle mass, which reduced my metabolism. I tried walking around the neighborhood, but I lacked motivation, energy, and it just increased my appetite. I needed to diet and exercise, but dieting left me with lower energy and less muscle mass, and exercising increased my appetite. I was definitely getting frustrated.

I didn't realize then, but now I do; most everything I was eating was processed or had preservatives in it which was causing inflammation in my stomach. My GI track was mainly processing the easily digestible products, like simple carbs and fats. What I wasn't getting a lot of was the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids needed throughout the day. Sure some foods like cereal and milk was fortified with vitamins and minerals, but it came with a big price, high calories. So I started picking foods that wasn't processed and didn't have (or had very little) preservatives.

Also, I needed a goal, something to work towards. A friend from work introduced me to triathlons. I figured what the heck, I'll give it a go. I found that having a goal to work towards helps to keep me motivated on days I don't want to exercise. For me, just saying I wanted to loss weight and be more fit was too vague. I needed something specific, like I'm gonna do a Sprint Triathlon. Some people have a goal of fitting in a dress or pant size, some people want to compete in cross fit games, and some people want to compete in body building competitions. For me, it was Triathlons.

I also learned that I needed to burn more calories than I was consuming. However, I still needed to get a steady supply of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids throughout the day. Eating healthy was necessary, but b/c I was reducing my caloric intake, I wasn't getting the proper amounts of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. I needed supplements to do that. Some people get everything they need just from food For me, I found that supplements help me

So in a nutshell, I use MFP to keep track of what I'm eating and burning, eat healthy, exercise with a goal in mind, burn more than I eat (if I'm trying to lose weight, which I still am), and use a good supplement system. That is the combination I use. Since 2012, I have:

• Lost 60 lbs
• Lost 10% body fat
• Lost 5 inches on my waist
• And I no longer take any medications.
• And November 2013 I did my first Ironman Triathlon.

I'm always looking for new online fitness pals, so shoot me a friend request. I'm always good for some positive encouragement to help others reach their goal.

What combination do you use?


  • msengineer72
    You are so right about the processed foods! I have found that cooking everything at home makes a huge difference in the way I feel, and the way my body looks. It even makes my skin look so much better! It is so sad that most of the stuff at the local grocery store is ruining our health and making us fat, and so few people are even aware of it. That being said, it is a lot of work to prepare healthy meals from natural ingredients. It really takes commitment! I constantly look for healthy supplements that taste good and don't cost a fortune. I must use some supplements to get the necessary protein, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that I need. I'd love to know what you are using - it seems that you've had great success with it!

    As for the combination that works for ME:
    *As much 100% natural food, and personal products as possible (yes, personal products - the xenoestrogens and other junk in scented body products can mess up your metabolic hormones)
    *Plenty of high quality protein each day, including grass-fed hormone-free eggs and beef
    *Plenty of healthy fat each day, always including organic unrefined coconut oil
    *Healthy carbs made by God, not a factory - sweet potatoes, squash, etc
    *Veggies, lots and varied, and some fruits and nuts
    *Lots of plain, clean water each day, fortunately I have well water, and some of the cleanest in the US, and drink about a gallon each day
    *Regular cardio, some of it high intensity intervals, often twice per day
    *Strength training, with heavy (for me) weights, as pink 2 lb dumbbells will NOT build muscle and produce a sexy shape
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Great work. Will check out your diary again.