In my humble opinion

I think this is good: I like to incorporate a snack or two into my daily calories. When I say a snack I mean even häagen daz.
The rest of my calories are typically "healthy" ones. Wondering how others feel about this? Do you incorporate snacks into your daily?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Snacks are what makes the day brighter!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    As long as you're in your calories and hitting your nutrients, then that's awesome :)
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    My snacks are usually along the lines of seeds, fruits, nuts.
    I consider ice cream and cake and cider to be treats.
    And yes, if they fit my calorie goal, then I have them :)
    Sometimes even if they don't fit within my goal :laugh:
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Sounds good to me!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Exactly what I do. I weighed 202 after giving birth, and weigh 135 now. It's all about moderation :-)
  • alfonsinarosinsky
    alfonsinarosinsky Posts: 198 Member
    Exactly what I do. I weighed 202 after giving birth, and weigh 135 now. It's all about moderation :-)

    wow thats great!!! Good for you!!
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    when i first started watching what i ate, i got a little obsessive and wouldn't let myself indulge at all. i could feel this attitude leading towards a binge - or doing what i've done in the past... which is make one so-called 'mistake' and just give up. but a few weeks ago, i realized... hell - if i can work it into my calories and practice moderation and a little self-control, there's nothing wrong with eating what i might be having a craving for.
  • nolabone
    nolabone Posts: 117 Member
    Well if it's Häagen-Dazs, think you're doing it right! Especially if you're staying within your calories. Love their tart frozen yogurt.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I like to work in a beer or two, along with things like fried chicken, pizza, and Egg McMuffins. Wendy's Triples don't count as "snacks" or "treats" because they have a great macro profile.
  • dvdlover
    dvdlover Posts: 719 Member
    omg what would life be with out a goooooood snack take that edge off my snack list is from home made caramel popcorn to cheese cakes I mean cheese cakes with all its works on Sunday didn't get 400lbs just I keep a control now big adjustment to bad I had to go that far to wake up
  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    When people ask me what I eat, I always tell them I eat whatever I want. It's the truth. It's all about quantity versus specific food type. Find something with a good macro profile and stick with it and you'll be just fine. Haagen Daaz is okay! Triple meat burgers are okay!

    As long as you aren't going way over calories every day and you're still reaching your goals, then eat whatever makes you feel satisfied. Just be mindful of how much you're eating.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I have some dark chocolate pretty much every single day. It's budgeted for in my calories and I don't feel bad about it even a tiny bit. It's dark chocolate because that's what I like to eat but if I preferred jelly beans that's what I would be allowing for.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Same here. Typically it's chocolate or ice cream.