Ms. Severely Depressed

So I've been trying to lose weight for the past four and a half months and it's actually been going pretty well. I am down about fifty pounds from my highest ever weight ( I am 5'5 and 130 pounds now) and I know I should feel good about that but I still can't help noticing how much fitter everyone is than me and getting very discouraged. I am suppose to start working out at a gym this week, but I already feel pesimestic and know that it won't really make a difference in how I look. Argh!! What's wrong with me? Sometimes I think things were better when I was fat and oblivious.


  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Why would working out not make a difference?
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Why would working out not make a difference?

  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Working out will make a difference. It will make you feel stronger and more energetic, it lifts your mood. It will improve your stamina, your heart health and lung function and also help you lose weight and or inches.

    Go for it :smile:
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    50 pounds is an amazing accomplishment. Getting stronger will improve your mood. Each visit to the gym or the pilates class or jog around the block has NOTHING to do with anyone else but you. It is your body moving through time and space, hopefully with a little less difficulty each time, a little more grace each time, until you decide to push yourself a little harder.

    A lot of dieters say "nothing tastes as good as thin feels." I would advocate a variation on that, that nothing feels as good as fit feels.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    So I've been trying to lose weight for the past four and a half months and it's actually been going pretty well. I am down about fifty pounds from my highest ever weight ( I am 5'5 and 130 pounds now) and I know I should feel good about that but I still can't help noticing how much fitter everyone is than me and getting very discouraged. I am suppose to start working out at a gym this week, but I already feel pesimestic and know that it won't really make a difference in how I look. Argh!! What's wrong with me? Sometimes I think things were better when I was fat and oblivious.

    Losing weight and fitness are not the same things, and they need to be worked on differently. You've been working on losing weight, but not on your fitness level, whereas you're comparing yourself to people who are actively working on their fitness level. You're setting yourself up for disappointment by comparing yourself this way.

    If you're working out and it's not doing a thing for your appearance, then there's something wrong with your workout.

    Stop comparing yourself against people doing different things. That's like trying to learn Chinese but feel like you're going to fail because everyone studying Russian is so far advanced. Two different things.

    Stop worrying about what other people look like and what they're doing. If you want to increase your fitness level, then stop failing at the gym before you even go. Find workouts you enjoy and will stick with and don't worry about if someone is burning more calories than you or not.
  • cburke719
    Keep doing what you are doing to keep your weight either where you are or want it to be. DON'T RELAPSE!

    My source of getting back into shape is daily walking for at least 45 minutes. I've been doing this for almost 2 years and it's really helped trim me up. Although, I've gained my weight back I'm back to losing it again.

    I'll be back to my daily walking as soon as I can get rid of my persistent back pain. I do miss my walking as it provides time for me to clear my head and enjoy myself. I even help the neighborhood by picking up recycle goods and bringing them home from my walks.

    Get into a daily fitness routine and you will see the results!

    Keep going.....
  • Becky_charles29
    Becky_charles29 Posts: 125 Member

    This time last year, I reached lowest of the low and actually those "crazy" thoughts that shall not be discussed crossed my mind. I was put on leave from work, tablets from the DR and a course of therapy. Now, I could have sat on my *kitten* every day for 8 weeks - that's how long I was off work for - but I didn't. I went and spent time in the gym. 5 days a week you would find me there. 45 mins of spinning then an hour of weight / ab / kettlebell work...then some me time in the spa. I ate 1400 - 1700 cals a day and I must say, at the end of the 8 weeks, I had never looked better.

    Now the therapist actually got to the cause of my depression....EDNOS! I needed to chill about what I looked like. So as my life got back to normal and I headed back to work, the weight crept on again. The old me would have broken down and restricted but the new me has got a grip. Life is far too precious to get caught up on the last 10lbs. I got up to 159lbs (up from 138lbs whilst I was off) and have lost 7lbs so far at a rate of 0.5lbs per week on average so it all can be done.

    I suppose what I am trying to say is I found the gym actually helped me out of my slump and if you put your mind to it, it will help you too

    Good luck x
  • AmanthaHolden
    I'm going to try to have a positive attitude about working out and getting fitter and healthier. I think I am just going through a really tough time right now with my body image. I can relate to what you're saying Becky (about those crazy thoughts) and most of the time I don't even feel like doing anything at all. I hope things get better and that working out improves my mood. Thanks for all the responses everyone.