Why are weekends so darn hard???

I haven't really lost anything since December, and I blame it on weekends. I don't know why it is so hard, but when I am at home all day with nothing really planned, I seem to graze all day long. I very rarely go over my maintenance calories, but I'm not at maintenance yet!!! I really want to get that last 20 pounds off...I just am having lapses in my willpower...every Saturday... Sundays don't seem to be as bad for whatever reason. This week we had snow days Thursday and Friday, so they weren't great, either - I'm back to work next week, so with the routine back in place things will be better...I just wish I could stick with it every day, not just during the week...things would go so much better... I htink more than anything, I'm just tired of the whole thing. I'm not tired of exercising and eating better, but after a year, I'm tired of tracking every calorie that goes in my mouth and leaving behind every morsel of dessert. I haven't had chocolate cake in a YEAR!!! Anyway, thanks for letting me vent and if you have any extra willpower to loan me, I'd appreciate it.


  • Witchshoes
    I hear you - weekends can be very hard. I am what I call a "grazer". When I am bored, I eat. On the weekends that can be very easy to do.

    I found a local esoteric school in my area (they teach massage, hypnotheraphy, reflexology, etc.). If you work with a student, it's very inexpensive to go. I have gone to see a hynotherapist there 5 times, and have been working on why I "graze". It has helped a lot. One trick they taught me is if I feel like I want to go to the fridge and get something to eat, wait for a few minutes, and do deep breathing. Think about do I really want to eat, am I really hungry, or is it something else? After that, if I really want to eat, do so. I have found it has made a big difference in my eating, not grazing near as much.

    Good luck to you, and you hang in there.:happy:
  • hunkahunka
    You are doing great! Wow 74 lbs lost! That's Amazing! You need to give yourself a treat every now and then. You deserve it! It really is a life style change i'm finding out. You are an insiration to us all! Keep at it!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I haven't recorded a single thing on the weekends since summertime. I looked at my progress and decided that was seriously screwing me up! After the 1st of the year, I resolved to journal EVERYTHING I ate (especially on the weekends). My goal was just to journal it - not necessarily even keep to my calories but to just SEE what it was that I was eating. It was a REAL eye opener. I now make sure I journal everything and try to make good choices. I know that weekends are a challenge and often include foods high in sodium or calories but as long as I log it and SEE it (I'm pretty visual), then I know to reign it in for the next meal or next day. I also wanna say that you can eat chocolate cake if you want it and it fits into your calories. It's the depriving yourself of foods you like that can make you give up and go back to your old eating habits. (At least, that's how it works for me)
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    The thing is, on a 1200-1300 calorie diet, chocolate cake (or really any other truly sinful sweet) NEVER fits into the meal plan. 1 piece of cake is as many calories as I eat for a meal now ( or more if it is really sinful), so when making good choices, cake is NEVER a good choice, so I never eat it. I'm just really frustrated right now. Thanks for the kind words.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    It is hard, but at least you are noticing a pattern. Maybe you should make plans for you Sat so you don't have it so bad.
    Take a walk, find a good book to read. Make yourself a "to do list" during the week so you don' t get bored.

    You have done so good, keep up the good work. It is a lifelong journey, might as well make the most of it. I'm sure the summer will be easier.
  • Lose6
    Lose6 Posts: 11
    I agree. You have done so good. Congratulations! I learned in WW a few years ago that you can have that piece of cake. Just plan for it in what you eat the rest of the day. If you fall off the wagon, just pick yourself up and get back on.:happy:
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    The thing is, on a 1200-1300 calorie diet, chocolate cake (or really any other truly sinful sweet) NEVER fits into the meal plan. 1 piece of cake is as many calories as I eat for a meal now ( or more if it is really sinful), so when making good choices, cake is NEVER a good choice, so I never eat it. I'm just really frustrated right now. Thanks for the kind words.

    Right now, I'm staying off desserts and sweets. But I'm almost at my goal weight (maybe 10 pounds to go) - and when I'm maintaining, which is really my project for 2011, I will allow myself a dessert out with friends etc. But only if I've hit the gym really hard in advance and have earned the calories for it!
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    My suggestion is take one day a week and make that your day where you get to eat the sinful things, like chocolate cake. Go and eat as much as you want but also make sure you go and work out. Don't work off all the calories either. Also try upping your caloric intake over the week 1200 may be too low for you now that you have lost a lot of weight. Your body may think that its getting down to the last legs of fat and it better hold on to it because your starving.
  • bonnielp
    wow...you are an inspiration to me. Look how far you have come. the last 20 will come off. maybe you should take the weekends off so you dont feel so deprived. and....you are so busy during the week, you can slow down a little on the weekends. you are bored and boredom can make you graze. I have been losing and gaining the same 20# for years now. Journaling is important, so you dont want to stop that because, it makes you accountable. do something nice for yourself. get a massage or get your nails done or a new haircut to keep you going. You are doing GREAT and I repeat, Great! Try taking Sat and Sun off and be social, see what happens. Good luck!::bigsmile:
    SLDONOHUE Posts: 2 Member
    Stay strong - you can do it!!! You are so close to your goal and once you start maintaining things will change some. You've already lost so much and that comes from eating healthy, excercising regularly and making good choices. Don't beat yourself up too bad.

    I have a small cookbook that has recipes for desserts 150 calories or less. I haven't tried any yet - so I can't really recommend any. I am trying to keep away from sweets until I hit my goal and then I'll allow myself to re-incorporate them as long as the indulgence meets my daily caloric goal. Anyway - you might be able to find some low cal chocolate cake recipes. The one sweet I do allow myself is some sugar free chocolate pudding with sugar free cool whip!

    Sending you LOTS of willpower - you can do it!!!
  • jsavy
    jsavy Posts: 28 Member
    I too went to W/W and many more places through out my life but I always did it my way. You speak of the weekend well like you that was a downfall for my husband was off work ( he is deceased now) and it was the time for family to go out together, now I am alone and don`t like to cook but will make chili or soup occasionally. I have also read one day a week you can eat pretty well eat what you want without tipping the scale and I have tried it and it does work of course I don`t think you can do it every week but one weekend have that cake, still chart no matter what it reads and when you see the red you will know to watch it BUT you cannot deny yourself of things your body is craveing for eventually you will break over. When you are out with a friend share one and litteraly split it in half.

    Here are some things I use
    there is a fudge bar our called Skinny Cow and they are delicious even more so than the real ones, this might curb the chocolate cravings.
    I try to keep dill pickles or something like that to run too when I want something to crunch on.
    I use almonds sometimes even though they are high in calorie
    Pretzels are good snack too
    And make a skinny soup you can run to through out the day with all the vegetables in it

  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    I try to record what I can on the weekends, but I do give myself a day (usually saturday) to go a little crazy. BUT I also spend that day and the day after doing more activity. I do my grocery shopping, clean up the house (with some good music on), deep lunges while I'm vaccuming, and try to keep up with my water.

    Also sunday is a big workout day but I try to be meticulous about what I take in to get back into it for the week.