Coffee Creamer



  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    2 tsp powdered creamer and 1 tsp sugar
  • mirki002
    mirki002 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm really into Coffee Mate Natural Bliss in Cinnamon Cream flavor right now. Two tbsp in my coffee every morning. Worth the calories to me :)

    that sounds yummy. is it a liquid creamer?

    Yup! And it's all natural so milk, cream, sugar, and natural flavor- no oils etc.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    For me, I could never give up cream, either. Here's my magic little recipe that satisfies my cravings at only 70 calories per cup:
    -6 oz coffee (black)
    -1/3 cup unsweetened original almond milk (10 calories)
    -2 (any flavor) International Delight Mini Individual Creamer Singles - 30 calories each, and they have so many flavors out there! My favorites are Almond Joy, Pumpkin, Hazelnut, and French Vanilla, I love to mix and match them! The only flavor I haven't liked so far was the Hershey's Chocolate Caramel, which surprised me.
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    I also like the Coffee Mate Natural Bliss creamers. I buy Vanilla and Sweet Cream. I use about 1.5-2 tbsp for a 12 oz. mug of coffee. When I want mocha flavor, I put 1 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder in the mug before adding coffee, then stir really well and add creamer. Mmm. The cocoa powder even adds fiber and protein!
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Dark chocolate almond milk. :)

    Also either get an organic coffee creamer or switch to flavored non gmo milks because Coffee Mate and other non dairy creamers have carcinogens in them.
  • moparjer
    moparjer Posts: 125 Member
    I usually have 2 cups coffee each morning with: 2 servings of Coffee Mate Unsweetened French Vanilla and 2 drops of EZ-Sweetz liquid sweetener (we get on Amazon). I'll use other flavors but only if unsweetened and on sale. Enjoy!
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    at work, i get a large dunkin donuts iced coffee with cream... their version is to use hood light cream, which isn't available in stores anymore. at home, i do one part half & half, one part heavy whipping cream. it's the same ratios as the light cream i used to be able to get in the grocery store.

    if given the option between using an actual "coffee creamer" like international delight or the powdered stuff, or drinking my coffee black, i'll go with black every time. creamers add sweetness, which i absolutely hate in my coffee. the real cream alone is sweet enough for my taste.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    I do something similar 12 oz coffee ( I have a newborn and need the caffeine lol). 1 tbsp any ID creamer and 1/3 cup light vanilla soy milk. It's like 70 calories but totally worth it. I try to cut the creamer out even tried coffee black but honestly I'd rather not eat then give up my coffee lol
    For me, I could never give up cream, either. Here's my magic little recipe that satisfies my cravings at only 70 calories per cup:
    -6 oz coffee (black)
    -1/3 cup unsweetened original almond milk (10 calories)
    -2 (any flavor) International Delight Mini Individual Creamer Singles - 30 calories each, and they have so many flavors out there! My favorites are Almond Joy, Pumpkin, Hazelnut, and French Vanilla, I love to mix and match them! The only flavor I haven't liked so far was the Hershey's Chocolate Caramel, which surprised me.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    I use the Dunkin' Donuts creamer. I just don't use a lot of it. When I look at creamer, I look for stuff without partially hydrogenated oils.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    If you start drinking black coffee, even if you don't like it at first it grows on you. I pretty much drink it black 90% of the time now. Sometimes I'll use either almond milk or skim milk but not often.
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    We're talking, what? 70-80 calories at most for 2 tbsp? Put the cream in and enjoy your coffee. Mornings are hard enough.
  • newmomma112311
    newmomma112311 Posts: 31 Member
    Have you tried flavored coffee with less creamer? I am a creamer fan myself and LOVE the "Cream of coffee soup"! That cracks me up! I have found that getting a good quality flavored coffee with a complimenting creamer is better than a lot of cream in regular coffee. For example, right now I have Coconut Cream coffee (from a local vendor) and use Almond Joy creamer. I also have Pumpkin Pie coffee and use Caramel Vanilla creamer (unitl Pumpkin creamers come out). Its worth a shot :smile:
  • DBubbs
    DBubbs Posts: 38 Member
    I use flavored Coffee-Mate Peppermint Mocha or International Delight York Peppermint Patty. My creamer is one thing I won't give up. - I love unsweetened almond milk, and that is what I drink, but I do NOT like it in my coffee, for some reason it gives it a cardboard-like aftertaste.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    My coffee is 70% coffee, 10% flavored creamer, 20% half n half and a packet of hot cocoa powder. It's delicious.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Put me in the camp of drinking it black these days. Every morning, 20 ounces, black (and decaffeinated). And yes, try different brands until you find one that suits your tastebuds.

    Lately I've been having an iced coffee in the afternoons. For this one I use sugar free Torani french vanilla syrup and fat free half and half. The calorie counts are so low on those products that I can put in as much as I want without blowing the bank.

    When it gets cold I'll get some flavored coffee and drink it black in the afternoons. This place has a bazillion flavors: When you find one that you really like, you will be less likely to miss the creamer.
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    I tried the low/no sugar creamers, but in all honesty nothing compared to the ones that taste like Girl Scout cookies or gingerbread! Getting to work is hard enough, I'll gladly sacrifice 70 calories if it means I get to enjoy a small piece of happy, quiet time each morning. :)
  • bohemian124
    bohemian124 Posts: 152 Member
    I like my coffee to taste like coffee, maybe with a hint of vanilla or hazelnut. I like it fairly strong, but with milk or cream to lighten the bitter flavor a bit. This is how I usually take my coffee:

    2 tbs full fat half & half in hot coffee, plus about 1/4-1/2 tsp white sugar. I sub almond milk if I'm out of half & half.

    About 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk in iced coffee, plus 1/4-1/2 tsp agave syrup.

    I just got a bottle of hazelnut flavored Sweet Leaf sweet drops (flavored liquid stevia) - 2 drops works well for me in a large iced coffee. Any more and it is WAAAAAYYYY too sweet. I'm going to start incorporating it into my regular coffee routine.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I use the International Delight coffee creamers (the regular kind, not the fat-free or sugar-free kind). I drink two coffees a day with this stuff and have managed to lose 60 lbs. It can be done. No way in hell I would ever give up my coffee. You can make it fit into your day.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    HWC and Davinci SF Syrup. slurps.
  • This is what I love, and you could gradually increase the amount of milk so you get used to it:

    1 can low-fat sweetened condensed milk
    1 cup of 2% milk (or your choice)
    2 Tbsp vanilla extract (the real stuff)

    Stir briskly in a 1-quart mason jar. Keep the lid on tight and store in the fridge. You could, with each batch, increase the amount of milk or lower the amount of s.c.m. to lower the calories. But really, since you've cut the s.c.m. in half with the regular milk, it's probably about 60-70 calories for 2 Tablespoons.