What got you started?



  • shannonschwarz77
    After struggling with my weight since middle school now with depression, I realized I need a change.
  • susistretch
    Ten years after meeting my first WW goal, the mid-life bulge arrived. The lovely things I'd bought at my goal weight didn't fit, Nothing looked right, and I was thinking that was it. I have MS as well, so maintaining strength is hugely important!

    I decided this week to "get real". I signed up with a new trainer at my gym, and committed to every day for the next two weeks - before my teacher job starts again. After that, it's going to be a struggle. I'm going to need a lot of encouragement!
  • cdl42
    cdl42 Posts: 41
    : Well I have started and stopped a few times, but my most recent reason for starting is so I can be here for my girls plus after seeing what are hearts may look like if we gain to much weight. So cheers to our better health.:drinker:
  • mundaycarroll
    mundaycarroll Posts: 64 Member
    Since I joined the military I have been going back and forth with my weight. I seem to be the type that will do really good for a long period of time and once I reach my goal I slack and go back to the way I was. At the beginning of this year I was slacking really bad with my workouts and drinking entirely too much. One day, right before this deployment, I got on the scale and realized not only had I gained entirely too much weight but I was the heaviest I had ever been while being in the military and the heaviest I had been since getting with my husband. I was so embarrassed that my husband had to be seen with me. So after that I decided it's time to get serious again and this time make it a lifestyle change rather than a temporary solution.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    MFP showed up on my Garmin Connect so I clicked on it and thought it might be useful to log in everything I eat so I can see first hand my eating trends... plus knowing that I am going to log in everything I eat helps me make better eating choices...but not drinking choices...lol... my diary is full of lots of alcohol-related empty calories...
  • missbellz
    missbellz Posts: 9 Member
    As many others, it was a photo, I knew I as fat, I knew I looked horrible, but seeing it in a photo made it real. I had avoided photos of anything from the neck up for a long while.
  • JePet63
    JePet63 Posts: 7 Member
    For me it was the combination of different things... slacks from last year I couldn't even get over my thighs, vacation photos (after demanding that my husband leaves me out of them, 3 pics managed to crawl into our album and I was absolutely horrified) and the fact that we want to have a baby... idea of putting on more weight when I am already overweight sounds like a horror to me...

    In addition, I started resenting myself and feeling depressed, started avoiding people and even withdrawing from my husband. So he sat me one day and spoke to me gently trying to figure out what was wrong. I was ashamed to admit it was something so 'vain' as my weight (in my mind weight issues are still primarily related to appearances and therefore vain in comparison to 'real problems'). He was very supportive and we immediately ordered Fitbit Flex, signed me up in the local gym with a good coach and... most importantly set up a deadline!

    Its really only my second day and I am already terrified I'll slip...
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    I started when I started snoring and sleeping difficulties . Serious wake up call for me.
  • Cactusedd
    Cactusedd Posts: 13 Member
    I just got tired of being the second choice because I have skinny friends :laugh: And I also want to know how it feels to be skinny again because it turns out I can't remember lol
  • detoxrobot
    The same as most, pictures, two beautiful daughters that I want to be around to annoy FOREVER! Boyfriend, extra energy, and I missed my "skinny clothes"
  • jenkauff1
    jenkauff1 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm so encouraged by the testimonies of people who are overcoming obstacles to better health and fitness. My sweet Mother dieted all of my young life, gauging her own worth and value as a person based on whether she gained or lost weight. Even as a child I knew that wasn't right, but I bought into it until my mid 20's when I completely rejected the concept of dieting. Unfortunately, I didn't make the next step of accepting responsibility for my eating choices either. It's been a long journey, but watching my friends and family battle diabetes and heart disease, I knew what would lay ahead for me if I continued on without change. I used to look at food as a way to control life (ironic because I was so out of control), or as an emotional response to stress or anxiety (which was a vicious cycle because every time I overate, I would be completely overwrought with anxiety). It's a daily challenge to look at food as a gift from God that is mean to help me, not harm me, but that is my goal every day. I believe that if I am living the values that God put in my heart, walking in obedience to his plan for my life, the weight will come off because I know I am not mean to carry this weight. I've changed exercise and food patterns and am seeing success. Since June 2014 I have lost 10 pounds, which was very exciting. I'm currently 214 and would like to crack the 190's by December 2014. If I lose more, BONUS! It's just a fraction of what I'd selfishly like to lose, but I am trusting in God's plan and sticking close to him because I love him. I trust him to guide me. :)