How do i stop binge eating



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I do not binge…but I also never keep any binging food in my home. Why would someone wanting to lose weight have cookies, ice cream… chocolate around? The food you buy and put in your home is the food you are going to eat. period.
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Yes. Agree. ^ as to comparing food binge eating with drugs (alcohol included) --- AA, OA, NA., taking away the concept of moderation is what makes that person "never able to step foot near XYZ" we can't live our lives that way.
    Bottom line, I can't rely on 100% willpower 24/ 7 - to give up over-eating., drugs, etc.
    Deprivation and saying "off limits" is the very downfall of so many diets/ recoveries.
    You have to battle the root cause. if you figure that out, you won't have to rely on saying "no"
    ... Wouldn't you love to say "no" to over-eating just because you simply DO NOT WANT to over eat ? And NOT because you are mentally/physically FORCING yourself to say "NO" ??
  • wuggums47
    wuggums47 Posts: 25 Member
    I've found that there are only two things that can stop me from eating to much. The first is to buy less food, and buy next to no unhealthy food. If I buy unhealthy food, I don't get a whole pack, because that means the whole pack will be showing on my hips. If I want ice cream, I don't get a bucket, I get a pint or less.

    The other thing that I've found helps is to change the way you think about food. Realize that if you don't eat right now, you can always eat later. Food will still be there in a few hours when it's actually time to eat. Also, it's easy to think of hunger as a bad thing. But if you start thinking of it as an edge, it's not so bad. You should only eat when you are actually hungry. Odds are if you're like me you eat when you're bored, or you eat when you want to taste food. That has to stop if you want to be healthier.

    Oh and I just remembered another thing, try drinking plain water when you feel like you want to eat. It will fill your stomach up for a little bit, and for me at least it helps. If you try to substitute going to the kitchen for food to going to the kitchen for water or unsweetened tea, it will be replacing an unhealthy habit with a healthier one.
  • CouchToHealthy
    CouchToHealthy Posts: 14 Member
    hi, i know where your coming from. i do exactly the same. this morning i went to the local bakery and had a sausage sandwich and a cake. then at lunch i had a pre-packed sandwich, gronola yogurt, a piece of cake and a monster energy drink. i've just had another piece of cake and for my tea i'm having shepherds pie that i will probably have chips and gravy with.
    I think i'm going to have to start buying fruit instead of cake but i have such a sweet tooth i find it so hard to say no.
    If you find a way forward please let me know :smile:
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    buying fruit instead of cake might help you in the short run.
    but in the long term, you have realized there is a problem and you have to find a solution, not a band-aid.
    I've been there, so many of us have been there. there has to be a change in the relationship with food.

    everyone is different. what works for one might not work for the next, i understand that.
    seeking therapy, or some kind of support is the only thing that had helped me.
    self help books can be truly amazing if you really let them sink in.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i never bring the package, box or carton of food when i want to eat - i bring a serving only. i found i couldn't stop eating when more food was right in front of me. and i haven't been able to have my favorite ice cream (dryer's slow churned moose tracks, no sugar) in the house, as it calls to me from the freezer :D

    but what's worked for me (and it's been like a miracle) since may 1 is that i decided to let myself obsess about things. i love fitness equipment and cameras, and i read reviews, go see them at stores, i've done tons of comparisons and when i feel like eating just to eat, i have a single square of sees chocolate and sit down to research and read more about my passions. it's the first time i've been able to keep from binging in years.
  • CouchToHealthy
    CouchToHealthy Posts: 14 Member
    Is this book available in paper form? I wouldn't mind reading it myself but i can only find it on the internet in kindle form.
  • CouchToHealthy
    CouchToHealthy Posts: 14 Member
    You are not alone. I had/have such similar issues and I can very much relate.

    Just a suggestion, I have recently read this book: "How to Have Your Cake and Your Skinny Jeans Too: Stop Binge Eating, Overeating and Dieting For Good Get the Naturally Thin Body You Crave From the Inside Out (Binge Eating Solution Book 1) " By Josie Spinardi. I got it on Amazon, read it over a few days, took notes and really let it sink in... The concepts very much clicked with me, I have re-read sections and I feel so, so much better about my relationship with food. A sigh of relief for me, it's opened my eyes SO much about WHAT/ WHEN/ WHY i'm bingeing. Once it really clicked with me, I felt I felt a shift inside and haven't had that urge to eat in that manner. It might not help everyone, but it helped me a lot so I wanted to share.

    I second this book. After two decades of binge eating (I started as a kid), this book has been the first thing to help me make significant changes.

    Is this book available in paper form? I would like to read it myself but can only find it on kindle on the internet.
  • Hey I self recovered from anorexia and gained weight back that I needed. I recently however too find myself binging a few times a week and like you I too suffer some issues. After recovery my binges were more severe, 4000+ calories in a day and that has left me with body fat! I like I said still binge but instead of everyday they are a few times a week. I'll name some tips that have helped me below. You have to understand though that it does take time, some people think you can just stop instantly but you didn't gain these issues over night so don't expect them to go over night.

    The best things to do to avoid binge eating:

    Eat a healthy substantial breakfast. I always have either oatmeal and a really sweet fruit like banana sliced on top. I find that on the days where I eat little to no breakfast is when my binges are severe.

    Brush your teeth if you feel the binge voice kicking in, Brush them then use mouth wash.

    Read (if you enjoy reading) it takes your mind off food.

    Calories in V calories out is what makes you lose/gain weight so if it is near the night when you feel these urges kicking in then save a fair few calories to have at night so you can have a bit more of the food you cook so it keeps you satisfied.

    Trust me you will beat it, you will eventually get sick of the foods you binge on. I was so bad with Kitkats (chocolate biscuits) it was a huge binge food for me, I never want to eat one again now!

    BTW talk to someone about your relationship with food and any other issues you are going through I promise it helps!
  • ducati45
    ducati45 Posts: 54 Member
    The binge eating is a symptom of your mental health problems more than the problem, well that is how it was for me. Trying to lose weight is stressful in itself but if you are already struggling with those issues it is a manifestation that you need help, not what needs to be fixed for you to be happy. It is possible to use some of these tips and maybe they might stop you...or not. But self destructive behaviour and doing anything to relieve anxiety will just move on to another bad issue, if it's not binging, it's something else. Don't try and cut off the head of the hydra, so to speak. Go back to see a psychologist and a psychiatrist. Get on the right meds and the right therapies and coping strategies for you. You won't have the urge to binge if you aren't mentally unwell still. Best of luck.
  • TheFrugalFatass
    TheFrugalFatass Posts: 58 Member
    I'm not saying all eating disorders can be tamed like this, but mine was.

    You just completely negated your own argument with this one sentence.

    If you read my post, you would see that I said that it works for me and it might work for the OP. I didn't guarantee it would work for the OP.

    My eating disorder was unable to be tamed like yours, so that's what works for me.
  • CaliopeCupcake
    We're with you sister. Between now and asking someone who knows more than we do, you might keep a notepad nearby and jot down the time of day or night you binge; add detail about your feelings-- if any-- that may have motivated it, and make a note if a thought or event with others happened beforehand to spark it. Sometimes I am my worst enemy and start thinking about something stressful. Before I know it the fridge door is open! It also happens if I stay up too late and need more energy--but should be sleeping.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'm not saying all eating disorders can be tamed like this, but mine was.

    You just completely negated your own argument with this one sentence.

    If you read my post, you would see that I said that it works for me and it might work for the OP. I didn't guarantee it would work for the OP.

    My eating disorder was unable to be tamed like yours, so that's what works for me.

    Apologies, I forgot to mention the years in the 'rooms' of OA,AA and NA trying to learn how to deal with my, not alcoholism, food addiction or drug addiction, but my general moderation problem with all things!

    Abstinence is one way, which 'worked'with alcohol for a couple of decades. Food, if you abstain from whole food groups, eventually you're going to binge. Especially if the fear of death isn't really there like the alcohol one is. OA did not work one bit for me, especially as there was no calorie control.
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    if you are talking about the book i recommended..' How to Have Cake / Skinny Jeans: ThinSide Out.'

    i was only able to find it on the kindle too. I do not have a kindle, so i bought it and read it on the Kindle App, on my Iphone
    you can also open it up to read on your computer. but no, haven't found it in paper-book form
  • TheFrugalFatass
    TheFrugalFatass Posts: 58 Member
    Fair enough. It works for some, doesn't work for others. Works for me. I try really hard not to tell people "you should" or "you shouldn't" precisely because what works for me won't necessarily work for others.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    Hi sweetie,
    First of all, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
    I want you to know that there are hundreds of people out there in your shoes and we all love and support each other because THIS IS NOT AN EASY DISEASE.

    I agree with those who have said to talk to your doctor. But don't stop there ... PUSH PUSH PUSH, everywhere and every time. You may have to push extremely hard to get the help you need, especially if your eating disorder is not considered as much of a 'health' risk as bulimia or anorexia ... that happened to me. I was refused one-on-one counselling because of that. But there is help and hope if you keep pushing and knocking on doors.

    And finally .... NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP.

    You will wake up one morning and know you can do it, and then two minutes later you'll eat half a cake. But that doesn't mean that it's over. It's never over ... ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    Last year I did 30 days without binging. That was probably the longest I have gone in my entire life. It was amazing.

    This year has been even harder. Life has really gotten me down. I feel beaten and burned and weary every day. But I'm going on 12 days binge free if I make it to tomorrow morning, and this is my first long streak this year.

    YOU CAN DO IT ...

    You're not alone. BIG HUGS. lots of love xxxxxx