Need some motivation/ideas please

Hello i'm new to the online forum.

My names Samantha, I've always been a good size, however, I was not always "obese".

In February I had a baby and went from around 75kg to 90kg. Convincing myself I'd lose the weight after I had my son. I was completely wrong!

I'm currently 90 kg (over 14stone )now 6 month later, I'm 5,6 and only 20 years old! I probably don't look as big as I am and have decided that I HAVE to lose weight. I lost 5lb in my first week eating 1200 cals a day. I've invested in insanity and literally tried my hardest for the past 7 days, I don't expect massive changes in a week but I've only lost 0.5lb. Im unsure whether I should stop insanity and continue losing weight purely off a healthy diet or up my calories and continue insanity?

Can anyone give advice? or even any tips on quick ways to lose weight?

Also how do you get a weight loss thing under my posts?:)



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Be patient. Treat yourself as well as you treat your baby.
  • samwalkerxx
    I just feel like I'm really going to harm my health by being so overweight, my dad, granddad, granddads mam and dad have all had heart attacks young (my granddad has had 5!) and I'm 10 times more unhealthy than them. I feel like something has to be done asap
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    1200 calories isn't enough. Calculate your TDEE on some websites to get an average idea of what your estimated maintenance needs are and subtract 20% from that (I like health-calc and the most, also scoobys isn't bad). Then compare that to what you have put into MFP; there will be a large difference. Most people who wind up on 1200 based on MFP's suggestions are eating at too large of a deficit (30% or so, or higher), which will impact their metabolism and overall health. Plus the weight lost is more likely to come back, or your maintenanace needs will be very low and difficult to sustain yourself on.

    IF you enjoy exercising, then do it! If not, then don't do it, and recalculate your deficit based on being less active. Regardless of what you do, it's about eating at a caloric deficit (it's much easier creating a deficit with diet, even if you are exercising). Eat enough to be healthy and happy.

    Also, don't focus on eating healthy unless there are certain foods that you know you have to omit long-term/permanently. Eat foods you love eating but within your caloric needs. Weigh or at least measure your food and log it with consistency. Lose weight slowly because that's how it will be maintained. Basically, any food choices you make now are likely going to have to be maintained once you are in maintenance mode, otherwise it might be too easy to fall back on old over-eating habits especially if you choose to stop logging once you lose the weight.

    Ideally opt for lots of protein, but if body composition is not your goal then you can legitimately eat whatever you want. Protein and fat will keep you fuller, as will a nutrient-dense diet (so things that are lower in calorie for a lot of food)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't know what Insanity is. Judging by the name, I don't think it's for me. :)

    Calorie counting will help you get a good idea of how many you're taking in. Exercise will help you burn off any excess, as well as make you a stronger, healthier person. Eating healthy foods will help you feel fuller as well as make you a healthier person.

    Do it the healthy way. Commit to it for the long term and forgive yourself for any setbacks. Keep going.

    Dream big, work small. :)
  • samwalkerxx
    Thank you very much for your advice, I'm very naive to what's good and bad, the app has helped however things such as rice, high in calories however family say not to eat it same with white buns and bread. I hit all my targets on the app however I've found eating "healthy" (having fruit smoothies and salad daily) barely has any calories!? I really need a diet plan, I'm EXTREMELY fussy, hate any type of potato, most meats except beef (can tolerate chicken) hence why I think I always struggle with my weight. Need some advice on what meals are good for you but fill you at the same time?!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    First off, OP, spend some time searching these forums as there is plenty of good information.

    Second, you only need to create a calorie deficit for weight loss. Yes, a healthy diet will help your health, but on those days when you are ready to quit, reminding yourself of the calorie deficit and enjoying what you want (in moderation) is a good way to stay on track. You are also bound to have bad days, but work on making them less bad by not severely overeating on those days.

    Third, make sure you get enough protein, fats, and fiber in your diet. Your body needs those for healthy functioning. Eat your veggies!

    Fourth, find exercise you like and start doing it. Baby steps are fine. You don't need insanity, but you need regular and consistent exercise from now on. Not for the next 30 days, but forever.

    Fifth, Stick with it. Push yourself but not so hard that you burn out. Find that sweet spot for you and slowly increase your intensity.
  • samwalkerxx
    Thank you very much for your advice! your right, I definitely need to take up a hobbie, and stick to it! thanks for the advice.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Personally I recommend walking. Helped me a lot. You can take some music or an audiobook with you. And there is nothing like a long walk for clearing the mind easing stress and more importantly burning fat. And you would be amazed how quickly a body can adapt to long sustained walks. I do 2 hours a day. At an average calorie burn rate reported by fitbit of 230 calories per hour. That means I am burning 3220 calories a week just walking about XD. That's almost a whole pound of pure fat loss accounted for right there.

    The only big drawback is if you can spare the time it takes.
  • samwalkerxx
    Thankyou! having my baby i guess i could definately spare time to walk, especially until i go back to Uni :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Congratulations on both your baby and your weight loss, what a great start! Remember, there is no "bad" food, you need only eat within your caloric goals.
  • skjones0323
    skjones0323 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello!! You know how when you set up your account you can out in how much you want to lose per week? My first piece of advice is to make sure that it is realistic and slow. You do not want to lose weight too quickly, or you will end up slowing your metabolism down because your body will think it is starving. Then you are eating very little, feel hungry and deprived and end up on a horrible cycle of losing and gaining. I'm 52 and trust me, you don't want this. I would analyze your daily breakdown of foods and make sure you are eating enough protein and fiber because those two things will help make you feel full. I would try to pick healthy "real" foods, like real fruits and vegetables, grains and beans, meat and fish. I would advise you to pick something for exercise that you can keep doing once you've lost the weight you want to and that you enjoy...because as you age you need to exercise to stay healthy and avoid health related problems. That's the second mistake I made that I wish I could have do-over on...I'd establish a regular exercise routine. I wish you the best and enjoy every moment with your little one....they grow way too fast!!! :smile: