Twice a day workouts... some advice?

Hello everybody, i want to work out twice a day...

I need some opinions, my goal is to loose as much fat as possible

am: circuit training 30 mins

pm: cardio 30 mins of HIIT and 30 minutes of LISS

Monday to Friday


  • alexkirkp
    alexkirkp Posts: 26 Member
    1.5 hours a day 5 days a week should be fine as long as you are being reasonable about the intensity for your current fitness level. Just make sure to have a snack after each workout.
  • FaridPERU
    FaridPERU Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks my friend, best regards from Perú
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    I recently started working out 3x a day lol

    I'd get some strength training in there though..
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Working out twice a day is only beneficial if you're training for something and thus eating at a caloric surplus.

    Working out a ****load isn't going to make your weight loss any faster or any more sustainable, especially because you'll likely start exercising less once you get to your goal, which will thus lead to you over-eating because your maintenance levels will have lowered quite a bit. this is often how people wind up gaining back their lost weight.

    Exercise every day or every other day, allow yourself rest regardless of how often you work out, and makesure your caloric deficit is no more than 20% of your maintenance needs so that your fat loss is reasonable, steady, not drastic, healthy, and will result in lasting weight loss.

    ETA I work out 4, MAYBE 5 times a week for ~5 hours total. 4 of that is spent on weight training, the rest is post-weights cardio to help with DOMS. I do not exercise to lose weight, I exercise so that I can maintain muscle mass so that once I am at my desired body fat % I can start eating at a surplus and put on muscle. Exercise should not be done with the goal of losing weight, but with the goal of transforming and maintaining your body, improving your health, and making yourself feel good.
  • lioooba
    lioooba Posts: 105 Member
    I would throw some weight-training in there, way more effective!
    And if you make sure to have a rest day each week you should be fine.
  • FaridPERU
    FaridPERU Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks every body!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Hello everybody, i want to work out twice a day...

    I need some opinions, my goal is to loose as much fat as possible

    am: circuit training 30 mins

    pm: cardio 30 mins of HIIT and 30 minutes of LISS

    Monday to Friday

    i think you will quickly discover that you can't do this 5 days a week, especially the HIIT. if you're doing it correctly (which i guess if you're doing it for 30 minutes you wouldnt be anyway) then there's no way you're going to be able to keep it up that much. not to mention that fact that all that HIIT (if you're doing it correctly) will have some side effects on your hormones, especially leptin and ghrelin

    if you absolutely positively want to work out twice a day then i've found the best way to do i and stay injury free was to do 3 days of strength training and do HIIT on those days. the non strength training days are for lower intensity stuff that doesnt put me in the anaerobic stage
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    What is HIIT and LISS?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    What is HIIT and LISS?

    hiit = high intensity interval training . which means you cycle between doing an activity as fast/hard as you can for like 15 seconds and catching your breath. during the high intensity part you are working anaerobically, so you're not supposed to be able to breathe. also there's a certain amount of physical fitness you should have before doing this. like you know those warnings on machines that say stop if you feel dizzy ? well with hiit that's the point :laugh:

    liss= low intensity steady state
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Hello everybody, i want to work out twice a day...

    I need some opinions, my goal is to loose as much fat as possible

    am: circuit training 30 mins

    pm: cardio 30 mins of HIIT and 30 minutes of LISS

    Monday to Friday

    I very rarely give advice that could come off mean, but, just don't.

    Are you training for an incredibly intense competition, or just trying to lose weight? Oh, the latter? Yeah, two-a-days aren't needed. But they are a fantastic way to injure yourself.

    I'm not sure what your current fitness level is, but I'm also really worried that maybe you're the type of guy who works out maybe one day a week and is suddenly pledging 5 days of working out a week, twice. Even if you're a pretty athletic guy, that's a lot of over worked muscles.

    It's also really not all that sustainable, unless you do plan on working out 5 days a week for the rest of your life.

    Lose weight slow, focus on maintaining a calorie deficit and do workouts that are sustainable and won't injure you.
  • clamoru
    clamoru Posts: 15 Member
    You can do it without problem. I am doing Insanity in the mornings and weight lifting in the afternoon since 3 weeks ago and I am still alive and without injuries. You will be stronger for sure , so go ahead
  • FaridPERU
    FaridPERU Posts: 172 Member

    i will try
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I'd add in some weights a few times a week (more muscle = fat burns faster).

    I work out 2-3 hours a day, 6-7 days a week. Sometimes I go back for a second trip but usually just the one.

    I do almost strength and weight training and have found that (for me) I get a better work out than when I was doing more cardio based training.

    Good luck. :)