Newbie-> but I love MFP already!!!

rrboruff Posts: 24
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I've been using MFP consistently for about three weeks and I have already noticed a huge difference! I am a 24 year old, first year teacher. My year has been HECTIC! But in the midst of lesson planning and grading papers, I try to make it to the gym 4-5 times a week. I love MFP and even downloaded the app on my phone. It has really helped me open my eyes to how BAD I had been eating before! WOWZA! I have tried diet trends in the past, but nothing stuck. I am anxious to see how just being aware of my caloric intake will affect my weight and general health. I get discouraged when I don't see weight results. So I am only weighing myself the first of every month. I want to lose a total of 50 lbs. EEEeekkk!!! It sounds so intimidating!


  • rich1976
    rich1976 Posts: 1 Member
    It's amazing how fast MFP changes perspectives, isn't it?

    Good luck on your fitness journey!
  • I'm looking to lose 50lbs too, well to start with. =o) Feel free to add me if you like, we can help support each other.
  • Good luck! You and I have been doing this program for about the same amount of time. I would like to lose 30 lbs! Can't wait to see our progress :) I am in school to become a teacher also! :)
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Welcome! There are great tools on MFP - use them all!

    If 50 lbs seems intimidating to you, try adding some mini goals with rewards to stay focused on for short term. Say, at 10 lbs, you get a small reward (not food related, IMO.) Also, you can try using measurements to keep track of progress in between weigh ins. Measurements will tell you a lot that the scale won't!

    Good luck!
  • danaellis
    danaellis Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! As a veteran teacher one course away from finishing her educational administration degree, I can feel your pain. Your first year teaching is always so overwhelming, but you will survive!! I'm so proud that you took a positive step for yourself this year in deciding to be accountable to yourself. It is so easy to reach for snacks or comfort food when we feel overwhelmed. Congrats that you are now taking steps daily to keep that from happening anymore! You CAN lose the 50 pounds. It will take time and determination, but it will come if you stick with it. I lost 170 six years ago and still have 100 to my goal weight. Seems like a long way to go, but I know I can do it too. Surround yourself with people who will cheer you on and celebrate (healthfully) your milestones!
  • Helllo i am new too ,and MFP is one great way to lose weight .but i need some motivation to lose 30LBs by 4-1811
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