I thought "macros" was an economics class in college....



  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    What's wrong with eating fat?
    Nothing. But you can be in awesome shape... or whatever... without making it so complicated. I see so many people here obsessing over macros, micros, multiple acronyms.... it's mind boggling... no wonder people just say screw it...
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    What's wrong with eating fat?
    Nothing. But you can be in awesome shape... or whatever... without making it so complicated. I see so many people here obsessing over macros, micros, multiple acronyms.... it's mind boggling... no wonder people just say screw it...

    I see lots of people say screw it when they think they are doomed to "eat clean" forever and can never have pizza or ice cream again. I think that even if someone elects to not worry about macros and micros they still need to understand what they are. I think the more people learn about food and fitness the more likely they are to be successful in the long run. Understanding all of this makes trouble shooting easier.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I agree with most of that.... but I've done the whole gambit here... from competitive bodybuilding to ultrarunning without ever knowing a thing about macros or micros... and I ate plenty of ice cream and pizza...
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    I agree with most of that.... but I've done the whole gambit here... from competitive bodybuilding to ultrarunning without ever knowing a thing about macros or micros... and I ate plenty of ice cream and pizza...

    Eh. People are different. Some people are data-driven (me) and more information can help them accomplish their goals. Some people can do it by feel (you) and have success. I would anticipate though that most people would be more successful in the long run establishing a plan and using the tools provided by this site and others to stick to that plan.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I agree with most of that.... but I've done the whole gambit here... from competitive bodybuilding to ultrarunning without ever knowing a thing about macros or micros... and I ate plenty of ice cream and pizza...

    Eh. People are different. Some people are data-driven (me) and more information can help them accomplish their goals. Some people can do it by feel (you) and have success. I would anticipate though that most people would be more successful in the long run establishing a plan and using the tools provided by this site and others to stick to that plan.
    Yeah...but you are a Devils fan.... and a good Pens fan is forbidden to agree with you.
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    Ha! That's Sun Devils not the NJ variety. ;)
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Lol... ok...then I agree with you

    Should have looked at your profile first to figure that out...
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I agree with most of that.... but I've done the whole gambit here... from competitive bodybuilding to ultrarunning without ever knowing a thing about macros or micros... and I ate plenty of ice cream and pizza...

    According to your profile "I'm 56...never really been out of shape"

    You've never struggled with balance like many of us on this site have. That's great that you don't need to understand it, but many of us who were obese just don't have that natural balance. Some of us have to track diligently and we're lucky if we can move away from it while still making progress towards out goals. When you don't have an off button like me it's even more important to have appropriate macros. Setting up my macros right is the difference between balance and binge eating. That's great that you don't need it, but don't knock the whole thing just because it's irrelevant to you.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Hit calorie target average
    get enough protein
    eat plenty of meat, fruit and veg to ensure you get a wide variety of micro nutrients
    fit in some treats here and there.

    That is the easiest way to do it IMO :smile:

    There is no "perfect" macro nutrient ratio and unless you are looking to get into the ridiculously lwo BF% levels, there is definitely no need to worry about finding it.
  • Cheyenelikewyoming
    Cheyenelikewyoming Posts: 52 Member
    Well, I am a math teacher, so I'm always counting. I count numbers in my head...add them, subtract them....so I figure counting calories is mostly a numbers game. And now I'm understanding that the macros are a percentage game (and of course numbers too based on daily goals). I'm gonna log a day ahead and try to get these percentages right. Good luck to me (and yes cans of tuna are in the mix...I'd much rather have that than a protein shake. Protein shakes taste like flavored sand). Oh yea, and I'm from the south, so lets add a little venison in there too (makes me think of Sarah Palin eating bison all the time...lol):wink:
  • Lindyandcheryl
    Lindyandcheryl Posts: 9 Member
    Greek yogurt packs a lot of protein.....that's what I eat to stay around 100 grams if I'm lacking.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    According to your profile "I'm 56...never really been out of shape"

    You've never struggled with balance like many of us on this site have. That's great that you don't need to understand it, but many of us who were obese just don't have that natural balance. Some of us have to track diligently and we're lucky if we can move away from it while still making progress towards out goals. When you don't have an off button like me it's even more important to have appropriate macros. Setting up my macros right is the difference between balance and binge eating. That's great that you don't need it, but don't knock the whole thing just because it's irrelevant to you.
    Fair enough... you are right and I apologize if I came across judgmental...
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    According to your profile "I'm 56...never really been out of shape"

    You've never struggled with balance like many of us on this site have. That's great that you don't need to understand it, but many of us who were obese just don't have that natural balance. Some of us have to track diligently and we're lucky if we can move away from it while still making progress towards out goals. When you don't have an off button like me it's even more important to have appropriate macros. Setting up my macros right is the difference between balance and binge eating. That's great that you don't need it, but don't knock the whole thing just because it's irrelevant to you.
    Fair enough... you are right and I apologize if I came across judgmental...

    Thank you :drinker:
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I am very aware of all that I eat. I thought I was eating well, but shockingly I was not! Not enough calories, not enough protein or fat!

    I am seeing a trainer right now. She went through my goals here, we have upped my protein and calories several days ago.

    One tip she gave me for meeting my macro goals was to plan and input all the protein I am to consume at each meal. Once I get that in, then add the complex carbs and fats. it is amazing how doing that has made them all line up, not perfect pie slices but darn close.

    Protein Sources I use are lean cuts of meat, skinless chicken and turkey, eggs, egg whites, plain greek yogourt, plain cottage cheese, low fat cheese, whey protein powder, beans and lentils, almond butter.

    For 4 days now I have not had a single craving or need to eat something I have not pre planned for the day. Before I would crave something every single day. I think feeding your body well is a key to success.