Don't be discouraged by the scale...

YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Quick message to most of you. Scales are NOT 100% accurate. Yes, they're accurate when it comes about giving your total body weight, but it won't tell you where that weight is coming from. If you're working out, and you're muscles are growing at the same time you're burning fat, the number on the scale might not change so drastically and you might get the wrong impression. Please, do not be discouraged by the scale, you need to take in consideration muscle mass. Another factor that might affect the reading on the scale is body fluids. About 60% of our bodies is fluids. There will be days you weight yourself and it shows 2lbs extra and the next day 2lbs less. This could be because of the water levels in your body changes. So keep all this in mind whenever you use the scale to track your weight loss.



  • Excellent message. Thank you.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    THANKS FOR THIS .... especially with my weigh in day being tomorrow .....
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    togden, you're welcome... best advise take photos of you every 3 weeks, use a measuring tape and check how your clothes are fitting :)

    anytime geraldhenry :)
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Great post, and thanks for the reminder!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Great message! I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred all month and haven't seen a very big drop on the scale the entire time. However, I can tell that I've lost some inches and I'm definitely noticing how much stronger and how much more endurance I have now. I'll be taking "after" photos on the 30th or 31st, to see just how much of a difference the Shred has made. Thank you for this post! :)
  • Thanks for this message!
  • james3302
    james3302 Posts: 119
    I agree Yass, people should also measure their bodies too. Everyone around you sees the inches you loose and not not the number on the scale.
  • mommy2maddox
    mommy2maddox Posts: 141 Member
    I was JUST about to post a message about my embarrassment that I haven't lost any weight in the past 8 days that I've been doing this. I saw your message and decided to copy and paste what I had written...

    I'm feeling quite inadequate right now. :embarassed:

    I have been working with a personal trainer since the 14th of January. I've been doing resistance training (4 days a week...2 days with my trainer) as well as cardio (only got 3 days in last week...WILL be doing 6 days from now on). I've also changed my diet to completely healthy food and I am at 1,800 calories a day. I started at 157.6 on the 14th and as of today I am at 160. How discouraging!

    ETA: I haven't lost any inches as of yet either but I expected that.

    Now that I read this message, I don't feel as bad. Thank you.
  • Great reminder. I never really understood the emphasis on the scale, anyway. It's not as if we buy clothing based on body weight. Your measurements are what matter.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member

    you're welcome


    When you can notice without photos, you'll be even happier with the photos :D


    yup, that's my thing, measurement. I don't really want to lose weight, I just want to drop body fat and gain muscle mass. I am probably happy around the 180-190lbs weight, but I know I have a long wait to go, because once I'm done burning the fat I'll be somewhere around the 160s so I have to work my way up 20 to 30lbs of muscle.


    lol that's so true
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I was JUST about to post a message about my embarrassment that I haven't lost any weight in the past 8 days that I've been doing this. I saw your message and decided to copy and paste what I had written...

    I'm feeling quite inadequate right now. :embarassed:

    I have been working with a personal trainer since the 14th of January. I've been doing resistance training (4 days a week...2 days with my trainer) as well as cardio (only got 3 days in last week...WILL be doing 6 days from now on). I've also changed my diet to completely healthy food and I am at 1,800 calories a day. I started at 157.6 on the 14th and as of today I am at 160. How discouraging!

    ETA: I haven't lost any inches as of yet either but I expected that.

    Now that I read this message, I don't feel as bad. Thank you.

    Glad I posted this at the right time then :)
    If you're working with a personal trainer, ask him to keep track of your body fat %. They have the tools for that. Now, because of my lack of trust towards Personal Trainers, I would make sure to see what they're doing just in case they change any numbers to make it look like the change is bigger. Just saying :)
    You still have plenty of time, and 8 days is just the beginning. Are you eating every 3 hours?
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Yes I'm eating every 3 hours. No sugar, no processed foods, I don't add salt. Seemed to hit a stall this week though. I didn't exercise this week either. But, it'll move.
  • mommy2maddox
    mommy2maddox Posts: 141 Member
    My trainer is actually a very good friend of mine. She and I have known one another for 22 years so she has been showing me EVERYTHING. She has been really responsive to all of my questions and, though she was pretty easy on me on day one, she has put that behind her and has been calling or texting me to make sure I'm doing what I should be doing.

    She did tell me to eat 6 meals a day but I have been AWFUL about eating every three hours. I have a one year old son (on Feb. 6th) and during the day it is really hard for me to get some food in while watching him. My trainer has said it is no excuse and I know, from common knowledge, that it isn't a good excuse at all. Any suggestions would be great.

    I'd also LOVE suggestions for WHAT to eat...snacks especially.

    Thank you so much for your time!:bigsmile:
  • mommy2maddox
    mommy2maddox Posts: 141 Member
    Oh, and we did all of the body fat % and measurements on day one (January 14th). I have those in a journal that I am keeping track with. She said we would do another measurement in three weeks.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh, and we did all of the body fat % and measurements on day one (January 14th). I have those in a journal that I am keeping track with. She said we would do another measurement in three weeks.

    Well, then you don't have to worry about it if she's a friend :) just keep up the hard work, and you'll see the results even when the scale doesn't show it :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    I agree, that scale will throw you off! thanks
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    thanks YassFitness.
    I was feeling depressed this morning, your email was timely..... today was 35 days logging with MFP and the scale has not moved, up or down
    However, something must be working because today I had several co-workers and a friend I haven't seen in months, make some nice comments about how I look great, how much have I lost? your clothes are getting baggy etc. My clothes do fit differently.. I think my body is just taking all the bad body fat and moving it to tone muscles.

  • Thanks for that info!!! my clothes were feeling different , but the scale was hurting my feelings!! The last time i got on the scale i wanted a pc of cake ...Well try the whole cake ... iam eating right ...dranking my water... and exercise every morning 30mins to 1hour1/2 depends on the day.. so thanks again!!!
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