NEW GOAL....silly or reasonable?

Okay, so I have a new goal. I haven't been able to do this in years. I am hoping with my weight loss that it will come naturally. Ready for it?

I want to be able to cross my legs under a table.

That's right.....I just want to be able to cross my legs while I am sitting at my office desk or at a restaurant or in a meeting.

Simple, but my thighs have kept me from sitting like that in a long time.

So here's to a 30 pound weight loss and thinner thighs :laugh:


  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    Not silly at all!! i remember the first time i was able to do that. It felt SO good. It will come for sure! Good Luck!
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    It's totally reasonable! The little things in life make up for a great day and that is a completely reasonable thing to set your mind too. There are many ways to measure our accomplishments and it doesn't matter how it sounds to other people, it's that feeling of accomplishment you want to feel when you are able to cross your legs in a tight area, and I believe you will get there :) All the best to you!!
  • You are not alone. I feel you. I have not been able to do that in a long time. I have naturally big legs, but it would be nice to cross them. Some do it so naturally.
  • alisidewinder06
    alisidewinder06 Posts: 14 Member
    I didn't know others had this issue too. That's a goal of mine as well. :)
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    You will get there!! :wink:
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I'm right there with you!! I have always had big thighs, and I haven't been able to cross my legs for a VERY long time. We can do it! :wink:
  • erikarobles
    erikarobles Posts: 205 Member
    Love this!!!! I am so close myself lol.....Good luck!!! You WILL get there :)
  • Absolutly not silly!! I am almost at a 40 lbs loss and I was excited this morning because when I put on my jeans this morning and walked down the hall, I didn't hear whoosh, whoosh, woosh of my thighs rubbing about excited!!

    Whatever keeps you motivated is the right goal to go after!
  • SarahRenee82
    SarahRenee82 Posts: 18 Member
    I am very glad that I am not the only one with that problem! Thank you everyone!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i sometimes can't cross my legs under the table... i'm 5ft5 and 131lbs, i'm not fat the table is just too low.... :laugh:
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    That is one of my personal goals as well. Happy to see others understand. You can do this OP!
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    I never realized that this was something I wasn't doing until a couple weeks ago when I unconciously crossed my legs and thought "hey - I haven't done this in years - huh....". Good luck!
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    Okay - I have not crossed my legs in a very long time. I just tried it right now to see if I could. I find that to be a reasonable goal.

    As for myself - I can cross them now but it is a struggle to keep them that way. Hmm it's the little things that we don't think about with weight loss.

    I think you got this.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    It's not silly at all, just believe in yourself and if you truly want it ... it will happen.
  • joycelreed
    joycelreed Posts: 17 Member
    I am 65, happily married to one, mother of 5, grandmother to 13 and friend to many. I have type 2 diabetes. I lost 50 pounds last year but have managed to gain back half of it. I'm looking for a fitness pal buddy. Someone who is willing to message me at least once a day with encouragement or questions about our success...our families... the weather... or anything.... Just someone to touch bases with and help keep me accountable. I promise to encourage you too. Let me know if you are interested.
  • fhorn813
    fhorn813 Posts: 163 Member
    I just tried this, and it seems to be more a table height problem. I've never really considered crossing my legs under a table. But it seems like a reasonable enough goal if the table is tall enough:)
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    Love that goal, I need to add it to my list as well.
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    It's not silly at all, just believe in yourself and if you truly want it ... it will happen.

    You look great, Amazing transformation!
  • RedWidow83
    RedWidow83 Posts: 9 Member
    Totally reasonable! I would like to be able to get in the car without basically jamming my right thigh under and past the steering wheel.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    That's an awesome non-scale related goal!! I love it!