What would Jesus eat?



  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    considering the lifespan of humans at that time, I'll choose NOT to eat what Jesus ate. No offense, but not everything was better in the good ole days.

    I don't know. Wasn't Abraham supposedly like 100yrs. old when he had Isaac? or who ever it was?
    Sorry. Haven't been to church or studied the bible in a looooooong time. :blushing:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Interesting side note--humans were vegetarians until after the flood.

    Nu-uh. Is that true? I had never heard that before. Well, never thought about it either. Why is that? I'm sure there were some animals around them. Wasn't there?

    Check out my previous answer with the biblical citations--basically, it seems God told them not to eat animals until then. In fact, one could argue that even animals ate "grass" until then.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Check out my previous answer with the biblical citations--basically, it seems God told them not to eat animals until then. In fact, one could argue that even animals ate "grass" until then.

    Yeah. I just caught that. I scrolled up after I posted. :tongue:
  • Interesting side note--humans were vegetarians until after the flood.

    Nu-uh. Is that true? I had never heard that before. Well, never thought about it either. Why is that? I'm sure there were some animals around them. Wasn't there?

    Can't give you references off the top of my head, but there was no death in the garden of Eden. Just check out Genesis. :smile:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    considering the lifespan of humans at that time, I'll choose NOT to eat what Jesus ate. No offense, but not everything was better in the good ole days.

    I don't know. Wasn't Abraham supposedly like 100yrs. old when he had Isaac? or who ever it was?
    Sorry. Haven't been to church or studied the bible in a looooooong time. :blushing:

    People lived to be a ripe old age back then. Methuselah (sp) was the oldest person recorded in the Bible. I don't remember how old he was but over 800 or 900 years old. I would look it up in my Bible but I'm at work right now and I don't want to get in trouble for looking at my Bible instead of working.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    considering the lifespan of humans at that time, I'll choose NOT to eat what Jesus ate. No offense, but not everything was better in the good ole days.

    I don't know. Wasn't Abraham supposedly like 100yrs. old when he had Isaac? or who ever it was?
    Sorry. Haven't been to church or studied the bible in a looooooong time. :blushing:

    Abraham was, as Scripture says, (and I love this!) as "good as dead--being about 90" when Ishmael was born. Older when Sarah had Isaac--she was supposed to be close to 90 herself then! :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member

    Lamb was and is the traditional dish served at Passover, which Jesus and the disciples were observing at the Last Supper. In fact, two of the disciples were instructed to go get the lamb and "prepare it for the meal." This is to remember the original Passover in Egypt, when the Hebrews were instructed to sacrifice a lamb, and smear the blood over their door posts so the "angel of the Lord" would "pass over" their house.

    It is also why we refer to Jesus as "the Lamb of God"--He was and is and always will be, for Christians, the final and only perfect sacrifice for forgiveness of sins and salvation.

    So, Jesus and the disciples sat down to eat the Passover Lamb but the disciples didn't understand that Jesus was the Perfect Lamb.

    Should have added--Jesus' blood provided the sacrifice needed to cover us, just as the blood of the lambs in Egypt did back then.

    It's all about the blood, right?? :wink:
  • time2wrk
    time2wrk Posts: 773 Member
    In Biblical times, there wasn't the processing and chemical treating and sugaring up of foods that goes on today. From that aspect, it should be healthier than the average American diet today!!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    In Biblical times, there wasn't the processing and chemical treating and sugaring up of foods that goes on today. From that aspect, it should be healthier than the average American diet today!!!

    Only if you consider what the "average American" eats. If you eat like the RDA recommends, that's not the case. I.E. fruits, vegetibles, whole grains, dairy (non-processed dairy that is), and lean meats then I would be confident in saying that we are better off. Considering the average life expectancy in the time around 0 AD was about 25 to 35 years old. Granted this included infant mortality, but still even if you take that out it was somewhere between 35 and 40. So I think we're doing a little better.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Yeah. Gotta go with Banks on this one--The idea of eating natural type foods is great (isn't that what we're all trying to do now?) but the idea of nutrition back then was non-existent. They eat what they had and often died young. At least in the biblical areas. Romans had a more varied menu--more access--and all areas occupied by Rome had that same access to some point BUT very few people could afford it. Most were subsistence farmers.

    Ate a lot of fish it seems...... and loaves....... :wink:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well I don't know. I'll have to do some research at home tonight but it was always my impression that people in the Bible lived to be older that people live now.
  • what would jesus eat?

    According to Scorsese, Mary Magdalene. :laugh:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Well I don't know. I'll have to do some research at home tonight but it was always my impression that people in the Bible lived to be older that people live now.

    You're thinking of the OT people--before God "shortened their days."

    Average lifespan back in Jesus time was short--historical fact. I mean, some lived into their 50/60s but those were the ones with access to decent food, housing, what passed for medical care back then, etc.
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    Well I don't know. I'll have to do some research at home tonight but it was always my impression that people in the Bible lived to be older that people live now.

    You're thinking of the OT people--before God "shortened their days."

    Average lifespan back in Jesus time was short--historical fact. I mean, some lived into their 50/60s but those were the ones with access to decent food, housing, what passed for medical care back then, etc.

    thank you! finally someone mentioned it!
    medical care - the field of medicine has come a VERY LONG in the past hundred years (sanitation, antibiotics, etc.) let alone what it was like 2000 years ago

    but other than that i have no right to comment, i have't read the bible before
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member

    I am in MD

    Cool! I serve in VA. I might know your pastor--maybe. I went to seminary with a lot of people serving or going to serve in MD. Sent me a private message and tell my your pastor's name or post it here--I'm curious to see if I know them.

    How do I privately send you a message?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Just click on my profile name next to my posts and then click "send message"
  • Scripture, Scripture, Scripture,,,Where in Scripture does it actually say what was on the menu at the Passover??????
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Scripture, Scripture, Scripture,,,Where in Scripture does it actually say what was on the menu at the Passover??????

    Try Exodus--where God tells them what to eat at Passover. Jesus was an observant Jew and would have observed Passover as it was directed by God.

    You have to realize that Scripture is limited in discovering what traditions and daily habits where back then. Scripture's goal is not to teach anthropology but the way to God. For anthropological facts, we must go often go outside Scripture.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Well I don't know. I'll have to do some research at home tonight but it was always my impression that people in the Bible lived to be older that people live now.

    You're thinking of the OT people--before God "shortened their days."

    Average lifespan back in Jesus time was short--historical fact. I mean, some lived into their 50/60s but those were the ones with access to decent food, housing, what passed for medical care back then, etc.

    thank you! finally someone mentioned it!
    medical care - the field of medicine has come a VERY LONG in the past hundred years (sanitation, antibiotics, etc.) let alone what it was like 2000 years ago

    but other than that i have no right to comment, i have't read the bible before

    There's a number of other factors - VERY young women were wed. Often not being able to survive child birth, both infant and mother mortality rates were high. Also, there was no refridgeration, so any food had to be preserved, or left to rot. In fact the reason the spice trade was so important (as well as salt) was because spices covered the flavor of rotten meat. This was before any concept of nutrition, so things like scurvy, edemas, and other nutritional issues were common.

    We have effectively doubled the human lifespan since then.
  • I was just curious where in the word you found the actual food that was eaten at our Lords table at Passover. As with the book I begin this discussion with(What would Jesus eat), it concludes it's evidence by using cultural findings and biblical statements, it's not a guide, but more of a history and education on what they ate( fruits, nuts, figs, etc) and how they used different herbs and what type of herbs they used. . I've always been one that appreciates when people quote the word, they also reference to where in the word they are quoting. Something about those Wolves in Sheeps clothing......:smile: Pastor to Pastor that is.......:wink:
    I just love all the disscusion here about Jesus!!
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