need honest opinions



  • tr3kkie9rl
    tr3kkie9rl Posts: 144 Member
    The people that say you're "too skinny" are insensitive and ignorant. Learn to grow some thick skin if you plan to stay on this site, just fyi. You are starting at the right place, with the right perspective, making it about your health more so than your weight. I don't have a lot of input on how to gain, I'll leave that to others. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in about the other comments.
  • McVeyMoon
    McVeyMoon Posts: 22 Member
    The people that say you're "too skinny" are insensitive and ignorant. Learn to grow some thick skin if you plan to stay on this site, just fyi. You are starting at the right place, with the right perspective, making it about your health more so than your weight. I don't have a lot of input on how to gain, I'll leave that to others. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in about the other comments.

    Thanks! And i hear enough comments in person that not gonna really get offended at anything anyone on here says. :) but i am open to all the advice ppl have given
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    How do you feel? Is your doctor concerned? People, especially women, will criticize you whether you are skinny, overweight, obese, or just right.

    If YOU want to gain muscle you can despite your metabolism. Start with high calorie protein shakes and start lifting. I gorge on cheese when I'm bulking. It's an easy way to up your calories with little food.
    My doctor has never seemed concerned. I am not in shape, that's more what my concern is more so than my actual weight. But when you keep hearing people say I'm too skinny its kinda hard not to start thinking i am.

    I need to comment. A few years ago I had some weight to lose - I didn't have a goal in mind, I just went for it. Figured out an activity I enjoyed, started eating right, and the weight flew off. I ended up losing 90lbs total. At 5'10" I was 135lbs and I was thrilled with myself. People started commenting that I looked too thin but I shrugged it off as jealousy. My BMI (19.4) was in the "normal" range so I figured I was fine and the haters should back off.

    After a while I ended up gaining about 20lbs back. And holy cow, I saw pictures of myself before, at 135lbs and I was shocked. I really WAS too thin. I looked much healthier with a bit more weight. I didn't realize it until I saw a photo (ironically it was also a photo that made me realize I was obese in the first place).

    I have two points to this:
    1. BMI is just a gauge, it's not gospel. Be careful how much stock you put in it.
    2. If a lot of people are saying you're too thin, you may just be. I know your doc says your fine, but you may need another opinion.

    In the end, you need to decide how you feel, but don't completely discount the opinion of the people who love and care about you.

    edited for spelling
  • McVeyMoon
    McVeyMoon Posts: 22 Member
    How do you feel? Is your doctor concerned? People, especially women, will criticize you whether you are skinny, overweight, obese, or just right.

    If YOU want to gain muscle you can despite your metabolism. Start with high calorie protein shakes and start lifting. I gorge on cheese when I'm bulking. It's an easy way to up your calories with little food.
    My doctor has never seemed concerned. I am not in shape, that's more what my concern is more so than my actual weight. But when you keep hearing people
    say I'm too skinny its kinda hard not to start thinking i am.

    I need to comment. A few years ago I had some weight to lose - I didn't have a goal in mind, I just went for it. Figured out an activity I enjoyed, started eating right, and the weight flew off. I ended up losing 90lbs total. At 5'10" I was 135lbs and I was thrilled with myself. People started commenting that I looked too thin but I shrugged it off as jealousy. My BMI (19.4) was in the "normal" range so I figured I was fine and the haters should back off.

    After a while I ended up gaining about 20lbs back. And holy cow, I saw pictures of myself before, at 135lbs and I was shocked. I really WAS too thin. I looked much healthier with a bit more weight. I didn't realize it until I saw a photo (ironically it was also a photo that made me realize I was obese in the first place).

    I have two points to this:
    1. BMI is just a gauge, it's not gospel. Be careful how much stock you put in it.
    2. If a lot of people are saying you're too thin, you may just be. I know your doc says your fine, but you may need another opinion.

    In the end, you need to decide how you feel, but don't completely discount the opinion of the people who love and care about you.

    edited for spelling

    The most I've ever weighed was 127. I don't wanna weigh more than that.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    How do you feel? Is your doctor concerned? People, especially women, will criticize you whether you are skinny, overweight, obese, or just right.

    If YOU want to gain muscle you can despite your metabolism. Start with high calorie protein shakes and start lifting. I gorge on cheese when I'm bulking. It's an easy way to up your calories with little food.
    My doctor has never seemed concerned. I am not in shape, that's more what my concern is more so than my actual weight. But when you keep hearing people
    say I'm too skinny its kinda hard not to start thinking i am.

    I need to comment. A few years ago I had some weight to lose - I didn't have a goal in mind, I just went for it. Figured out an activity I enjoyed, started eating right, and the weight flew off. I ended up losing 90lbs total. At 5'10" I was 135lbs and I was thrilled with myself. People started commenting that I looked too thin but I shrugged it off as jealousy. My BMI (19.4) was in the "normal" range so I figured I was fine and the haters should back off.

    After a while I ended up gaining about 20lbs back. And holy cow, I saw pictures of myself before, at 135lbs and I was shocked. I really WAS too thin. I looked much healthier with a bit more weight. I didn't realize it until I saw a photo (ironically it was also a photo that made me realize I was obese in the first place).

    I have two points to this:
    1. BMI is just a gauge, it's not gospel. Be careful how much stock you put in it.
    2. If a lot of people are saying you're too thin, you may just be. I know your doc says your fine, but you may need another opinion.

    In the end, you need to decide how you feel, but don't completely discount the opinion of the people who love and care about you.

    edited for spelling

    The most I've ever weighed was 127. I don't wanna weigh more than that.

    LOL thanks for that. My reply focused too much on the numbers and I was misunderstood (as in, I was by no means telling you what you should or should not weigh). My point is - if you have a lot of loved ones telling you there might be a problem, perhaps you should investigate further.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    In defense of the OP, some people just have a hard time gaining weight and have to eat an obnoxious amount to do so. If she has a really small structure she may fall into this category. I remember when I was a teenager, I used to eat tremendous quantities of food and still had a hard time gaining. If someone doesn't like eating that much then it is tough to accomplish (probably tougher than losing weight). Once I got in my late twenties it because much easier and by my 40's too easy. The OP may just not have the kind of appetite or enjoyment of eating. If she wants to gain she will probably have to force feed.
  • Tracie422
    Tracie422 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a friend who is very thin as well. She has a horrible time gaining weight. Has tried everything. So don't always believe people that say yes you can gain weight....cuz maybe you can't. Maybe that just isn't how you are built. But what I would do is see a doctor. Make sure there is no obvious reason like a thyroid problem keeping you from being the weight you want to be. Make sure you don't have some type of eating disorder you didn't realize you had. Then I would follow a healthy diet and lift weights. Third, just learn to love yourself for who you are. There is no one shape fits all in this world.
  • McVeyMoon
    McVeyMoon Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks yall. Its not that i dont like to eat, im always hungry ha. My fiance thinks i look fine, he says he knows i eat alot and I'm not starving myself, and doesn't think i look unhealthy. But my aunts and coworkers, all seem to think i am underweight. It is hard for me to eat over my normal calories, i don't like trying to stuff myself. Maybe its because i drink ALOT of milk and its filling me up?
  • McVeyMoon
    McVeyMoon Posts: 22 Member
    How do you feel? Is your doctor concerned? People, especially women, will criticize you whether you are skinny, overweight, obese, or just right.

    If YOU want to gain muscle you can despite your metabolism. Start with high calorie protein shakes and start lifting. I gorge on cheese when I'm bulking. It's an easy way to up your calories with little food.
    My doctor has never seemed concerned. I am not in shape, that's more what my concern is more so than my actual weight. But when you keep hearing people
    say I'm too skinny its kinda hard not to start thinking i am.

    I need to comment. A few years ago I had some weight to lose - I didn't have a goal in mind, I just went for it. Figured out an activity I enjoyed, started eating right, and the weight flew off. I ended up losing 90lbs total. At 5'10" I was 135lbs and I was thrilled with myself. People started commenting that I looked too thin but I shrugged it off as jealousy. My BMI (19.4) was in the "normal" range so I figured I was fine and the haters should back off.

    After a while I ended up gaining about 20lbs back. And holy cow, I saw pictures of myself before, at 135lbs and I was shocked. I really WAS too thin. I looked much healthier with a bit more weight. I didn't realize it until I saw a photo (ironically it was also a photo that made me realize I was obese in the first place).

    I have two points to this:
    1. BMI is just a gauge, it's not gospel. Be careful how much stock you put in it.
    2. If a lot of people are saying you're too thin, you may just be. I know your doc says your fine, but you may need another opinion.

    In the end, you need to decide how you feel, but don't completely discount the opinion of the people who love and care about you.

    edited for spelling

    The most I've ever weighed was 127. I don't wanna weigh more than that.

    LOL thanks for that. My reply focused too much on the numbers and I was misunderstood (as in, I was by no means telling you what you should or should not weigh). My point is - if you have a lot of loved ones telling you there might be a problem, perhaps you should investigate further.
    Oh i understood you :-) thanks for the advice! I was just saying that because technically 127 is still under bmi..but i was never told is was too skinny at that weight.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    You most certainly need to gain weight. Gaining weight is just as hard as losing weight, so I understand your frustration, but you're going to start eating more calories! Try aiming for 2000 calories a day! You got this!
  • McVeyMoon
    McVeyMoon Posts: 22 Member
    You most certainly need to gain weight. Gaining weight is just as hard as losing weight, so I understand your frustration, but you're going to start eating more calories! Try aiming for 2000 calories a day! You got this!

    I do eat 2150 calories a day lol
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    Your weight seems low for your height, but in your picture, you look totally healthy! Your face looks healthy; its not like your cheek bones are sticking out, and your face isn't sunken in... I can't tell, but from your weight being low, I'm assuming your legs are very thin; so you could benefit from thickening your legs and glutes. Squatting would be the answer for this. This would some nice curves. I would say that 5 or 10 pounds is more then enough. I think you look great regardless, very nice picture.;-)

    I was thinking the same thing. She looks healthy. OP, you've stated that your doctor isn't worried. That probably means that you don't need to be. It's okay to be skinny, some people just are. I think you look great. How do you feel? Do you feel healthy? Do you like how your look? It's about you (and your doctor, of course!), not strangers on the internet :-)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Your weight seems low for your height, but in your picture, you look totally healthy! Your face looks healthy; its not like your cheek bones are sticking out, and your face isn't sunken in... I can't tell, but from your weight being low, I'm assuming your legs are very thin; so you could benefit from thickening your legs and glutes. Squatting would be the answer for this. This would some nice curves. I would say that 5 or 10 pounds is more then enough. I think you look great regardless, very nice picture.;-)

    I was thinking the same thing. She looks healthy. OP, you've stated that your doctor isn't worried. That probably means that you don't need to be. It's okay to be skinny, some people just are. I think you look great. How do you feel? Do you feel healthy? Do you like how your look? It's about you (and your doctor, of course!), not strangers on the internet :-)

    I agree with this. You look healthy and attractive and fact is, some people are just naturally lighter. The BMI is not a one size fits all. It is useful for most, but there will always be outliers. If you are eating adequate, feel healthy, have energy and are comfortable in your own skin, I would not worry too much. I think it gets a bit ridiculous when people apply the same logic to those who are naturally a little underweight, as they do to those who are underweight as a result of unhealthy behaviours.
  • Do it for yourself OP. It's hard to hear taunts about being too skinny. People make comments more freely because they seem to think it's not as rude as making fat comments.
  • missycj87
    missycj87 Posts: 24 Member
    you look perfectly fine! i am on the thin side also and i know how you feel. people always are trying to tell me im "too skinny". over the years it starts to get very old. so unfortunately i have developed sort of a pitbull mentality. whenever somebody makes a comment about how skinny i am, even if they are not trying to be rude, i go into attack mode. and i mean a verbal attack lol. im not a violent person. i have found that doing this will get a rude person outta my face, but i have also had to apologize to people who explained afterwards that they meant no harm. i am at a point now, where i dont want ANYONE saying anything about my weight unless i ask, or its from my doctor. and i never ask anyone their opinion about my weight. all of the people who made derogatory comments towards me concerning my weight were women. no men. ever. so you may have some women on here who are giving you genuine advice, and others are just being spiteful. just ignore the haters. you are gorgeous girl! gain the weight if that is what YOU want to do. after all it is your life. good luck!
  • McVeyMoon
    McVeyMoon Posts: 22 Member
    you look perfectly fine! i am on the thin side also and i know how you feel. people always are trying to tell me im "too skinny". over the years it starts to get very old. so unfortunately i have developed sort of a pitbull mentality. whenever somebody makes a comment about how skinny i am, even if they are not trying to be rude, i go into attack mode. and i mean a verbal attack lol. im not a violent person. i have found that doing this will get a rude person outta my face, but i have also had to apologize to people who explained afterwards that they meant no harm. i am at a point now, where i dont want ANYONE saying anything about my weight unless i ask, or its from my doctor. and i never ask anyone their opinion about my weight. all of the people who made derogatory comments towards me concerning my weight were women. no men. ever. so you may have some women on here who are giving you genuine advice, and others are just being spiteful. just ignore the haters. you are gorgeous girl! gain the weight if that is what YOU want to do. after all it is your life. good luck!
    Thank you for that ^ I'm the same way it makes me so angry. And like you, its always women who say it.