
erh2278 Posts: 19
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has used phentermine. My doctor just prescribed it for me to help with my weight loss since I am having such a hard time. However, I don't like taking pills that much and I am wondering if it is worth it and if anyone has used it, when they stopped did the weight just come right back.

Thanks to all and happy dieting :happy:



  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    I used it many years ago and lost about 35-40lbs, I didn't really watch what I ate, but I did exercise every day. I only used about a 2 month supply, so I'm sure all the exercising played a large part as well, but the weight loss was drastic and quick. It was thrilled! Once I did go off of it, I was able to maintain my weight loss for a couple of years, but then I let up on my workouts and BOY was THAT a mistake!! I gained EVERY bit back, as I was told I would....AND THEN SOME!!

    No noticable side effects (for me), but after I had already used it, I was told it isn't a safe product and has terrible effects on the heart. I've never looked into that claim though. My advice, keep your body movin'! Not only while you're on it, but afterwards too! I hope you find the great results I did...just don't make the same mistake I did....I kick myself about it now! Good luck! :)
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    You can do this without the pills. Pills are not going to be there for the rest of your life. Phentermine will help curve your appetite but it is also like speed and will make your heart race, put you in a bad mood, etc. (I am not saying this happens to everyone, but it happened to me when I took it 6 years ago).

    I know you want to lose weight and it's easy to think that pills will help us out, when the truth is, the pills are not teaching us anything. You need to teach yourself how to eat healthy, how to exercise and take care of your body so that you can do it for the rest of your life...not just for a month or two.

    You can do this!
  • I have not used it myself but one of my best friends has - she found that the weight came off very easily but the minute she stopped taking it that it went back on just as easily. made her a tad (this is a huge understatement) moody!!! Maybe different people react differently like most medications so this is only what I know of her experience....

    Good luck! :o)
  • JoyJulRay
    JoyJulRay Posts: 99 Member
    I took them about 15 years ago, lost a ton of weight but as soon as I stopped the weight came right back. I never learned to eat the right way while taking them. My heart raced and my blood pressure was up all the time, I always felt like crap. As long as you eat right and workout you should not need the pills.
  • aggieluva
    aggieluva Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I am currently taking and I have taken Phentermine 37.5 mg. I absolutely love them. I think it is a great way to kick off your weight loss. My doctor gave me 2 months worth of pills to give me a jump start. Honestly it makes you not care so much about food. It curbs your appetite tremendously, control cravings, and avoid overeating. I took them along with Nurtisystem last year and I lost 20 lbs. I was able to maintain the weight loss but I still have more to go. I had two side effects to the pills. #1 - Dry Mouth and # 2 - I drank coffee along with taking the pill and had a bad reaction. My eye started twitching and I felt dehydrated. Because of my love for coffee I went against my better judgment and tried them both a second time. I had the same reaction. So, I just can't have coffee. In addition, I sometimes cut my pills in half. I can stay full without taking the whole pill at times. Good Luck on your journey!!!!
  • MRudman
    MRudman Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Emily,

    I did use phentermine before. I lost about 40 lbs. on it, and gained it all back plus some. The other problem is, it caused my heart to beat fast and irregular. It has been a few years and I now have high blood pressure and high cholesterol which I am takigs meds for. :sad: I asked my current doc recently if there was anything that was safe for me to take and she said they are all going to mess with my heart. :grumble: So she said "good old fashion exercise, eat healthy, lots of water, and try not to eat carbs after 4pm.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you, cause I know it isn't what we all want to hear, believe me I been there too. My advice, just be careful okay. :wink:

  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    I used it many years back, I didn't lose any weight while taking it but that may have been because I wasn't making the proper food choices... I was in college then and had no idea what was the healthy thing to eat. I think you should give it a try for a month and if it helps stay on it but if it doesn't pitch it.

    Its key to remember that it is only a appetite suppressant and I agree with Lina you can do it without the pills, but it will be hard.
  • eb9623
    eb9623 Posts: 1
    I used it twice. The first time the results were great. My doctor had me keep a food journal, drink water, and exercise also. The second time I took I only lost a few lbs, but I wasn't exercising and didn't really lay off the fast/fatty foods. The first time I kept the weight off for almost three years because I continued to eat smaller portions and healthier choices, I stopped exercising. It works great if you use it as a tool then continue to monitor what/how much you're eating and exercise when you stop taking it. That way you continue to maintain the weight you reached while taking it. It really is a life change, not just a diet that will make you successful in the long run. I'm a fan overall.:flowerforyou: good luck!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I was put on it when i was 20 and about 220 . I go down to 170 like in 2 months, i really didn't eat that much nor did i exercise. Then i stopped taking it and it pounded the weight on. All i lost plus more.

    YOu will loose weight quickly with it, but if you don't change your habits it can come back .

    I was only on it for 2 months, but looking back if i stayed on it longer i can see some damage it could of done ....

    So if you do decide to do it, make sure you are still eating your calories and exercising
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    i wouldnt recommend them. i took them back in the Spring, had to stop because of side effect. they are just speed. as soon as i quit taking them i gained the weight back. also those pills will make you test possitive for meth. the best way to go is watch your portions and exercise. best of luck with whatever u decide. you can do this.
  • aeleton
    aeleton Posts: 171
    I took them for 4 months, and lost about 40lbs, and then gained it all bad. I did have a few side effects, dehydrated feeling, i couldnt focus, and made my heart race faster. Diet pills are not what you need if you want to lose weight to keep it off. It is a quick fix, but once you stop, it comes right back. I would just lose weight the old fashion way, watch what you eat, and exercise. Good Luck!!
  • I see both sides of the argument here and have mixed feelings about the drug. I started using it in September and have had great success, but I have also been maintaining a healthy 1280 calorie per day diet along with an active lifestyle and plenty of exercise (mostly walking and cardio). I have to say that I did lose weight rapidly, which was a relief after trying to lose for years after a long struggle with thyroid issues caused me to gain it. But I also did notice that you are moody with the meds. Also, while having the extra energy is nice, I sometimes felt as though I literally couldn't stop and that my heart/pulse was racing. I also had a lot of irregular spotting at first as well as headaches. I didn't feel badly and my sleep was fine. I was approved to take the drug from September until February. I filled my December script but have not taken hardly any and had about half of my November pills left as well. I basically have used it for extra support during the holidays to help suppress my appetite and give me some extra energy. I didn't take it at all around Thanksgiving and didn't gain an ounce, I actually lost. But Christmas caused a two pound gain. Which considering the amount of peanut butter fudge that I allowed to get past my defenses, I consider a victory!

    Basically, I am confident that I, or you, or anyone can do this without the meds. Counting calories, drinking your water, staying active and living healthy should do the trick. If it isn't then you need to see your doctor. You may have a thyroid issue like I had that needs correcting. I am hoping that now that I have that under control, I will be able to lose the other 30 pounds I want to take off and keep all of the weight off. Good luck!!
  • I have used phentermine before. I would use it one month then i would give myself a break, then go back on them again. But altogether i used them for 3 months. I lost 42 pounds. I have not gained any weight back....Thank goodness. When you first start to take this medicine you practically have to force yourself to eat!! My sister has taken them for along time and she has became immune to them so they do not work as well as when she first started taking them. She was actually prescribed to start taking 2 a day. But on the phentermine website it says it is for obese people to use for a short period of time. I found another website that said to take a break after 3 months of use. But alot of doctors will keep giving them out as long as you want them. But before taking the medicine i could go through mcdonalds drive thru and i didnt care if i just ate dinner, I would still something..!! lol But with phentermine you could not have ate anything allday and go through the drive thru at 6pm and I still would not want anything. I was just shocked how well it curved my appetite. The first time in my life that i could say NO. lol But yeah i had dry mouth all the time. It didnt matter how much i drank. lol And I actually never slept in anymore. Like i could wake up at 4 30 in the morning to go pee and i could not go back to sleep. I was UP!! lol So from that i never really had a problem going to sleep at night because my days was long. lol But anyways, basically with any diet out there ....they want you to learn a healthier eating habit. You have to learn how to eat differently. And if you dont then you will gain the weight back because you are not eating healthy nor excercising like you should. You have to learn to eat correct portion amounts, and also learn to eat the proper servings of your food groups. And also there is nothing wrong with sweets. You should pick some healthier sweets and not eat them everyday. Maybe once a week......depending on your lifestyle. But all this is easier said then done...!! lol I can talk about "dieting" for hours but as you can see I am in the same boat as everyone else on this site.....LMAO But anyways i dont see anything wrong with phentermine to kick yourself in the butt to get going. Just dont take advantage of it. But it is FDA approved and the only way you "suppose" to beable to get phentermine is from a doctor. And the doctor suppose to monitor you blood pressure and such MONTHLY. But you can buy them online and some doctors just dont care........But i wish everyone the best of luck.. :-)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I asked my doctor for it but it has been banned so he gave me Meridia instead. I had more success with just using this site then with pills. Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • I have been on Phentermine for 2 months now...and have hardly lost anything. I have been using this site and counting till my fingers hurt. My thyroid has been cooperating (currently at a 1). I have not felt any major changes to make my the lightbulb go on and say hey...I guess these are working!

    I have noticed a SLIGHT reduction of my appetite. I didn't eat all that much before but since using this site...I was just eating the WRONG stuff. So with that change made....And I already don't drink soda all that much (like a glass a few times a month) I don't drink alcohol that much either. I do LIVE on Crystal light Iced Tea which I am about to give up completely too.

    I have recently started exercosing on a regular basis (I had to give up on all the volunteering I was doing and be selfish and make my life all about me. Which is really hard with a husband and 3 kids!

    But with all the raving about fast weight loss on these pills.....I am not seeing it!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has used phentermine. My doctor just prescribed it for me to help with my weight loss since I am having such a hard time. However, I don't like taking pills that much and I am wondering if it is worth it and if anyone has used it, when they stopped did the weight just come right back.

    Thanks to all and happy dieting :happy:


    Please don't fill the script and take this. It is very bad for your heart.
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