Relationship with scale: Love, Hate, or both?

patnguyen34 Posts: 32 Member
So I have become somewhat obsessed with weighing myself. Before and after I eat to see the difference. Before and after a workout, even before and after the bathroom. A little crazy I know!
I weigh myself at night before I go to bed and I use my morning weigh in as my “official” weigh in.

For a while I was seeing consistent results daily so I loved weighing myself…. But recently my scale is “broken” and hasn’t been moving… (jk)


  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    Oh I have totally been where you are now!

    I have been a major yo-yo dieter for the past three or so years (and on an off for three years before that), working hard and quickly losing 15 or so pounds, then pretty rapidly regaining those 15.

    This time is so much different though. This time is markedly different and I know that I am making a permanent lifestyle change. When I decided that THIS TIME is the time, one thing that I did was I looked back on those past weight losses and really seriously teased out what worked and what did not work for me. Checking the scale and weighing in daily (or even more) is one of the big changes I have made.

    I used to do exactly what you are describing now, and my mood and motivation were often influenced by the numbers. Weight naturally fluctuates, I know that now. I also know that my scale obsessed did not help my weight loss and probably was a contributing factor to my rebound and weight gain.

    Though I am at times soooo tempted, especially in these early changes when I believe there would be a loss, I won't do it. My weigh in day and time is Friday morning, as soon as I have woken up. I know that I won't see a weight drop every Friday but I'm sure that there will be plenty of victories. The scale calls but I need to be stronger.

    Daily weigh ins work so well for some, but I'd be careful with it!

    Also - have you measured yourself? I just took my measurements last week and I have a feeling that they will come in handy for those times when the scale is "broken." At those times, focus on the measurements and all the awesome NSV's.
  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    Been there as well, in fact I had to put the scale in the closet to keep myself from weighing daily. I never wanted to weigh myself except first thing in the morning though since I know it was higher in the evening. I just took a break for 3 weeks and I didn't even think about it, until today. It does really affect your mood. I agree with SandyBVTN on measurements, but also I would take pictures. I think I am in the same place as Sandy now with the permanent change, but it is tough. I would try hiding the scale for a few weeks and just focus on diet and fitness and see where you are.
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    We broke up. Now my scale is trapped in my closet and I only let it out once every now and then for good behavior. It's evil I tell you. Put it away!!
  • sassymussels
    sassymussels Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to 'train myself' to go on them one a week only. It's hard because it's become a habit. I have three goals - not to weigh myself every day, don't play Facebook games and don't drink wine. If I can achieve these goals I will be very happy indeed!!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    As of this morning my scale is on probation . . .