Looking for motivational friends!

My name is Becky and I am looking to loose about 20 lbs and be the healthiest and fittest I can be. If you are looking for motivational friends too please add me! Our goals don't have to be exactly the same, we can all encourage each other to reach them anyway!


  • nanderpanda
    nanderpanda Posts: 1 Member
    Absolutely wonderful! I am also looking for the same, and seeing we are both 27, it will be great.
  • Hi my name is Debbie and I am looking to loose as much weight as is physically possible over the next three months as I am going to my school reunion and action needs to be taken! If anyone has any tips on how to lose weight quickly I would really appreciate it! I realise this may not be the healthiest option but I am desperate! Many thanks!
  • Hi - new to MFP today and have around 25lb to loose to get to my target. Have just cut the reins away from WW as I feel the meetings are getting a bit same-ish, and don't address my own issues with food really. Plus my class clashes with my saturday morning fitsteps class and I know which one i find more fun! Dancing around in a class beats standing on a set of scales any day! Hope I can link up and get some motivation from like minded people on here :-)