because kindness makes my heart smile

what is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone else? What is the nicest thing someone else has done for you?


  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Letting my ex husband have the house and the money in the divorce settlement.

    For me, a friend who loaned me the money I needed to pay my income taxes.
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    I began a non profit organization to help people create resumes, brush up on interview skills, and get clothes for job hunting. -- A friend of mine ran a food pantry and the upstairs wasn't being used. She gave me the key to the place and her blessing to get my non profit off of the ground. It had a good run for about a year and then we had to sell the building:(
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    What someone did to me? I'll never forget it but I'll keep it private for now

    What I did to people though? I help out a lot, cant tell you much more
  • I started this on my wall and it was so touching. A friend of mine said it should have been a thread. Maybe seeing all of the good in others will help put a smile on all of your faces, too. I think we (as a society) tend to forget that while we piss each other off, we too, can cheer each other up. Sometimes, it helps to see the good in things and in people.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I can think of a lot of nice things that I have done, but I can't really say what was the nicest. I've given people food, clothes, money, transportation, etc. The nicest thing anyone has done for me... my cousin Melissa sent me to a Wyndham resort. Once in Daytona and once in Orlando. And another time she took the whole family and paid for everyone's park entrance fees.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I gave a woman my umbrella one day after I was out running and it started to rain. She was older and huddled under a tree and I felt kind of bad for her and was already sweaty.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Its hard to single out the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, because they've all been wonderful , big or small. I think the thing that stands out in my mind is being in a bus terminal on my way home with a three month old baby and my diaper bag/purse was stolen. A grandmotherly lady bought me a small package of diapers, wipes and lunch. She didn't know me from a can of paint, and refused to be paid back when we got to Los Angeles and my mother met me at the terminal. She just said someone once helped her out and she was happy to do it.

    I give a lot of my time, and resources to feeding hungry people -kids in particular -in my community. I'm passionate about it and am absolutely shameless when it comes to my cause. I don't think its the nicest thing i've done, per se, but it's the worthiest.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I don't know if it's the nicest thing ever, but a couple weeks ago, one of my coworkers had her birthday. Her husband travels a lot and wouldn't be home that evening, and her original plans with girlfriends fell through. I decided to bring donuts to all my coworkers with the caveat that they must tell her happy birthday before getting one. Then I bought her lunch and sang happy birthday to her.

    For me, when I was in the military getting ready to get married, the NCO that wrote the shift schedule out for the month gave me twice as many days off as I had requested for the wedding and honeymoon. I said I didn't have enough days for that, and he said he knew that, but he'd work them for me. Sweetest thing ever, totally surprised me, and I was very appreciative.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I think some of the smallest little tokens are nice. I worked with a lady who really loved the candy I kept in a jar in my office, and she got fired so on her way out I gave her the candy and the jar too, and a little note of encouragement inside. We didn't work closely together and I didn't know the reasons for her termination - I didn't even know her very well - but it made me feel good to at least do that tiny thing for her. I ran into her a few years later and she told me it meant a lot.

    While this one isn't "small" I really appreciated it when I lost everything in a tornado and women I'd "known" for years but only online (never met any of them face to face) took up a collection for me. I didn't NEED it, which I explained to them, I had insurance on everything and would be able to replace my possessions, home, etc. But they still wanted me to have something from them, some little luxury or special item or experience just for me, because of all I'd lost - and they sent me a VISA giftcard from all of them (like 30 women) so it wasn't a small amount either...I was really touched.
  • I think some of the smallest little tokens are nice.

    I agree. Every single day at the office, this little older lady always hugs me super tight. It is really sweet. Sometimes, I'm not sure who needs the hug or who is helping who, but we both always smile great big smiles. I could be having the crappiest of days, but when I get her hug, I feel so much better. Sometimes the little things can make the biggest impact.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    When my Dad was sick, my boss (who were my in-laws at the time) let me work 2-3 days a week without deducting my pay or sick time. Having that time off was invaluable, and it allowed me and my sisters to take care of his needs and spend time with him before he passed.

    Nicest thing I did for someone else? No idea. I think that would have to be judged by who it ultimately impacted - and you never know that.

    One of the small things I like to do is buy $5 subway gift cards and give them to homeless people when I see them around. Because fresh/$5 footlong sandwiches.... all sorts of good possibilities.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    The nicest thing I can remember someone doing for me was when my daughter was maybe 10 months old. We were at the grocery store and she decided she'd had enough of sitting in the cart. We got to the checkout and she pitched a fit when I tried to get her to sit in the cart so I could unload it. As it got nearly very ugly, the woman behind me unpacked my cart for me. I'm pretty sure I cried.

    The nicest thing I did was riding the Tube in London. There were two Asian women who were being berated (for no discernible reason) by an older white man. Nobody was saying anything about it, so I spoke up. I asked him why he was being mean to them. He said he'd had a bad day, which clearly had nothing to do with the two women. I told him I sympathized but that taking it out on them wasn't going to help. Amazingly he stopped and that seemed the end of it. Later in the ride I made eye contact with one of the women and she just mouthed "Thank you" to me. I pretty sure I cried again.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    I have pulled over on my way to a meeting in 100+ degree weather to help a very much older couple change a tire