Ugh. Starting over.

I'm disappointed in myself. I lost ~40 lbs. years ago on weight watchers but then fell into a lull of "happy times, happy food..." and gained it all back plus another 35. I've been trying to use myfitnesspal for awhile now but admittedly, haven't been good and sticking to my calorie goal.

I'm frustrated because I was militant about it years ago and I can't seem to get that motivation back. I want to lose weight - I really do! But something happens in the middle of the day and...well...I nosh :/ Or eat crap.


  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Middle day used to ruin it for me now I have a GNC Lean Shake 25. I no longer eat a peanut butter sandwich or binge on crackers when I get home from work. This really jump started my weight loss and gave me the boost I needed. I am closing in on a month in and have lost 10.5 pounds so far.

    I have 2 shakes a day to replace what could potentially be the worst meals of the day for me (the 745 am food truck at work and right when I get home from work)
  • Tash_Bgosh
    Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
    ugh story of my life!!!

    I'm disappointed in myself. I lost ~40 lbs. years ago on weight watchers but then fell into a lull of "happy times, happy food..." and gained it all back plus another 35. I've been trying to use myfitnesspal for awhile now but admittedly, haven't been good and sticking to my calorie goal.

    I'm frustrated because I was militant about it years ago and I can't seem to get that motivation back. I want to lose weight - I really do! But something happens in the middle of the day and...well...I nosh :/ Or eat crap.
  • bb_lose_weight
    bb_lose_weight Posts: 103 Member
    Right there with you. The first time around I posted everyday and to me it was like all my friends list was with me at the gym or at lunch and I stuck to it all because I didn't want to disappoint them or me.

    Ugh...all I can say is log log log and log some more.
  • nogreenthumb
    I crave crappy food from the hours of 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, and then again after dinner (right before bed). I find that it's usually just from complete boredom, not really wanting to return to work, or just out of habit. I've recently been having a hot cup of tea after dinner, that helps. As for the afternoon sugar rush, I snack on some fruit if I need to.
  • gonzanab
    gonzanab Posts: 117 Member
    You shouldn't give up or get frustrated. If you take it a day at a time, you will succeed again in losing weight. You have an advantage because you recognize what needs to be done in order for you to lose weight. You can totally do it again!
  • karanicole80
    I am so with you! Several years ago I was well on my way to a healthy weight and completely fell off track. I've been on and off many times since then, but last week hit my all time highest weight ever. I am taking things slow this time and not trying to do everything at once. All or nothing has never worked anyway, so here's hoping this approach will :-). Feel free to add me, I need all the support I can get!
  • coachfeliciad
    coachfeliciad Posts: 54 Member
    I'm disappointed in myself. I lost ~40 lbs. years ago on weight watchers but then fell into a lull of "happy times, happy food..." and gained it all back plus another 35. I've been trying to use myfitnesspal for awhile now but admittedly, haven't been good and sticking to my calorie goal.

    I'm frustrated because I was militant about it years ago and I can't seem to get that motivation back. I want to lose weight - I really do! But something happens in the middle of the day and...well...I nosh :/ Or eat crap.

    Know this all to well. It took time for me to fully commit. I had to take an approach. I focused on my "why". Why do I want to lose weight? Why do I need to? Why I can't give up. This helped. Try writing these out and answering them and then posting it all over so you can always see it. Hope this helps!! And talking also helps. Feel free to shoot me a message whenever. I'll be glad to help motivate you.

  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Gosh, I'm so glad you posted this. I'm in the same boat. I really want to loose weight and inches, but for the life of me I'm struggling with motivation.

    Emotionally, I am a little fragile at the moment and the smallest thing will upset and hurt me so deeply that I just want to lie in bed all day and don't work out. Eating is an effort. Even taking a bath is too much of a mission on some days.

    Then I read the "Success Stories" and think that I will NEVER get to post on that thread.

    Sorry to be a "Debbie Downer", I just wanted to share this with someone.
  • poojavasa7
    poojavasa7 Posts: 4 Member
    That's a good tip...answering the "why".....I will work on these and post it on my fridge I can remind myself of it and hopefully not get off tracked....thanks :smile: :smile:
  • livelaughloveandfitness
    Ive started over so many times Ive lost count! Just take it day by day! Set little goals for your self for the week or month. How I used to do it is I would tell my self I would cook 3 times that week or work out 3 times that week and so on! Im going to send you a friend request! Anyone is welcome to add me :)