Anyone else suddenly have zero motivation?



  • AaminahRaks
    AaminahRaks Posts: 13 Member
    Motivation ebbs and flows for me. Right now I'm okay weight and size-wise, and I can fit into a few articles of clothing that I couldn't last month, so I've gotten a bit lazy. Looking at images of bodies that appear the way I want to sometimes motivates me. That and reminding myself of how much more energy throughout the day I have when I do push that morning workout a bit harder!

    Looking at pictures is a good motivator for me too. I searched for models that are my height and goal weight then narrowed it down to ones that match my body type...totally changed my approach to diet and exercise since I have more realistic goals but its also contributes to laziness sometimes cause I'll think "I'm really not too far from that...guess I'll have some ice cream" lol :P
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    Never! Even when i am tired or dont feel well i always want to hit the gym.