Tell me the truth-opinion needed! :-)

Judging for what you see in this photo of me, do I look too skinny? I am not at this weight now (I am currently at 150 trying to get where I was in the pic) i was at 130 pounds at 5'8. It is in healthy range according to bmi but I'm one of those people who look smaller than actually are. My husband already says I am skinny but he doe not like it when I go for walks or eat healthy. Am I going overboard with this weight loss thing? Thank you!


  • Jetta_C
    Jetta_C Posts: 58
    Too skinny? Not at all. You look slim and healthy :)
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    I think it is strange that your husband doesn't like you improving your health. How could taking walks and eating well be wrong? There's nothing "overboard" about walking and fueling your body for long-term health. From your wedding pictures, it looks like your husband was quite overweight. Is he still? Not to speak out of turn, but maybe there are some insecurity issues to talk about because there's really nothing wrong with walking (unless you're in ED territory and walking to burn off all the calories you have eaten, for instance).

    I can't tell you much as to whether or not you look too skinny for a couple of reasons. First of which, it's not a full body picture so, I don't know what you looked like at 130. Secondly, I think there are different body types out there (within a healthy BMI range, give or take). As long as you feel confident, your doctor believes you're in great health, and you like the way you look, then be at the weight you want to be.

    And also, congratulations on your weight loss so far!!!
  • sarahkeedwell
    sarahkeedwell Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah, my husband put on more weight as the years went on. I was chubby when we were married too and when I saw the pictures, I went on a diet and then went to my 130 pounds here. Last year, I lost a job where I worked for eight years and had a deep depression and gained almost all the weight back but thankfully got a job that I love and starting again. I already lost four pounds so far. Its been two weeks and feel so great! 130 here I come! And thanks for you guys imput and support :-) Hopefully my husband will follow because he is only 30 and already on medication for cholesterol :-(
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Yes, in that picture, you look much too skinny. It's taken from a weird angle, though, so it's very hard to tell.

    You were too fat when you got married, but that doesn't mean you can't be too skinny now. If your husband is telling you that you're too thin, give it some thought. He loves you and wants you to be healthy, right? If he was supportive of your weight loss at first and is now telling you to pull in the reins, it might be time to stop.

    The best person to ask is your doctor. He can tell you how much you should weigh and give you recommendations on the kind of food you should be eating, he has no reason to lie and knows more than anyone else. Give him a call.
  • sarahkeedwell
    sarahkeedwell Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for the advice :-) My doctor says as long as I do not go below 125 lbs I be fine. Its not that I do not trust my husbands opinion or anything but he even said I was skinny on our wedding lo. so it is hard to find the truth or not. I do not want to look sick thats the thing, you know?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Your arms look very slender, but it may be the angle. It is difficult to tell with only seeing some of you. Really, it is your choice as to where you feel comfortable. You could settle for a higher weight, but with more muscle mass by focusing on weight training and a good diet, which could leave you the same size as you were at 130, but leaner. It is also a useful way to ensure a more efficient metabolism imo, that will allow you to eat more and give your body better protection as you get older.
  • IrisFlute
    IrisFlute Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, Sarah -

    Any particular photo can make us look thinner or fatter than we are in real life. I'll echo others here and say you should decide for yourself what weight you feel best at.

    You have the absolute sovereign right to choose what weight you feel happiest with -- it doesn't matter what any forum says and it also doesn't matter what your husband says. Please be aware that it is not OK for him to tell you what size you should be, or to discourage you from engaging in healthy behaviors (like eating healthy foods or getting exercise.)

    It can be tricky in the context of a close, loving marriage, but I really encourage you to recognize your own separate individual area of decision-making. You get to say what's best for your body.
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    All I see are muffins.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Thank you for the advice :-) My doctor says as long as I do not go below 125 lbs I be fine. Its not that I do not trust my husbands opinion or anything but he even said I was skinny on our wedding lo. so it is hard to find the truth or not. I do not want to look sick thats the thing, you know?
    He sounds like a good husband!

    If you're in the range the doctor gave you and you're happy with how you look, stay there. If you want to put on a few pounds to please your husband and see how you feel with that, go for it. You can always re-lose them if you want.

    Like someone else said, your weight is up to you. If people want to be overweight or underweight, flabby or all bulky, whatever. It's up to them and you don't need anyone's approval! But I do get wanting to ask others' opinions, not wanting to look sick or fat or whatever. It's human.

    Do what you want. :)

    Whatever makes you happy!
