Homemade Salad Dressing.....HELP!

So I am sick of trying to find a good salad dressing!!! They are eather high in fats and calories, or they are high in sodium. Plus they do not taste that good...LOL.

I have heard Avacado Oil is good for making a salad dressing. Olive Oil also....

Does anyone have a simple. yet tasty recipe you could share!!!!!! Maybe something with garlic....I will try anything at this point!!!



  • lhopex3
    lhopex3 Posts: 12
    Raspberry Lemon Vinaigrette (1 serving):
    - 1 tbsp raspberry vinegar
    - small amount of olive oil
    - juice from 1/2 of a lemon
    - black pepper
    - red pepper flakes
    - fresh parsley (only added at the end - let settle so that the dressing absorbs flavor)

    Garlic infused Vinaigrette (1 serving):
    - 1 tbsp brown rice vinegar
    - small amount of olive oil
    - 1 tsp honey
    - 1-2 tsp fresh garlic (pressed or minced)
    - black pepper
    - red pepper flakes
    - fresh parsley (only added at the end - let settle so that the dressing absorbs flavor)

    No sodium in either, calories and fat depend on how much olive oil you use - I use very little, and only a tiny bit of NATURAL sugar in the garlic infused dressing. These are my go-to's.
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    Little bit of olive oil. Little bit of balsamic or red wine vinegar. Salt. Pepper.

    Add it all right onto the greens.


  • abrooks54
    abrooks54 Posts: 45 Member
    Little bit of olive oil. Little bit of balsamic or red wine vinegar. Salt. Pepper.

    Add it all right onto the greens.


    this plus garlic and red pepper flakes
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    evoo, red vinegar and a few dashes of hot sauce
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    I love this site for salad dressing recipes
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I don't really measure things, but here's a favorite dressing of mine. I make one batch and it lasts all week:

    -1 cup 0% plain greek yogurt
    -Fresh chopped parsley
    -Minced garlic (I'm a garlic fiend - I put a lot in)
    -Fresh lemon juice (about 1 lemon, or however much you like)
    -1/2 tbs olive oil
    -pinch of salt

    Mix it up, let it chill in the fridge. YUM!

    Olive oil, lemon juice and dijon mustard is fabulously tangy for salads, too. Play with the ratios until you find something you like. Shake it all together and the dijon makes it so the oil doesn't separate from the rest. :)
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I do super simple...

    1 tbsp olive oil or flax seed oil
    1 tbsp lemon juice, lime juice, or apple cider vinegar

    Also, the tahini dressing for this salad is ABSOLUTELY hands down one of my all time favorite dressings:
  • laylasmommy67
    laylasmommy67 Posts: 38 Member
    I am addicted to Ranch, I could eat it with everything...so I make my own with Greek Yogurt and a Hidden Valley dry ranch dressing packet :) not the lowest sodium option, but you can adjust it to your taste and it adds a bit of protein. and it is pretty low on calories. I add 410ml of greek yogurt and 15g of the packet, it ends up being 38 calories and 335mg of sodium per 50g of dressing and 5 g of protein :)
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    I make my mayonnaise with avacado oil and add onion and chipolte, makes an awesome salad dressing.

    i use 1 tbls for 2 cups of spinach and it it is more then enough, about 80 calories