accurate caloires burned ?

I'm having trouble trying to get a good accurate calories burned when exercising
I'm on the cross trainer 30 mins sweating
the machine tells me 565 cal burn and my wrist heart rate monitor said 60 cal its a cheap eBay one and going on the myfitnesspal tell me i burned 333 calls so I'm getting frustrated and confused what should i do i don't want to over eat please help.


  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Yeap - join the club.. It's not an exact science, each of the devices use a different algorithm and model of' 'the world' and so give different results. I use a garmin GPS watch with HRM and fed the data into 3 different logging apps (Garmin, Strava and Endomundo) - and they give very different results too - so I tend to pick the lowest.

    - But your lowest is way too low, I reckon, so if I was you, I would use the next lowest number until you change your HRM.
  • Mogiamby
    Mogiamby Posts: 12
    Will depend on the level of resistance you had, RPMs etc. I agree it can be frustrating. I'd say the elliptical is a decent calorie burner and should burn upwards of 100 calories per 10 minutes if you're working up a good sweat.
  • Lettee4
    Lettee4 Posts: 81 Member
    eek! does the cross trainer measure your heart rate while you're on it? if its quite high throughout most of your workout (like, near the heart rate you get when you're running) i'd go with what mfp says!
  • ok thank for your help i going to buy a good quality HRM and see how i go
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    MFP sounds more like the burn for that workout ...the good thing if you're eating back exercise cals is to only eat back half and then you keep yourself right.
  • JoanneKendrick
    JoanneKendrick Posts: 151 Member
    I always round down with exercise calories burning just in case. So if I do 40 minutes cross trainer I put 200 calories burnt. I sweat like mad but still input lower calories.