Hello New here and looking for support!!

Hey all I just joined this site today and I am really excited. I have used another site similiar to this one in the past so I have an idea. Anyways I am looking for new freinds to help me along my way on my weightloss and I am hoping to help others as well. Anyways want to know anything else about me feel free to add me. I am from Alaska so I am also looking for people around here for support!! Anyways hello all!!


  • sarahcox08
    sarahcox08 Posts: 8 Member
    hye, im not from Alazska, infact I'm from London, UK but I wish you every success with your weightloss and am happy to help incrouage and congratulate your successes along the way if you would like to add me. Have a great week :)
  • bethy1987
    Thanks !!! Add request sent!!