hello accountability

Hi everyone!

nice site

Genetics tell me I need to be a big girl. I have been fighting my destiny my entire adult life. Welcome to my battle ;)


  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Your future may be a mystery, but your destiny is whatever you want it to be. Sometimes it's hard to find our strength, but we all have it in us. Ultimately, you are in control of your life. Genetics predict a persons susceptibility to weight gain, but not our ability to lose it, fight it, and keep it off. It's a battle, but you can do it! =) Even joining this site, is a good start. Everything counts. This site is so great, because it offers so much help, the members are really supportive which makes it easy to stay motivated. I may have only been here for a couple of days, but I'm in love with this site. I can see this being longterm. I actually kind of look forward to signing on and reporting what I've done. It keeps everything organized and organization always makes things easier somehow. I can't say too much seeing as how I haven't been here very long, but I think you'll enjoy this site as well!
  • sarahcox08
    sarahcox08 Posts: 8 Member
    hi, i only joined a few days ago too although I have been using the iphone Ap for a couple of weeks. Best of luck with your battle! I know how you feel... aparently my BMI tells me I should be between 8 and 10 stone... not been 10 stone since I was 12 :-P Like you i have battled and my weight has gone up and down all my adult life... we can do it!! Have a good week. :)
  • istayfly4her
    I wish the best of luck to both of y'all on your journey to weight loss... I've also have had the app for months but just recently added friends yesterday and asking for advice and reading comments. This website is really helpful.. Their are some many other ppl that can relate as I have found ppl who can relate to me and have already giving me great advice.. Look to others to help u out and let your destiny be your choosing!!
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    thanks for the welcomes :)

    Looking for some more friends here to where we can motivate each other !
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Welcome and good luck!! Feel free to add me :smile: