Need help with Activity level

Hi everyone. I've been having trouble lately with figuring out what I am seemingly doing wrong. I have lost 43lb+ while using myfitnesspal and I have been able to accurately guess my activity levels and have had good success, losing 2lb a week pretty consistantly. I am currently set on lightly active and I'm having around 1400 calories a day.

I work in a supermarket stacking shelves for 9-10 hours a night (3-5 nights a week) and I am constantly on my feet and lifting heavy things, often lifting crates of meat etc. I have around an hour break total so I can deduct an hour I guess. I work in the fridge type section so I don't really sweat or anything but I am tired from my shifts. I have been feeling light headed and unwell recently and I'm thinking I need to change my activity level and have more calories, but the problem is I am not losing any weight despite sticking to my 1400 which is putting me off changing my settings.

Would really appreciate any replies on this, I really value you guys experience and advice.


  • wolfcheater
    wolfcheater Posts: 2 Member

    You might have just hit a plateau. Depending on your target weight loss, the last 5-10 lbs are the hardest to lose (said my doctor). You don't have to sweat to lose weight. Sweating is just our body's response when our internal temperature reaches a certain temperature. Our body, then, is just trying to cool off. You also might need to up your calorie intake. When you don't consume enough calorie for your body's activities, your body shifts its focus on CONSERVING the calories so it will have fuel to power your activities. Also, try to schedule a visit to your doctor. There are many causes to lightheadedness and fatigue, including anemia and maybe pregnancy.

    I am not a doctor and you can certainly do what you want. But please take care of yourself and good luck in furthering your weight loss!
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    Definitely eat more on work days. Before, during and after working.
  • jenlaura
    jenlaura Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, thanks for your reply. I have around another 30lbs to lose ideally so I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. I am going to the doctors later today (unrelated, but I might just bring it up with them too)

    I suppose it could be down to a lot of things, water weight, potential period on it's way etc. I haven't lost any weight for around 2 weeks. It probably is just a matter of trying out different levels, I just wanted to maybe see if anyone else has experienced this and what their decision would be.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Two weeks could just be a fluctuation as noted. Are you clothes fitting better? Sometimes the scale isn't always the best judge of proress so you could try taking pictures and/or body measurements.

    Something to keep in mind and try... It could be more a matter of what you're eating vs how much you're eating. For me, most carby foods tend not to stick with me as long as foods higher in protein and healthy fats. Or I have to make sure I pair the carbs with protein/fat. If not, I can get really tired and even woozy as the carbs get burned up quickly and I'm out of fuel. Protein and healthy fats will stick with you much longer. I can't see what you're eating so I'll try to use a general example:

    Say you're eating a typical breakfast of cereal, milk and fruit. This is mostly carbs so maybe have eggs or greek yogurt and fruit instead. Or if you eat salads, add lean proteins (chicken, legumes, cheese) and use a full fat dressing and it may stick with you longer.

    ETA: It could be a matter of needing to change your weekly weight loss goals. When you started, 1.5-2 pounds per week was reasonable but with 30 pounds left to lose, 1 pound per week would be more reasonable.