How often do you weigh yourself?

douglernerold Posts: 57
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
How often do you weigh yourself?

I know a lot of people say you shouldn't, but I can't resist weighing myself every day.

On a day I lose even a little I'm elated and my will-power is strong. On a day weight doesn't change I'm subdued. On a day I gain weight, even a teensy bit, I get depressed and think it's all over and I might as well go off my diet.

I know it's dumb. But I can't help but check my weight every morning.



  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I weight myself about once a week. Unless I'm bored, then I will go weight myself haha.

    I try not to though. Sometimes the scale is going to go up because of building muscle. So I don't want to get discouraged.
  • I weigh myself every day too. I'm trying to change that though.
  • hmmm... do I admit to this... about 3 or 4 times....a day!!! LOL! Every time i walk past my scales I jump on them, but tbh I don't really care if it is up or down or whatever, I just get excited if I hit a new 'low'. I find it amazing how much it fluctuates in a day, I can fluctuate about 2kg in a day depending how hydrated I am etc.
  • I used to be like that but I'm trying to break the habit. I set myself a goal of two weeks between weigh-ins. So far I've only cracked once...
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    I was scale obsessed too and it got me nowhere. Like you said one day when you weigh less you're elated and other days you feel like crap which in turn makes you eat more, atleast that was the case with me. so i quit the whole scale obsession and just concentrated on working out and eating healthy. i weigh myself either once a week or once in two weeks as compared to my earlier weigh ins of 5 -6 times per day. :p
  • Once a week. Doing it every day will just drive you crazy. Your body will change day to day between building muscle and burning fat. The same day every week is the best way to look at your results.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi ya i'm afraid i'm a twice a day person!!!! :)
    morning and night,,,just to keep an eye on it make sure no one has added on a extra 10 lbs!!!! lol
  • I don't do it that often because it's usually just going to tell me that I've not achieved what I'm kidding myself into thinking I'm doing... trouble is if I leave it too long, then sometimes it can be a bigger shock and also I've noticed that drinking lots of water can make a huge difference. I'm scared of it it in the same way I'm scared of looking at my bank balance :)
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    I weight myself once a week. I can't do it everyday. I keep wanting it to move faster LOL.
  • SWorthington
    SWorthington Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning,
    I look at the scale every other day. I love it when I see an ounce or so gone. It keeps me motivated. If I know I ddin't do well I avoid the scale. If I avoid it more than a week, then I know I am way off track. So I have to look at it to keep on track.
  • Weekdays, once in the morning and once when I get back from school to get an idea of where I'll be the next day. On weekends, once in the morning and once after every meal.
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    I was doing it every day. This week, I was determined to do it just twice a week! I did it and it worked. There was a lower difference each time and it was such an encouragement. When I do it every day and it get stucks one day, then I figure "What the hey!" and I'm eating what I want. I stuck to it this week and now the scale is my treat.....a scary treat.....I'll try for once a week this coming week but if I can't, then I'm shooting for Thursday! LOL
  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    Once a day for me. Same time when I wake up in the morning. I need the daily news to stay current. I go through the exact same emotions as you but that is exactly what I need to fix in my brain. I believe we need as much info we can gather about our body and reactions to food and exercise. On bad days I go to MFP and report my weight for the last 90 days then I recover. I also think about how I felt eating the foods I did before I started this journey. We've come too far to turn back now :drinker:
  • I work in a womens gym and you should try and just weigh yourself once a week. You will fluctuate anythin between 3-5 pounds a day. In the long run it will keep you motivated! Well done on the weight loss so far!
  • I weigh myself everyday. If I see a loss I'm motivated to lose more. If I see a gain I'm motivated not to make yesterdays mistakes. If it's the same I work a bit harder than the day before. Without constant updates I fall off the wagon real quick.
  • hajjcomb
    hajjcomb Posts: 118 Member
    2-5 times a week. Sometimes daily. I disagree with people who say not to weigh yourself daily. I think more frequent scale use is a good thing. In fact there are studies that have shown that people who weigh themselves more often lose more weight. I think it helps to keep you more honest and in check.

    The key is your psychology around weighing yourself though. You cannot get negative, regardless of what the scale says. Weight loss is great. No weight gain is very good. A little weight gain can happen and just means it's time to be a little more mindful and steel your resolve. No need to get upset and feel defeated. The human body does not always act/respond in a linear and graduated manner.
  • I hate weighing myself because the scale never changes. one day I realized that my scale was off by 5 pounds. it was nice to findout i weighed 5 pounds less than i did. stress off my back!

    I would once a week. I do every wednesday morning before i eat anything.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Once a week, usually on a Sunday.

    I want to maintain a natural relationship with food / exercise / body image and have absolutely no intention to drive myself mad over this and become all preoccupied with 'weighing'. :huh:
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    I weigh myself everyday. If I see a loss I'm motivated to lose more. If I see a gain I'm motivated not to make yesterdays mistakes. If it's the same I work a bit harder than the day before. Without constant updates I fall off the wagon real quick.

    I weigh myself everyday and use it as a motivator like Anna there...I also measure myself every other day...and that helps on the days when the scale doesn't move. :happy:
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I started out weighing myself every day, but after everybody mentioned the daily fluctuations, I just decided to stick with a weekly weighing.
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