Help With Losing

I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I've been on here for a while and I'm not losing anything. I usually have a net of no higher then 1400, with it usually being closer to 1200. I've actually gained on this and I don't know why. I'm getting really discouraged and really don't know what to do. Any help is appreciated


  • christinalong1991
    christinalong1991 Posts: 74 Member
    If you are logging correctly, than I would guess it may be one of two things:
    water weight
    Or more likely, you're not measuring accurately and estimating portions so you are actually eating my than you think you are and overestimating your exercise. Do you weigh/measure everything?? I learned today that 1 cup of grapes, at 151 grams, is actually much less than one cup measured of grapes. I always used measuring cups not weighing, so for something as simple as grapes, I was off by quite a few calories. Maybe an issue such as this?
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Calories in calories out.

    If you're by losing you're taking in too many calories

    People under estimate their caloric intake and over estimate their caloric output all the time.

    Weigh and measure your food, track every ingredient if it contains calories and subtract a bit from the calories burned that mfp and the machines tell you.

    If you're not losing, it's all because of your calories in and calories out.

    If you do it perfectly and still aren't losing. See your doctor
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You're 5'4 and weigh 105?? Maybe you're already there?
  • marc_santos83
    Your metabolism is funny thing. You have to realize that it will adapt and try to make use of the materials (food) it's given. The fact that your intake is ONLY 1200 to 1400 cals is very low. And while calories in calories out does hold true, it loses it's effect once the metabolism adapts to a lower caloric intake.

    Your metabolism must allocate it's calories in a hierarchy of needs. You have involuntary actions that require energy such as breathing, turning over of new cells, waste production and removal, pumping blood, etc. Your body simply wont allow you to lose any more weight, short of starving yourself.

    This answer may not be the one you want, but it is most likely the one that will help you in the long run. You must eat more. You must take a break from dieting and increase your caloric intake slowly, preferably to about 1800 to 2000. Increasing your caloric intake about 50 to 100 calories a day. Carbohydrates, are preferable to increase a metabolic rate, but within your 50 to 100 cals limit. You will gain some initial weight, but when you decide to diet again, you will be in a better position to lose weight as long as you take care of your metabolism.

    For more information please search Metabolic adaptation.

    If you need help figuring out this process feel free to reach out.

    Good luck,

    Marc Santos
    "happiness must be cultivated, not pursued."
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Are you logging all of your food honestly? If not, it surprising how much a few little bits here and there can add up to have you way over your calorie goal for the day. How are you exercising? Are you working out 2-3 times/week or 5-6 times for week? We need some more info to really help you out.

  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You're 5'4 and weigh 105?? Maybe you're already there?

    Good catch!!
  • flyingwithangels
    If you are logging correctly, than I would guess it may be one of two things:
    water weight
    Or more likely, you're not measuring accurately and estimating portions so you are actually eating my than you think you are and overestimating your exercise. Do you weigh/measure everything?? I learned today that 1 cup of grapes, at 151 grams, is actually much less than one cup measured of grapes. I always used measuring cups not weighing, so for something as simple as grapes, I was off by quite a few calories. Maybe an issue such as this?

    Thank you. I don't have a scale to measure food so I think I'll need to get one. Maybe that is a contributing factor
  • flyingwithangels
    You're 5'4 and weigh 105?? Maybe you're already there?

    I gained a lb so now I'm at 106, but before I was at 98 so I'm wondering why I'm having such trouble getting back there. I did it before...
  • flyingwithangels
    Are you logging all of your food honestly? If not, it surprising how much a few little bits here and there can add up to have you way over your calorie goal for the day. How are you exercising? Are you working out 2-3 times/week or 5-6 times for week? We need some more info to really help you out.


    I try to be as honest as possible and really hold myself accountable. I exercise most days at least a little
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    At your weight I'd personally focus on measurements not a magic number on a scale.

    Go for a body fat analysis, if you don't like the number, increase your fitness, not reduce your calories.
  • cburke719
    Have you tried alternating your routine or the foods you normally eat. If on a diet for a long time sometimes your body will adjust and you hit a plateau. You need to change something to get off the plateau but it can be done.

    Try changing your exercise routine, drink lots of water, eat less and accurately log all foods and drinks you intake. I've found about the only way to lose weight is to honestly log all the foods/drinks you consume. If you don't you are only hiding it from yourself and no one else.

    I came into round 2 of dieting with absolutely no will power but my body demanded that I lose weight. When I go over 200lbs like I recently did my body tends to launch into a full attack against me and I end up in terrific pain.

    I finally joined in effort on MyFitnessPal and with the help of the website and new friends, I've picked up more will power and I'm really focused on losing all the weight I've re-gained and get back down to my goal of 155lbs.

    You have to just keep pushing yourself if you want to lose weight and become healthier and more active.

    Good Luck! We are here for you....
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    At your weight I'd personally focus on measurements not a magic number on a scale.

    Go for a body fat analysis, if you don't like the number, increase your fitness, not reduce your calories.


    The number on the scale doesn't dictate (completely) how you look. There is something called body's not about losing pounds, but about decreasing your body fat %. You might just want a leaner look. Just losing weight without fitness (strength training) can be fat+muscle loss.
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    You're 5'4 and weigh 105?? Maybe you're already there?

    Good catch!!
    Their ticker also says 19 lbs lost....

    Uhm, this a serious thread? I'm starting to wonder.
  • flyingwithangels
    You're 5'4 and weigh 105?? Maybe you're already there?

    Good catch!!
    Their ticker also says 19 lbs lost....

    Uhm, this a serious thread? I'm starting to wonder.

    This is a serious thread. I genuinely wanna know what I'm doing wrong and how I can get back to my 98 lbs. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it. Just give advice the best to your ability. I already have enough people in my life who criticize me and wanna make me fat. I don't need that on here
  • flyingwithangels
    Thank you to those of you who have actually been helpful
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I've been on here for a while and I'm not losing anything. I usually have a net of no higher then 1400, with it usually being closer to 1200. I've actually gained on this and I don't know why. I'm getting really discouraged and really don't know what to do. Any help is appreciated
    Your ticker says you've lost 18 pounds. How is that not losing anything?

    If you've truly been eating 1200 calories, you would have lost weight. If you want more concrete advice, you might want to open up your diary. That said, you are most likely eating more than you realize by underestimating calories in and overestimating calories out. It's pretty common.

    Do you weigh your food? Log everything you eat? Make sure you are making correct entries?

    Where do you get your exercise calories from? If you use MFP, gym machine, or any internet or IPhone app counts, they are generally overestimated. I would say to eat only about half of those back.

    Good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You're 5'4 and weigh 105?? Maybe you're already there?

    Good catch!!
    Their ticker also says 19 lbs lost....

    Uhm, this a serious thread? I'm starting to wonder.

    This is a serious thread. I genuinely wanna know what I'm doing wrong and how I can get back to my 98 lbs. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it. Just give advice the best to your ability. I already have enough people in my life who criticize me and wanna make me fat. I don't need that on here
    You're 5 ft 4 and want to get back to 98 pounds? You need to speak to a professional about this, because that would make you very underweight. If you don't already have an eating disorder, it looks like you are headed down that road. Please get help.
  • flyingwithangels
    I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I've been on here for a while and I'm not losing anything. I usually have a net of no higher then 1400, with it usually being closer to 1200. I've actually gained on this and I don't know why. I'm getting really discouraged and really don't know what to do. Any help is appreciated
    Your ticker says you've lost 18 pounds. How is that not losing anything?

    If you've truly been eating 1200 calories, you would have lost weight. If you want more concrete advice, you might want to open up your diary. That said, you are most likely eating more than you realize by underestimating calories in and overestimating calories out. It's pretty common.

    Do you weigh your food? Log everything you eat? Make sure you are making correct entries?

    Where do you get your exercise calories from? If you use MFP, gym machine, or any internet or IPhone app counts, they are generally overestimated. I would say to eat only about half of those back.

    Good luck!

    I've lost that over a year and over the past like 6 months I've lost nothing and been gaining
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You have a BMI of 18.

    You are already underweight.
    You think those concerned about your welfare are trying to make you fat...that is classic ED thinking.
    Seek professional help.

    Anyone advising you on how to lose more weight is, imo, irresponsible.
  • flyingwithangels
    You're 5'4 and weigh 105?? Maybe you're already there?

    Good catch!!
    Their ticker also says 19 lbs lost....

    Uhm, this a serious thread? I'm starting to wonder.

    This is a serious thread. I genuinely wanna know what I'm doing wrong and how I can get back to my 98 lbs. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it. Just give advice the best to your ability. I already have enough people in my life who criticize me and wanna make me fat. I don't need that on here
    You're 5 ft 4 and want to get back to 98 pounds? You need to speak to a professional about this, because that would make you very underweight. If you don't already have an eating disorder, it looks like you are headed down that road. Please get help.

    That would give me a BMI of around 17 and I don't think that makes me very underweight. Thank you for your concern though